Preston Capital, LLC (“Preston Capital” or the "Adviser”) is a Delaware limited liability
company organized in July 2023. The ultimate beneficiaries of Adviser are Jon Nelson, Chief
Executive Officer, Jonathan Hogan, President and Chief Financial Officer, and Jonathan
Brooks, Managing Director.
Preston Capital provides investment advisory services to privately offered pooled investment
vehicles (each a “Client”, and collectively “Clients” or the “Fund”), the principal entities of
which are:
• Dogwood II LP, a South Dakota limited partnership, whose general partner is Market
Garden Acquisition GP (Cayman) Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company under
common control with the Adviser.
• Lodur Capital ICAV, an Irish collective asset management vehicle (“ICAV”) whose
alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) is JTC Global AIFM Solutions (Ireland)
Ltd., and who is advised by Adviser as a delegated investment manager.
The Fund is organized in a master-feeder structure, with the Lodur Capital ICAV investing all
or substantially all of its assets into Dogwood II, LP. Any reference to the Fund as used herein
encompasses the
entire master-feeder structure comprised of Lodur Capital ICAV and
Dogwood II LP. The Fund is closed to new investment.
Preston Capital, LLC's advisory services are limited to providing investment analysis for life
contingent assets, specifically life settlements, which are longevity-based investments whose
return is primarily derived by the longevity of an underlying life that is insured by a life
insurance policy sold in the secondary or tertiary market for life insurance. The Fund is
managed in accordance with the objectives and strategies outlined in that Fund’s offering
documents and Adviser does not tailor its investment advice to the needs of the individual
investors (“Investors”) in the Fund. The Fund is closed to new Investors. Please see Items 5, 8,
12 and 14 for additional information regarding Adviser’s investment strategy, the role of
related companies in executing the investment program, and related fees.
As of March 13, 2024, Preston Capital, LLC has total regulatory assets under management of
$1,040,000,000, all of which is managed on a discretionary basis. Adviser does not advise assets
on a non-discretionary basis.