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Fundraising Drought? What Fundraising Drought?

Back in April, we took at look at some of the Form ADV data to see how many times a private fund changed auditor. In case you missed it, here is the link to that one.

So, now that the first half of the year is in the books, we decided to take a look at the filings data again but this time from a different perspective – just how many private funds have filed a Form D in H1 this year and what, if anything, can we deduce about the results?

Well, the first thing to note is that, by any measure, the private funds industry seems to remain in good health.  

According to 9AT data, 5,632 Form D filings were submitted to the SEC between January 1st and June 30th this year, good for a total Gross Asset Value (GAV) of $146bn.* Of those, 462 were hedge funds ($5.8bn), 1,563 were private equity funds ($76.1bn), 2,583 were venture capital funds ($27.1bn), and 1,024 were ‘other’ private funds ($37bn).

Table 1: Form D Filings, Jan-Jun 2024, Gross Asset Value, by Type 




Hedge Fund


$ 5,835,772,494



$ 36,967,567,668

Private Equity Fund


$ 76,116,296,889

Venture Capital Fund


$ 27,105,706,746

*On occasion, filers may put the same GAV on multiple filings for the same product, which can lead to double counting in certain situations

Source: 9AT

At the domicile level, naturally, the United States occupies top spot, but in terms of offshore locations, Cayman is, once again, the most common offshore jurisdiction in the Americas for Form D filings in the US, accounting for 245 of the Form D filings in the first half of the year, followed by Luxembourg (114 filings). Ireland, a popular domicile in Europe for European managers launching a UCITS vehicle, saw only 10 filings in H1.

Table 2: Form D Filings, Jan-June 2024, Number of Filings by Domicile 


Number of Filings

United States








United Kingdom


Source: 9AT

But what most folks really want to know is who is raising money. And it’s mostly the private equity types.

Of the top 10, 5 are private equity funds, 3 ‘other’ funds, one venture capital fund and one hedge fund*. 41 funds in total are raising $1bn or more.

Table 3: Form D Filings, Jan-June 2024, Largest Filings, Type and Gross Asset Value** 

Fund Name

Fund Type


Nautic Partners XI, L.P. 

Nautic Partners XI-A, L.P.

private equity fund

 $ 3,750,000,000 

Pomona Capital XI (Offshore), L.P.

Pomona Capital XI, L.P.

private equity fund

 $ 3,500,000,000 

Stellex Capital Partners III LP

Stellex Capital Partners III-A LP

private equity fund

 $ 3,000,000,000 

Ninety One Global Alternative Fund 2 SCSp - RAIF - Africa Credit Opportunities Fund 3A


 $ 3,000,000,000 

ARCH Venture Fund XIII, L.P.

venture capital fund

 $ 3,000,000,000 

Sterling Group Partners VI, L.P.

Sterling Group Partners VI (Parallel), L.P.

private equity fund

 $ 2,750,000,000 

Bridge Workforce & Affordable Housing Fund III LP

Bridge Workforce & Affordable Housing Fund III-R LP

Bridge Workforce & Affordable Housing Fund III International Master LP

Bridge Workforce & Affordable Housing Fund III International LP


$ 2,500,0000,000

Heitman Value Partners VI, L.P.


$ 2,000,000,000

CDOF IV Cayman Fund, L.P.

CDOF IV Delaware Fund, L.P.

Hedge fund

$ 2,000,000,000

Kline Hill Partners Feeder Fund V LP

Kline Hill Partners Offshore Feeder Fund V LP

Private Equity Fund

$ 1,600,000,000

Source: 9AT

*Filers select the option of their choosing; 9AT does not change the definition in its database, regardless of whether industry participants might consider the fund to be a hedge fund, real estate fund, etc.

**The GAV listed in Table 3 for some funds is an aggregate amount of one or more funds, for example, the onshore and offshore versions of the same fund. We have combined those here, where applicable.

The data is notable, especially given the significant coverage in the trade media around the current fundraising climate. Industry data tracking firms across the board are showing that a significant pull back in allocating to private funds such as hedge funds and private equity is occurring, and industry conferences are replete with panels asking when the fundraising environment might begin to pick up.

We’re not saying that there isn’t a fundraising challenge right now. The prevailing interest rate and the geopolitical environment makes allocating to more liquid fixed income strategies more appealing both in terms of an acceptable yield and a perceived safe haven, and certainly, some private asset classes are struggling to maintain an acceptable spread over the risk-free rate.

But an industry that’s raising $146bn in six months arguably doesn’t show an industry that’s struggling either. Plenty of brand name managers are out there raising capital, and there are plenty of opportunities across a range of asset classes where that capital can be deployed.

What will be interesting is whether the second half of 2024 picks up. The recent court ruling in the United States at the beginning of June, where a group of trade associations banded together to sue the SEC alleging an overreach of authority with regards to the regulator’s Private Fund Adviser rule, has been welcomed in many quarters as a win for the space. All things being equal, it might be expected that a clearer regulatory environment (and a less onerous one) should be a catalyst for managers who have been sitting on the sidelines to now file their Form D and officially get out into the market to raise money.

