CORIENT IA LLC other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Related adviser

Number of Employees:

93 9200.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

45 4400.00%


SEC, Approved, 5/9/2023


4,597,756,883 553.74%

of that, discretionary:

4,597,756,883 553.74%

Private Fund GAV:

2,843,862,499 194.29%

Avg Account Size:

54,735,201 40.09%



Private Funds:

86 71

Contact Info

(78 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

703M 603M 502M 402M 301M 201M 100M

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 11 $512,190,411
Private Equity Fund 38 $640,118,990
Real Estate Fund 9 $30,426,687
Venture Capital Fund 2 $33,791,000
Other Private Fund 26 $1,627,335,411

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM # funds
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WMS PARTNERS, LLC - - 80.3m 4.3m - - 7.2m 91.7m 5.7b 9
YIELDSTREET - - 262.4m 109.6m - - 326.1m 698.1m 1.2b 96
CLEARLAKE ADVISORS, L.L.C. - - - - - - - - 253.8m -
WILMINGTON TRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC - - 11.5m 1.7m - - 270.7m 283.9m 290.5m 4
WASHINGTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC - - 818.3m 124.0m - - 5.2b 6.2b 6.8b 10
PARK SQUARE CAPITAL - - - - - - 4.9b 4.9b - 15
BMO FAMILY OFFICE, LLC 1.5m - 100.1m 10.9m - 356.4k 523.6m 636.8m 6.1b 26
ICONIQ CAPITAL, LLC 5.1b - 51.9b 891.0m - - 13.5b 71.4b 84.2b 301
ICG EUROPE S.A.R.L. - - 25.1b 5.7b - - 25.2b 56.0b - 64

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Firm Description Corient Private Wealth LLC (“Corient”, or the “Firm”) is a comprehensive, wealth management firm headquartered in Miami, Florida. Corient was established in 2022 and is comprised of branch offices across the United States. Corient provides wealth management services to individuals, families, pension plans, trusts, endowments, other institutional clients and private funds managed through Corient IA LLC (“Corient IA”), a separate but related adviser established in March of 2023. For information on this related adviser, please see the Corient IA, LLC Form ADV. Principal Owners Corient is wholly owned by Corient Partners LLC (“Corient Partners”), which is a majority-owned subsidiary of Corient Management LLC, which is wholly owned by Corient Holdings Inc. (“Corient Holdings”). Corient Holdings is majority-owned subsidiary of CI Financial Corp. (“CI Financial”), a Canadian public reporting company. No other person or entity owns 25% or more of our equity. For more information regarding ownership and control, see Schedules A and B (and Item 10) of Part 1A of our Form ADV. Wealth Management Services Corient provides investment management services as well as ongoing investment advice and financial planning. Corient provides customized wealth management services to high and ultra-high-net-worth clients. Corient makes recommendations only after our Wealth Advisors have discussed and reviewed your investment goals and risk tolerance with you and concluded that the recommended investment products or strategies are appropriate for you. Investment Restrictions Clients may request reasonable restrictions regarding the management of their accounts, including restricting certain securities or types of investments. In some cases, requested investment restrictions will limit the investments Corient recommends and our ability to manage your assets in the manner Corient thinks is best suited for you. You should be aware that accounts with restrictions may perform differently, sometimes materially differently, than accounts with similar or the same strategy without those restrictions. Investment Management Corient primarily serves investment advisory clients in a discretionary capacity. In a typical discretionary account, you will authorize us to supervise, manage and direct the investment of the assets in your designated account(s), including the selection of individual securities and various investment products and services, such as affiliated and unaffiliated exchange traded funds, mutual funds, sub-advisers, and products that may be managed or offered by affiliated and unaffiliated third- party advisers, such as separately managed accounts. In addition, Corient also manages certain client accounts on a non-discretionary basis, meaning Corient requires your consent before implementing investment decisions. In some cases, a discretionary account will contain a non-discretionary component, such as when a subscription for an investment managed by an outside manager that requires your signature (e.g., investments in a private fund or direct engagement of a sub-adviser). Investment decisions or recommendations for both discretionary and non-discretionary accounts are made and implemented in accordance with your investment objectives and any reasonable investment restrictions placed on the management of your account as described in your advisory agreement or otherwise agreed by us in writing. Your portfolios may consist of individual securities and registered or private investment funds. Sometimes, Corient uses sub-advisers to manage all or a portion of your account. You are not obligated to engage us for investment management services to receive any other service. Financial Planning and Consulting Corient seeks to understand your planning and consulting objectives through a series of one-on-one meetings
and to customize an appropriate strategy suitable to your stated objectives. The scope of deliverables for each consulting and financial planning service will be determined and agreed upon in advance between you and your Wealth Advisor. These services can be provided as part of your advisory relationship bundled with investment management services or provided as a separate service, as agreed between you and us in writing. International Consulting Services Corient provides international consulting services to non-U.S. clients for the maintenance of certain corporations and trusts in conjunction with our investment management services. These services are only offered in conjunction with our investment management services for certain non-U.S. clients. The scope of services will be determined and agreed upon in advance between you and your Wealth Advisor. Tax Preparation and Filing Services Corient offers full-service tax preparation and filing services through our affiliate, Corient Solutions LLC (“Corient Solutions”). Corient Solutions interacts with your Wealth Advisor to provide your desired services, including individual and business tax planning and individual tax preparation services. This service complements our wealth management services but is a separate and distinct service provided by our affiliate. Corient Solutions only provides services pursuant to a separate written agreement between you and Corient Solutions. Corient does not receive any compensation for referrals to Corient Solutions. Private Fund Management Corient offers clients private fund solutions through Corient IA’s Private Access platform and other third-party offerings. The detailed terms, strategies, and risks applicable to investors in the private funds are described in each Private Fund’s organizational and offering documents. Corient has transitioned all its private fund management clients to Corient IA, LLC (CRD No. 326262), a related adviser within Corient. Corient IA will serve as an investment adviser, sub-adviser, or general partner of select private investment vehicles (the Private Funds). The investment teams of Corient that manage the Private Funds will continue to serve as the investment and portfolio managers of the Private Funds managed by Corient IA. The detailed terms, strategies, and risks applicable to investors in the Private Funds are described in each Private Fund’s organizational and offering documents. Wrap Fee Programs Corient does not sponsor a wrap fee program. Corient does provide portfolio management services to wrap fee programs sponsored by affiliated and unaffiliated third parties. When Corient manages wrap fee accounts, Corient receives a portion of the wrap fee for our services. Disclosure for Retirement Plan Investors When Corient provides investment advice to you regarding your retirement plan account or individual retirement account, Corient is fiduciary within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. The way Corient makes money creates some conflicts with your interests, so Corient operates under a special rule that requires us to act in your best interest and not put our interests ahead of yours. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, our total regulatory assets under management were approximately $118,191,936,095 of which Corient managed approximately $104,900,588,383 on a discretionary basis and approximately $13,291,347,712 on a non-discretionary basis. In addition, Corient IA managed approximately $4,597,756,883 of discretionary private funds assets as of December 31, 2023. For more information regarding our investment advisory services, see Item 5 – Fees and Compensation, Item 8 - Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss. For additional information regarding trade execution, see Item 12 - Brokerage Practices.