{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 10/20/1999


6,096,846,936 6.00%

of that, discretionary:

5,961,569,883 6.34%

Private Fund GAV:

636,438,652 13077.51%

Avg Account Size:

727,982 -4.42%

% High Net Worth:

95.16% 1.80%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

(65 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

14B 12B 10B 8B 6B 4B 2B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Carol Schleif on the Markets (Audio) -

Carol Schleif, Deputy CIO, at BMO Family Office, discusses the latest on the markets. She spoke with hosts Bryan Curtis and Paul Allen on ...


Carol Schleif on the Markets (Radio) -

Carol Schleif, Deputy CIO, at BMO Family Office, discusses the latest on the markets. She spoke with hosts Bryan Curtis and Rishaad Salamat on ...


BMO SelectTrust Growth Portfolio/Canada

The Fund seeks to generate long-term growth of capital and income. The Fund invests primarily in securities of Canadian and foreign funds within the BMO family of mutual funds. Address


BMO SelectTrust Growth Portfolio/Canada

The Fund seeks to generate long-term growth of capital and income. The Fund invests primarily in securities of Canadian and foreign funds within the BMO family of mutual funds. Address


BMO SelectTrust Conservative Portfolio

The Fund invests primarily in securities of Canadian and foreign funds within the BMO family of mutual funds. Address


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 1 $1,455,068
Private Equity Fund 9 $100,117,472
Real Estate Fund 5 $10,947,168
Venture Capital Fund 1 $356,439
Other Private Fund 10 $523,562,505

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM # funds
ULLICO INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC. - - 5.6b - - - 1.4b 7.0b 11.3b 9
CORIENT IA LLC 687.4m - 640.1m 30.4m - 33.8m 1.6b 3.1b 4.6b 86
PARTNERS GROUP (USA) INC. - - 2.6b 93.2m - - 628.3m 3.3b 23.1b 6
VENTURI PRIVATE WEALTH - - 160.3m 40.4m - - 65.9m 266.6m 2.6b 9
YIELDSTREET - - 262.4m 109.6m - - 326.1m 698.1m 1.2b 96
WASHINGTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC - - 818.3m 124.0m - - 5.2b 6.2b 6.8b 10
WMS PARTNERS, LLC - - 80.3m 4.3m - - 7.2m 91.7m 5.7b 9
WILMINGTON TRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC - - 11.5m 1.7m - - 270.7m 283.9m 290.5m 4
VANTAGE CONSULTING GROUP INC 68.5m - 142.5m - - 26.6m 79.6m 343.8m 468.7m 9
STRATEGIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC 3.5b - 736.7m 5.0m - - 3.2b 7.5b 27.0b 21

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


We are a Delaware limited liability company organized on April 20, 2005. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of BMO Financial Corp., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal (“BMO"). We operate under our legal name, BMO Family Office, LLC, as well as under the brand names “BMO Wealth Management” and “BMO Family Office.” These brands are discussed more fully in Item 10 “Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations.” Our primary services are:
• Discretionary Investment Management and Non-Discretionary Investment Advisory Services, and
• Family Wealth Strategies. As of October 31, 2022, we provided discretionary and non-discretionary investment management services on assets of $5.75 billion and non-discretionary investment advisory services on assets of $4.79 billion. Family wealth strategies, investment reporting and other non-investment advisory services, are not subject to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. These services are discussed in greater detail in Item 10 “Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations.” Discretionary Investment Management and Non-Discretionary Investment Advisory Services Our advisory services include discretionary investment management and non-discretionary investment advice. In connection with these services, we design and prepare investment policy statements and asset allocation strategies, select, or recommend sub-advisers and investments, and monitor and report on portfolio performance. We also provide investment implementation and other administrative services. We employ investment research professionals and use due diligence and evaluation processes to identify, evaluate, and monitor investments. Our evaluation process employs quantitative and qualitative techniques, as well as operational reviews. We manage or advise client accounts in accordance with the client’s investment objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, tax circumstances, liquidity and cash flow needs, restrictions and constraints, and other relevant criteria. As further described in Item 8 “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss,” we allocate client assets among different asset classes with varying levels of risk and return. We diversify client portfolios within and across asset classes, including cash, fixed income, equities, hedge funds, private markets, and real assets. We recommend affiliated and non-affiliated investments, including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, commingled funds, limited partnerships, alternative investments, structured products, individual securities, and derivative instruments. We may recommend
and use affiliated or unaffiliated sub-advisers to manage or advise on a client’s portfolio. We manage a proprietary hedged fund of funds, Confluence Multi-Strategy Fund, LLC (“Confluence”). Confluence is a private fund exempt from registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Confluence invests in a portfolio of actively managed hedge funds on behalf of U.S. taxable investors. We provide non-discretionary advisory services to National Philanthropic Trust (“NPT”) for the BMO Donor-Advised Fund Program. The program is administered and sponsored by NPT, an independently operated public charity. We provide non-discretionary advice to NPT client accounts, including asset allocation, investment policies and strategies, and investments. Non-Discretionary Sub-Advisory Services We provide non-discretionary sub-advisory services for:
• the Sequence Multi Asset IDF Series Interests of the SALI Multi-Series Fund, L.P., and
• the Sequence Multi Asset IDF III Series Interests of the SALI Multi-Series Fund IV, L.P. For the Sequence Multi Asset IDF Series Interests, SALI Fund Partners, LLC serves as the general partner of the funds. Separate Account Life Insurance (SALI) Multi-Series Fund, L.P., is a Delaware limited partnership (“Partnership”). The Partnership’s general partner, SALI Fund Partners, LLC (“General Partner”), manages the Partnership and is responsible for its day-to-day operations. SALI Fund Management, LLC (“SALI Investment Manager”), is responsible for investing the Partnership’s assets. Our primary role is to determine and recommend asset allocation and investments held by the funds. Historically, the General Partner has implemented our investment recommendations. Limited Mandate and Consulting Services We may provide limited mandate advisory or consulting services. Examples include one- time portfolio reviews, research or advice on alternative asset investment managers or portfolios, and research and due diligence on non-recommended investments. ERISA When we provide investment advice to clients regarding retirement plan accounts, individual retirement accounts, or other plans as defined in Section 4975(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Code”), we are fiduciaries within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. The way we make money creates some conflicts with clients’ interests, so we operate under a special rule that requires us to act in clients’ best interest and not put our interests ahead of clients’ interests.