{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



California, Terminated, 10/28/2022

Other registrations (1)

212,193,287 42.93%

of that, discretionary:

212,193,287 42.93%

Private Fund GAV:

61,846,697 4.82%

Avg Account Size:

1,583,532 34.40%

% High Net Worth:

66.00% 5.60%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

858 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

148M 127M 106M 85M 64M 42M 21M
2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 3 $61,846,697

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Brochure Summary


A. Firm Information Pacific Point Advisors LLC (“Pacific Point” or the “Advisor”) is a Delaware Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Pacific Point is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, located in the state of California. Drawing on our founders' decades of investment experience, Pacific Point was formed as an independently owned asset and wealth management firm on August 28, 2020. Pacific Point’s mission is to work closely with wealthy and affluent families, entrepreneurs, executives, successful individuals and institutions as well as sponsor and manage private investment funds. Pacific Point’s SMA Advisory Services (as defined below) are for Clients (as defined below) who look for more from their financial advisers. More independence. More flexibility. More experience. More accountability. More investment options. Pacific Point is wholly owned by its founders and managing partners, Michael Licosati and Henry “Jay” Winship. Pacific Point is dedicated to providing a broad set of comprehensive investment services customized and tailored to meet wealthy families' complex financial needs. Pacific Point core service of investment advisory starts with a process of mutual discovery. Through wide-ranging conversations and document exchange with each Client, we work collaboratively to customize plans for each Client’s unique situation and goals. Since each Client has specific needs and objectives that can evolve over time, anticipating and planning for these changes provide opportunities to effectively design a Client’s total financial picture and seamlessly integrate them into all aspects of their lives. B. Advisory Services Offered The Advisor serves as a fiduciary to Clients, as defined under the applicable laws and regulations. As a fiduciary, the Advisor upholds a duty of loyalty, fairness and good faith towards each Client and seeks to mitigate potential conflicts of interest. Pacific Point's fiduciary commitment is further described in the Advisor’s Code of Ethics. For more information regarding the Code of Ethics, please see Item 11 below. Pacific Point offers Financial Planning & Consulting Services (“Consulting Services”), separately managed account advisory services (“SMA Advisory Services”), sub-advisory services on TAMPs (as defined below, and such services, the “Sub-Advisory Services”), strategy signal services (“Strategy Signal Services”), and private fund adviser services (“Fund Advisory Services”), all as described below. Consulting Services Pacific Point provides a variety of standalone financial planning and consulting services to Clients for the management of financial resources based upon an analysis of each Client’s current situation, goals, and objectives. Consulting Services may involve preparing a financial plan or rendering a financial consultation for Clients based on the Client’s financial goals and objectives. This planning or consulting may encompass a broad range of individualized services. Written financial plans or financial consultations rendered to Clients may include general recommendations for a course of activity or specific actions to be taken by the Clients. Implementation of the recommendations will be at the discretion of the Client. Pacific Point provides Clients with a summary of their financial situation, and observations for financial planning engagements. Financial consultations may be accompanied by a written summary of observations and recommendations, as the process is less formal than the planning service. Assuming that all the information and documents requested from the Client are provided promptly, plans or consultations are typically completed within 2 - 3 months of the Client signing an engagement with Pacific Point. SMA Advisory Services Pacific Point offers discretionary advisory services (“SMA Advisory Services”) to separately managed accounts for a select group of affluent families, entrepreneurs, executives, successful individuals, and institutions (collectively, “Clients”). Pursuant to each Clients’ investment advisory agreement with Pacific Point (each an “IAA”), Pacific Point invests Clients’ assets in equities, futures, options, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other securities and/or contracts relating to the same in accordance with each Clients’ investment objectives. Pacific Point shall have full power to supervise and direct, in Pacific Point’s sole discretion, and without first consulting the Client, the purchase, sale, and holding of assets in the account in securities, cash and cash equivalents. Pacific Point may use a Phone: 858-356-6600 * Fax: 858-356-6605 Page 5 combination of internal and third-party managed investment strategies implemented by third-party managers (“Third Party Managers”). Pacific Point may decide in the future to provide services to additional types of Clients. Clients who execute the IAA may also, but are not required to, execute a tri-party Axxcess Wealth Platform Client Services Agreement (the “CSA”) to utilize the Axxcess Wealth Platform (the “Platform”) appointing Axxcess Wealth Management, LLC (“AWM”), a Delaware limited liability company and an investment adviser registered with the SEC, as a sub-adviser for the Client’s account pursuant to the terms of the CSA, and at all times subject to Pacific Point’s supervision. Clients who execute the CSA and appoint AWM as