{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

14 -6.67%

of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 12/22/1992


3,747,179,661 15.69%

of that, discretionary:

2,694,761,193 26.90%

Private Fund GAV:

328,007,119 -1.63%

Avg Account Size:

2,786,007 11.47%

% High Net Worth:

51.74% -0.67%



Private Funds:

7 1

Contact Info

229 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 2B 2B 1B 1B 700M 350M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Top 5 4th Quarter Trades of Southeast Asset Advisors Inc.

Related Stocks: FLO, MTN, MRVI, VRT, MIDD,

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 3 $193,978,786
Other Private Fund 4 $134,028,333

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM # funds
NEWFOUNDLAND CAPITAL MANAGEMENT US, LLC 153.5m - - - - - 18.4m 171.9m 173.4m 4
GALAPAGOS WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC - - - - - - - - 88.2m -
THOMPSON SIEGEL & WALMSLEY LLC 155.0m - - - - - 3.1m 158.1m 19.1b 4
THE ROCK CREEK GROUP, LP 1.3b - - - - - 2.6b 3.9b 17.7b 17
ARBITER PARTNERS 130.5m - - - - - 214.5m 345.0m 691.9m 5
SPEARHEAD ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, LLC 567.6m - - - - - - 567.6m 1.2b 10
LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 1.1b - - - - - 4.2b 5.3b 150.3b 62
BLACKSTONE ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P. 13.2b - - - - - 54.4b 67.6b 69.7b 103
KABOUTER MANAGEMENT, LLC 448.3m - - - - - 428.4m 876.7m 876.7m 7
ARNHOLD LLC 1.6b - - - - - 482.4m 2.1b 4.8b 8

