General Industrial Partners LLP (hereinafter “GIP”, the “Investment Manager”, or the “Firm”)
is a limited liability partnership incorporated in the United Kingdom. The Firm was founded in
May 2015 by its Managing Member and Chief Investment Officer, Cyrus de Weck. The Firm is
authorised and regulated to carry on an investment business in the UK by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
The Firm provides investment advisory services to clients on a discretionary basis.
GIP provides discretionary investment management services to accredited investors through
its private pooled investment fund: Portsea Master Fund SICAV Ltd (the “Master Fund”).
Portsea Master Fund SICAV Ltd is a multi-fund investment company with variable share capital
of unlimited duration constituted as a limited liability company on 16 November 2015 under
the provisions of the Maltese Companies Act with registration number CIS SV 387.
The Master Fund has been licensed by the MFSA under the Investment Services Act as an AIF
targeting Qualifying Investors and Professional Investors. The Master Fund receives
investments from Portsea Fund SICAV PLC, a Malta based private fund, and Portsea US Feeder
Fund LLC, a Delaware private fund.
The South Place Special Purpose Fund LP is registered in the Cayman Islands as an exempted
limited partnership which was formed on January 6, 2021 and commenced operations on
March 1, 2021. The Partnership’s general partner is General Industrial Partners GP Limited
(formerly known as South Place General Partner Limited), (the “General Partner”), a Cayman
Islands exempted limited company. The General Partner’s registered office address is c/o
Maples Corporate Services Limited, PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman KY1-1104,
Cayman Islands.
The purpose of the Partnership was to seek to generate good returns for investors by investing
substantially all of its assets in (i) the ordinary shares of GCX Holdings Limited (“GCX”).
(ii) the
liquidating trust of GCX (the “Liquidating Trust”) Escrow CUSIP G37ESCAA1 (“Escrow bonds”)
and (iii) any securities issued pursuant to a reorganization or restructuring of GCX.
Following an internal restructuring the board has decided to close both the Portsea Master
Fund SICAV Ltd and the South Place Special Purpose Fund LP and compulsorily redeem
investors as of 30th June 2022. The funds are expected to be fully liquidated upon completion
of the final audit of the vehicles in 2023.
The Private Funds are managed by Portsea AIFM Malta Ltd (“AIFM” or “Manager”). Portsea
AIFM Malta Limited was authorised as a category 2 Licence Holder by the Maltese Financial
Services Authority in December 2015. The AIFM has delegate Portfolio Management and
Marketing to GIP.
The Manager is owned by Portsea Holdings Malta Ltd, which is controlled by Mr de Weck.
In addition to the Private Funds, The Firm also provides subadvisory services on a discretionary
basis to clients (“Segregated Accounts”).
Unless specified otherwise, from hereinafter the Partnership, Feeder Fund and Master Fund
will be referred to collectively as the “Fund”; while the Fund and Segregated Accounts will be
collectively referred to as the “Clients”.
The Fund is managed pursuant to the objectives specified in the materials by which the Fund
offers its ownership interests to investors. GIP does not tailor its services to individual investor
needs and the Fund’s investors do not have the right to specify, restrict, or influence the
Fund’s investment objectives or any investment or trading decisions.
As of March 31, 2023, GIP had $2.3 million of regulatory assets under management (“RAUM”).