Our Firm
PGIM Portfolio Advisory LLC (“PPA”) is a SEC registered investment adviser organized as a Delaware
limited liability company. When we use the terms “we,” “us” or “our” in this brochure, we are referring to
PPA. PPA is part of the global investment management business of Prudential Financial, Inc., and an
affiliate of PGIM, Inc., a registered investment adviser.
PPA provides or expects to provide investment advisory services principally to institutional Clients,
including, but not limited to, pension plans, insurance companies and insurance-related accounts (the
“Client” or “Client Accounts” or “Accounts”). We expect that our Clients will include accounts of affiliates
as well as unaffiliated institutional Clients.
PPA, along with its affiliates referenced herein, is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential
Financial, Inc. (“PFI”), a publicly-listed company (NYSE Ticker “PRU”) headquartered in the State of New
Jersey, U.S.A. Neither PFI, PPA or any of their affiliates referenced herein, is affiliated in any manner with
Prudential plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom or with Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary
of M&G plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom.
PPA’s investment staff is employed by PPA or one or more affiliates of PPA.
PPA is a successor entity to Prudential International Investments Advisers, LLC which was formed in
2005 and has been registered with the SEC since August 16, 2005.
Our Advisory Services
PPA is, or expects to be, the investment manager of Client Accounts. PPA provides, or intends to
provide, strategic asset allocation, asset-liability management, and multi-asset class advisory services,
including allocation to affiliated and unaffiliated subadvisers to sub-advise the assets of Client Accounts
and to investment funds or other investment products managed by or sponsored by affiliated or
unaffiliated managers (“Investment Products”). The reference to “Sub-Advisers” throughout includes both
direct sub-advisers as well as investment managers of Investment Products that PPA determines to
allocate to, as applicable.
PPA is responsible for oversight and due diligence of the Sub-Advisers. PPA’s level of due diligence and
oversight of a particular Sub-Adviser for a Client will depend on the specific arrangement negotiated with
each Client, and certain Clients will retain a greater level of discretion and oversight over a Sub-Adviser.
Depending on the Client or strategy, PPA could also allocate Client assets to investment funds or
structured products that are managed by a manager that PPA
would otherwise engage directly as a Sub-
PPA’s initial identification and review of Sub-Advisers includes coordination with each Client. The review
and recommendation process principally focuses on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of each Sub-
Adviser’s strategy, investment process, investment management team and performance. The Sub-
Advisers invest the assets of Client Accounts across a range of asset classes and/or investment types,
including credit, private equity, real estate, real estate debt, structured products, funds and similar
investments, including in investments that are originated or sponsored by affiliates of PPA.
Generally, except as agreed to or as directed by a Client, Sub-Advisers will be affiliated with PPA, and
non-affiliated Sub-Advisers and funds or other investment products will only be considered to the extent
that an affiliate does not have asset management capabilities or capacity in a desired asset class as
determined by PPA. Each affiliated Sub-Adviser is a business unit of or an affiliate of PGIM, Inc. and is a
registered investment adviser. Affiliated Sub-Advisers currently include but are not limited to: PGIM
Fixed Income (public fixed income), PGIM Private Capital (private placement investments and direct
lending, including direct lending CLOs), and PGIM Real Estate (commercial mortgage loans and real
estate equity).
We have an incentive to hire affiliated Sub-Advisers or allocate to funds or structured products managed
or sponsored by an affiliate to increase assets under management and generate additional investment
advisory fees for our affiliated Sub-Advisers. To mitigate this conflict, in addition to the Client’s
understanding regarding PPA’s primary use of affiliated Sub-Advisers and affiliated products (as outlined
in the preceding paragraph), asset-class restrictions imposed on PPA’s management of the Client
Account can also serve to mitigate this conflict (e.g., investment guidelines, strategic asset allocation, as
applicable), depending on the arrangement negotiated with the Client.
For additional information regarding each Sub-Adviser’s investment strategies, processes and procedures
for selecting securities and other investment products held in an account, and the associated risks,
please refer to each Sub-Adviser’s Form ADV Part 2A Brochure, which is provided to Clients upon
entering into an investment management agreement and offered annually thereafter.
Our Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2023, PPA had regulatory assets under management approximating $13.38 billion
on a discretionary basis.