HonTe Advisors LLC is a U.S. based limited liability company (hereinafter “HonTe Advisors”, “HonTe”, “we”, “us”,
“our”, the “Firm”, or the “Investment Manager”) which was incorporated in Delaware in July 2015. The Firm’s
founder and Chief Investment Officer, Alex Gurevich, is the principal owner of the firm (the “Principal”).
HonTe Advisors provides discretionary investment management services to the private funds it advises: HonTe LH
Macro Master Fund, LP, a Cayman Islands exempt limited partnership (the “Master Fund”); HonTe LH Macro Onshore
Fund, LP (the “Onshore Fund”); and HonTe LH Macro Offshore Fund, Ltd (the “Offshore Fund”). The Onshore and
Offshore Funds invest all of their assets in the Master Fund. In addition to these Funds, HonTe Advisors also has
investment discretion over an additional private fund, Oasis HonTe LLC, referred to as the “Managed Account”
(together, with any separately managed accounts managed by HonTe Advisors in the future, the "Separately
Managed Accounts"). The Master Fund, Offshore Fund and Onshore Fund are collectively referred to as the “Funds”).
The Funds and Separately Managed Accounts that HonTe Advisors may advise or sub-advise are referred to as
“Clients” throughout this Brochure. Clients of HonTe Advisors currently follow investment programs that result in
significant overlap in investments, although they may not at all times or in the future. Investment restrictions for the
private fund clients are generally established in the applicable
governing document such as a limited partnership
agreement or private placement memorandum or investment management agreement in the case of a Separately
Managed Account (collectively “Governing Documents”). HonTe Advisors does not tailor our advisory services to the
individual needs of any particular investor although we may enter into side letters with certain investors addressing
investor-specific concerns.
HonTe Capital Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the “General Partner”) and an affiliate of the Firm
acts as general partner of the Onshore Fund and the Master Fund.
We do not currently participate in any Wrap Fee Programs.
As of December 31st, 2022, we had regulatory assets under management (RAUM) in the amount of $170,038,748
which we manage on a discretionary basis. We aim to pursue a long-horizon, discretionary global macro strategy
which seeks to provide an uncorrelated revenue stream using a broad selection of listed and OTC products, including
interest-rate derivatives, FX, commodities, cryptocurrency and equity products and securities, including both publicly
traded and privately held securities. The Funds are agnostic of benchmarks and single-market forecasts, and favor
relatively long holding periods commensurate with longer-term market forces rather than single events. The strategy
aims to weather short-term volatility for long-term gains by exercising quantitative risk controls to preserve capital.