other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 03/27/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 3
of those in investment advisory functions 2
Registration SEC, 120-Day Approval, 12/8/2022
Other registrations (1)
AUM* 118,049,467 -20.07%
of that, discretionary 118,049,467 -20.07%
Private Fund GAV* 118,049,467 -20.01%
Avg Account Size 23,609,893 -20.07%
SMA’s No
Private Funds 5
Contact Info 415 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Recent News

Reported AUM

148M 127M 105M 84M 63M 42M 21M
2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeReal Estate Fund Count5 GAV$118,049,467

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Brochure Summary


Evolution Investment Management LLC (“Evolution,” “us” or “we”) is a Texas limited liability companyestablishedinSeptember2022.EvolutionInvestmentPartnersLLC,aTexaslimited liabilitycompany,isthesolememberofEvolutionInvestmentManagementLLC.KentLedbetter andJimWilsonarethemembersandprincipalownersofEvolutionInvestmentPartnersLLC.
Weprovidediscretionaryinvestmentadvisoryservicestoanumberofprivateinvestmentfunds (the“Funds”).TheFunds,sponsoredbyEvolutionInvestmentManagementLLC(oritsaffiliates), areorganizedaslimitedliabilitycompaniesforwhichanaffiliateservesasthesolemanaging member.TheFundspredominantlyinvestinequityandequityrelatedinvestmentsinentities thathold,manageordeveloprealpropertybutmayalsoinvestopportunisticallyindebtand equity-linked debt investments in such entities as well as other real estate-related economic interests.
WemanageeachFundpursuanttotheobjectivesspecifiedinthematerialsbywhicheachFund offersitsownershipintereststoinvestors.TheFunds’investorsdonothavetherighttospecify, restrict,orinfluencetheirFunds’investmentobjectivesoranyinvestmentortradingdecisions.
PleaserefertoItem8ofthisBrochureforadditionalinformationregardingourmethods of
analysis and investment strategies, and their associated risks. The information providedabovemerelysummarizesthedetailedinformationprovidedintheappropriate fund offering and organizational documents. Prospective investors should be aware of additionalrisksandrequirementsassociatedwithanyinvestmentandshouldrefertothe appropriate fund offering and organizational documents for important additional informationandconsiderations. AsofDecember31,2023,Evolutionhad$118,049,467indiscretionaryregulatoryassetsunder management.