We’ll have to wait until January 2025 to find out how the market fares in the second half of this year. 

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Artificial Intelligence Increasingly Important for Private Fund Managers’ Middle and Back Office

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been deployed by asset managers in their investment strategy, particularly those that invest in and trade the public equity markets. The sheer volume of price history alone, for example, lends itself well to a technology that can analyse and determine patterns in minutes, as opposed to the weeks it would take a human to perform the same task.

Until the past few years, spending money on AI technology in the middle and back office has been less of a focus for asset managers. After all, it’s the less ‘sexy’ part of the business and has historically played second fiddle to the ‘rockstars’ of the front office.

That’s changing, however. And for a few reasons.

First is the continued fee compression seen in the private markets. As more firms and funds launch, competition increases, driving down costs - classic demand and supply forces. Asset managers need to find ways to lower their own costs so that they can deploy more capital (or maintain the spend) into the investment function. AI is a perfect use case for this; automating tasks previously done manually and speeding up other processes, both of which can save money.

Second is the ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) created by the recent explosion in the use of generative content tools like ChatGPT. These tools – which are improving seemingly by the week – can support an asset management firm with producing investor letters and notifying the appropriate people about any potential cybersecurity issues, are just two of many use cases for this technology.

Third is the increasing regulatory burden placed on asset managers in the market. Costs in the compliance function continue to increase due to the ever longer reach of the regulators. These costs aren’t purely hard currency costs; the time costs of compliance impact investment firms here as well. AI can save time and money supporting the compliance function, whether internal or outsourced, with both analysis and reporting.

Fourth is in trade reconciliation. While this is more specific to hedge funds than illiquid private fund categories, the recent move to T+1 settlement in the United States, Canada and Mexico has placed even more emphasis on the need for swift trade matching, and AI’s ability to analyse extensive data sets in order to match trades accurately is a clear use case here.

These themes are all medium to long term, structural trends, which are not going away. A quote often attributed to Bill Gates goes something like this: “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.” The asset management version of this would seemingly be, 

“If your asset management business is not using AI in the middle and back office, your asset management business will be out of business.” 

AI is already an established tool for the portfolio manager to effectively implement their investment strategy. Now, it’s an essential tool for the middle and back office, too.


Editor's Picks:

The Importance of Getting In at the Start for Hedge Fund Technology Service Providers

Despite the enormous amounts of money that they control, most hedge fund firms are ‘small’ companies: small in the sense of the number of people they employ. 

And those that they do employ are busy. Not only is that because all small firms, regardless of industry, tend to exhibit more freneticism on a day-to-day basis than their larger counterparts; it’s because everyone, not just the investment professionals, are watching the markets alongside doing their actual job. 

Certainly, they are usually too busy to proactively source new technology suppliers. Most hedge fund firms change their tech when something goes wrong with their existing one or prices rise to what they consider to be an unacceptable level. But they will tolerate price rises to a degree, and the odd glitch or display of poor customer support now and then, because changing providers requires not only sourcing a new one but onboarding it and learning a new system. There are no cost problems in business, only revenue ones, as the saying goes. Ergo, displacing tech competitors is difficult in hedge fund world.

That is why it’s important to get in at the beginning.

According to Form D data collected by 9AT, 299 hedge fund filings were submitted to the SEC in the first four months of this year. Of course, not all of those are emerging or start-up managers, so those existing firms launching new funds will have a tech infrastructure in place already. But plenty enough will be, and the data referenced here is only for the period January – April this year, which means eight more months of filings – and therefore, new hedge funds - coming to market in the remainder of 2024 for sales reps at tech firms to get excited about.

Of course, most of these new firms and funds will have used certain providers at a previous job and will already have their favorites. But it is also true that many of these firms will want to establish their own identity, taking a greenfield implementation approach to how they build their technology infrastructure. And they are often cost-conscious as well, meaning that firms with a more competitive price point have a better chance of success with the newer and emerging manager cohort.

And for firms that have technology that can be applied to many other silos in the alternative investment industry, there is an even larger audience to target. According to Form D data collected by 9AT, there were 998 Form D private equity filings in the first four months of this year, and 1,714 Form D venture capital filings, many more than in the hedge fund space.

There are, of course, many more hurdles for technology companies to negotiate on the route to new customer acquisition success. Tailoring the pitch to the fund’s strategy being one; back in the hedge fund space, it is well documented that equity hedge strategies comprise the preponderance of new launches overall, but not all of them will want the latest and greatest in public-equity related tech. And compliance being another – the SEC’s pending cybersecurity regulations for fund managers means that these firms will be more focused on whether new tech firms can reach a higher compliance bar.

Those hurdles are high – it’s not easy selling tech to a hedge fund. But those technology service providers that do get into new hedge fund firms at the ground level could, in time, enjoy the same competitive advantage that incumbent providers enjoy at the more established firms. 

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