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


General Information Southeast Asset Advisors, LLC (“SAA”) was formed in 1991 (SAA was originally formed as a corporation and converted to a Limited Liability Company in 2019) and provides wealth management services including portfolio management and consulting services to our clients, primarily individuals (including high net worth individuals), family offices, endowments, foundations and corporate and public pension plans. SEAA Holdings, Inc. is the primary owner of SAA. Bernard Lanigan, C. Bradford Jackson, Mark C. Saussy, Frank Mercer, and David Mark Fletcher (including certain family trusts of the forgoing) are shareholders of SEAA Holdings, Inc. Also, Mikell Leland, Ned Johnson and Chris Osborne are Members of SAA. Please see Brochure Supplements, Exhibit A, for more information on all individuals who formulate investment advice and have direct contact with clients or have discretionary authority over client accounts. Report of Assets under Management as of December 31, 2023 Discretionary Assets Under Management $2,694,761,193 Consulting (Non-Discretionary) Assets Under Management $1,052,418,468 Total $3,747,179,661 SERVICES OFFERED At the outset of our relationship, we seek to gain an understanding and assessment of your current and prospective financial position, investment experience, goals, objectives and risk tolerance (ability and willingness to handle volatility). Based on our reviews, we generally develop an overall investment and asset allocation plan for your investment portfolio. We engage in an ongoing dialogue throughout the course of our relationship. Changes in your circumstances may require a change in your asset allocation or overall investment plan. Portfolio Management (Discretionary Services) Your portfolio is generally invested in mutual funds, individual stocks and bonds, ETFs, separate account managers (“SAMs”) and private investment funds or partnerships (e.g., hedge funds or private equity funds) where appropriate for you. We will generally manage your investment portfolio on a discretionary basis. As a discretionary investment advisor, we will have authority to supervise and direct your portfolio without prior consultation with you. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may impose certain restrictions on us in the management of your investment portfolio, such as prohibiting the inclusion of certain types of investments. You should note, however, that restrictions imposed by you may adversely affect the composition and performance of your investment portfolio. You should also note that your investment portfolio is treated individually by giving consideration to each purchase or sale for your account. For these and other reasons, performance of your investment portfolio within the same investment objectives, goals and/or risk tolerance may differ and you should not expect that the composition or performance of your investment portfolio would necessarily be consistent with similar clients of ours. We do not have discretionary authority to invest your funds in private investment funds or partnerships (i.e., hedge funds or private equity funds), or when we select Separate Account Managers. When we recommend such investments, you must decide whether to invest and, if you invest, you must execute subscription or similar documents with the fund or related entity. We monitor these investments and include the assets in quarterly reports to you. In general, private investment funds are carried at market value in your portfolio and updated on a monthly (or in some cases quarterly or annually) basis by the fund administrator. Consulting Services (Non-Discretionary Services) We also work with endowments, foundations, trusts, family offices, retirement plans and corporations on a consulting basis. In this role, we do not have discretion over the portfolio but rather work with client trustees, investment committee or others responsible for the assets to develop an investment plan, make ongoing recommendations to implement the plan and monitor the performance of the portfolio. We may assist the client in implementation of the strategy to the extent possible, but it is generally the client’s responsibility to authorize and execute all recommendations, and the client retains the responsibility for all decisions regarding actions taken (or not taken) with respect to the portfolio. Retirement Plan Advisory Services Establishing a sound fiduciary governance process is vital to good decision-making and to ensuring that prudent procedural steps are followed in making investment decisions. We will provide Retirement Plan consulting services to Plans and Plan Fiduciaries as described below. The particular services provided will be detailed in the consulting agreement. The appropriate Plan Fiduciary(ies) designated in the Plan documents (e.g., the Plan sponsor or named fiduciary) will (i) make the decision to retain our firm; (ii) agree to the scope of the services that we will provide; and (iii) make the ultimate decision as to accepting any of the recommendations
that we may provide. The Plan Fiduciaries are free to seek independent advice about the appropriateness of any recommended services for the Plan. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) sets forth rules under which Plan Fiduciaries may retain investment advisers for various types of services with respect to Plan assets. For certain services, we will be considered a fiduciary under ERISA. For example, we will act as an ERISA § 3(21) fiduciary when providing non-discretionary investment advice to the Plan Fiduciaries by recommending a suite of investments as choices among which Plan Participants may select. Also, to the extent that the Plan Fiduciaries retain us to act as an investment manager within the meaning of ERISA § 3(38), we will provide discretionary investment management services to the Plan. When we provide investment advice to you regarding your retirement plan account or individual retirement account, we are fiduciaries within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. The way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests, so we operate under a special rule that requires us to act in your best interest and not put our interests ahead of yours. Additional disclosure may be found elsewhere in this Brochure or in the written agreement between you and SAA. Fiduciary Consulting Services
Investment Selection Services We will provide Plan Fiduciaries with recommendations of investment options consistent with ERISA section 404(c). Plan Fiduciaries retain responsibility for the final determination of investment options and for compliance with ERISA section 404(c).
Non-Discretionary Investment Advice We provide Plan Fiduciaries and Plan Participants general, non-discretionary investment advice regarding assets classes and investments.
Investment Monitoring We will assist in monitoring the plan’s investment options by preparing periodic investment reports that document investment performance, consistency of fund management and conformation to the guidelines set forth in the investment policy statement and we will make recommendations to maintain or remove and replace investment options. The details of this aspect of service will be enumerated in the engagement agreement between the parties. Fiduciary Management Services
Discretionary Management Services When retained as an investment manager within the meaning of ERISA § 3(38), we provide continuous and ongoing supervision over the designated retirement plan assets. We will actively monitor the designated retirement plan assets and provide ongoing management of the assets. When applicable, we will have discretionary authority to make all decisions to buy, sell or hold securities, cash or other investments for the designated retirement plan assets in our sole discretion without first consulting with the Plan Fiduciaries. We also have the power and authority to carry out these decisions by giving instructions, on your behalf, to brokers and dealers and the qualified custodian(s) of the Plan for our management of the designated retirement plan assets.
Discretionary Investment Selection Services We will monitor the investment options of the Plan and add or remove investment options for the Plan without prior consultation with the Plan Fiduciaries. We will have discretionary authority to make and implement all decisions regarding the investment options that are available to Plan Participants.
Investment Management via Model Portfolios. We will provide discretionary management of Model Portfolios among which the participants may choose to invest as Plan options. Separate Account Managers From time to time, when suitable, we may utilize one or more Separate Account Managers (each a “SAM”). In cases where we recommend the use of one or more SAMs to manage a portion of your portfolio, we will either select or assist you in the selection of the SAM(s). The SAMs may be granted trading authority for one or more accounts in the portfolio. You will enter into a separate advisory agreement with the SAM and may be charged a fee by the SAM in addition to our fee. With respect to assets managed by a SAM, our role will be to monitor your overall financial situation, the investment approach and performance of the SAM, to assist you in understanding the investments of your portfolio, and to recommend whether to retain or terminate the SAM. Other Financial Services In addition to the services described above, we may provide other financial services to you. These services are generally provided on a project basis, and may include, without limitation, estate planning, cash flow planning for certain events such as education expenses or retirement, , income tax planning analysis and review of your insurance portfolio, as well as other matters specific to you as and when requested by you and agreed to by us.