Invesco Advisers is a financial services company currently based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It has been founded by John Southard.

Company Profile

As of Date 02/03/2025
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- Outside the United States
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company
Number of Employees 5,542 -3.31%
of those in investment advisory functions 1,544 0.85%
AUM* 1,612,973,434,356 7.33%
of that, discretionary 1,374,667,334,149 2.01%
Private Fund GAV* 521,074,596,322 -0.64%
Avg Account Size 33,203,784 0.28%
High Net Worth 1.41% -20.85%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 143 22

Client Types

- High net worth individuals
- Banking or thrift institutions
- Investment companies
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- State or municipal government entities
- Other investment advisers
- Insurance companies
- Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions
- Corporations or other businesses not listed above
- Other

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses
- Selection of other advisers
- Educational seminars/workshops

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

1,432B 1,227B 1,023B 818B 614B 409B 205B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeHedge Fund Count23 GAV$10,857,237,744
Fund TypeLiquidity Fund Count4 GAV$22,295,761,975
Fund TypePrivate Equity Fund Count39 GAV$4,075,385,867
Fund TypeReal Estate Fund Count15 GAV$450,354,535,436
Fund TypeSecuritized Asset Fund Count33 GAV$15,236,818,046
Fund TypeVenture Capital Fund Count3 GAV$20,349,301
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count26 GAV$18,234,507,953

Related Companies

Adviser City, State AUM Employees SMA’s Private Funds
INVESCO ADVISERS, INC. City, StateATLANTA, GA, United States AUM$746.3 b Employees2,895 SMA’sYES Private Funds49
INVESCO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC City, StateDOWNERS GROVE, IL, United States AUM$545.5 b Employees220 SMA’sYES Private Funds0
INVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD. City, StateHENLEY-ON-THAMES, United Kingdom AUM$107.4 b Employees964 SMA’sYES Private Funds0
INVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT (JAPAN) LIMITED City, StateTOKYO, Japan AUM$56.5 b Employees114 SMA’sYES Private Funds0
INVESCO SENIOR SECURED MANAGEMENT, INC. City, StateNEW YORK, NY, United States AUM$31.1 b Employees91 SMA’sYES Private Funds39
INVESCO HONG KONG LIMITED City, StateHONG KONG, China AUM$26.0 b Employees218 SMA’sYES Private Funds0
INVESCO CANADA LTD. City, StateTORONTO, ONTARIO, Canada AUM$18.2 b Employees635 SMA’sYES Private Funds2
INVESCO MANAGED ACCOUNTS, LLC City, StateSEATTLE, WA, United States AUM$17.5 b Employees55 SMA’sYES Private Funds0
INVESCO REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT S.� R.L. City, StateLUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg AUM$15.2 b Employees43 SMA’sYES Private Funds13
INVESCO LOAN MANAGER, LLC City, StateNEW YORK, NY, United States AUM$14.6 b Employees91 SMA’sNO Private Funds33
INVESCO INVESTMENT ADVISERS LLC City, StateDOWNERS GROVE, IL, United States AUM$5.1 b Employees10 SMA’sNO Private Funds0
INVESCO PRIVATE CAPITAL, INC. City, StateNEW YORK, NY, United States AUM$769.1 m Employees21 SMA’sYES Private Funds7

Related Companies Historical AUM

INVESCO INVESTMENT ADVISERS LLCINVESCO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLCINVESCO GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ASIA PACIFIC, INC.INVESCOINVESCO HONG KONG LIMITEDINVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.INVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND GMBHINVESCO ADVISERS, INC.INVESCO SENIOR SECURED MANAGEMENT, INC.INVESCO PRIVATE CAPITAL, INC.INVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT (JAPAN) LIMITEDINVESCO MANAGED ACCOUNTS, LLCINVESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT (INDIA) PVT. LTD.INVESCO REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT S.� R.L.INVESCO EUROPEAN RR L.PINVESCO RR FUND L.PINVESCO LOAN MANAGER, LLC201520162017201820192020202120222023$0.0 $100.0 b$200.0 b$300.0 b$400.0 b$500.0 b$600.0 b$700.0 b$800.0 bValue$20.76 b$62.97 b$1.78 b$26.39 b$15.11 b$139.67 b$19.51 b$423.77 b$28.26 b$1.59 b$8.63 b$2.44 b$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18.83 b$59.23 b$2.06 b$22.31 b$20.06 b$142.17 b$24.43 b$394.21 b$27.82 b$1.49 b$16.79 b$2.37 b$3.31 b$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.68 b$73.59 b$1.70 b$23.27 b$21.43 b$132.96 b$24.79 b$427.39 b$37.72 b$1.44 b$23.63 b$2.71 b$3.35 b$8.28 b$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.85 b$86.87 b$1.75 b$26.87 b$27.84 b$170.93 b$29.16 b$468.07 b$44.49 b$1.83 b$26.63 b$2.93 b$3.63 b$8.28 b$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.90 b$113.08 b$2.50 b$23.05 b$24.49 b$139.86 b$24.25 b$646.73 b$33.92 b$1.79 b$23.17 b$5.13 b$3.12 b$10.44 b$458.30 m$2.50 b$0.00 $10.14 b$149.23 b$2.86 b$25.15 b$30.71 b$130.35 b$27.44 b$663.27 b$36.96 b$1.55 b$24.10 b$5.13 b$2.87 b$15.67 b$1.36 b$3.60 b$0.00 $8.07 b$180.41 b$3.05 b$24.83 b$36.54 b$131.29 b$28.04 b$698.76 b$27.65 b$1.50 b$34.55 b$6.25 b$5.37 b$2.07 b$1.36 b$3.60 b$7.70 b$7.58 b$260.55 b$2.76 b$25.31 b$35.45 b$145.03 b$29.11 b$803.38 b$37.87 b$2.17 b$46.95 b$7.28 b$5.79 b$13.82 b$0.00 $0.00 $8.50 b$5.64 b$254.00 b$0.00 $17.94 b$25.08 b$155.20 b$23.77 b$734.39 b$30.66 b$2.38 b$48.90 b$11.39 b$0.00 $13.89 b$0.00 $0.00 $10.84 b