sub-adviser to the account will grant AWM discretionary authority to direct investment allocation decisions on their behalf and provide continuous and regular investment management services in accordance with the terms of the CSA. In this regard, AWM will act as a fiduciary to the Client’s account and implement investment strategies developed by Third Party Managers engaged by AWM to develop model portfolios (“Portfolios”). When Client assets are invested in a Portfolio, AWM will provide continuous and regular investment management services and implement discretionary authority to invest and reinvest securities, cash or other investments as set forth in the CSA, and at all times subject to Pacific Point’s supervision. The Client will also be provided with a copy of AWM’s and, if applicable, the Third Party Managers’ Form ADV (Part 2A and 2B). Stable EarningsÔ Portfolios - Clients may have assets allocated to one or more of the Advisor’s Stable EarningsTM portfolios, based on the Client’s needs and objectives. Stable EarningsTM Core Portfolio- Stable EarningsTM Core Portfolio is constructed to offer low EPS growth variability using the Pacific Point Stable EarningsTM Model Portfolio framework. The Core Portfolio is designed to minimize portfolio drawdowns in economic downturns while offering steady asset appreciation. Stable EarningsTM Dividend Portfolio- Stable EarningsTM Dividend Portfolio offers a portfolio of securities with dividend yields using the Pacific Point Stable EarningsTM Model Portfolio framework. The Dividend Portfolio is designed to minimize portfolio drawdowns in economic downturns while providing investors with consistent dividend yield and steady asset appreciation. Stable EarningsTM ESG Portfolio- Stable EarningsTM ESG Portfolio prioritizes companies with strong Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance credentials using the Pacific Point Stable EarningsTM Model Portfolio framework. The ESG ratings used in this portfolio are provided by MSCI ESG Research, an unaffiliated third party. MSCI ESG ratings are designed to measure a company’s resilience in the face of material environmental, societal, and governance (ESG) risks. The ESG Portfolio is designed
to minimize portfolio drawdowns in economic downturns while offering exposure to ESG companies with steady asset appreciation. Retirement Accounts - When the Advisor provides investment advice to Clients regarding ERISA retirement accounts or individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”), the Advisor is a fiduciary within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) and/or the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”), as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. When deemed to be in the Client’s best interest, the Advisor will provide investment advice to a Client regarding a distribution from an ERISA retirement account or to roll over the assets to an IRA, or recommend a similar transaction including rollovers from one ERISA sponsored Plan to another, one IRA to another IRA, or from one type of account to another account (e.g. commission-based account to fee-based account). Such a recommendation creates a conflict of interest if the Advisor will earn a new (or increase its current) advisory fee as a result of the transaction. No client is under any obligation to roll over a retirement account to an account managed by the Advisor. Sub-Advisory Services Pacific Point has entered into a sub-advisory agreement (the “Sub-Advisory Agreement”) with AWM, pursuant to which Pacific Point will provide sub-advisory services in connection with AWM’s Platform, and may enter into other such sub-advisory agreements to provide sub-advisory services in connection with other turnkey asset management programs (such programs, including the Platform, a “TAMP”). Through a TAMP, Third Party Page 6 Managers, and other users of the TAMP implement portfolio management strategies for their clients which are developed by Third Party Managers, including Pacific Point. Operators of TAMPs engage such Third Party Manager (which may include Pacific Point, and for purpose of clarity AWM has engaged Pacific Point with respect to the Platform) to design, monitor, and update portfolio management strategies directly on the TAMP and is designed to reduce the number of separate accounts clients would otherwise need in order to implement an investment strategy requiring multiple Third Party Managers. Operators of the TAMP remain responsible for trade order management and execution with the end client’s custodian, collecting the fee, and remitting a portion of that fee to the applicable Third Party Manager, including Pacific Point. Strategy Signal Services Pacific Point offers Strategy Signal Services, whereby Pacific Point enters into a agreement with unaffiliated third parties including other unrelated investment managers and advisers (“Other RIAs”). The Strategy Signal Services offer a broader distribution of Pacific Point’s strategies to clients of Other RIAs. Through this service, Pacific Point provides holdings and trade instructions to the various third parties and Other RIAs who may then utilize the information as a component of their allocation process for their clients. Other RIAs and their clients may choose to follow (or not follow) the signals provided by Pacific Point. Pacific Point does not manage any accounts under the Strategy Signal Services and is not responsible for the trade execution or reconciliation of these accounts. Any assets that rely on the signals are not included in Pacific Point’s AUM and will be identified as Assets Under Advisement (“AUA”). Fund Advisory Services The Advisor provides investment management services to pooled private funds (the “Funds”). The Advisor manages the Funds based on the investment objectives, policies, and guidelines as set forth in the respective offering documents and not in accordance with the individual needs or objectives of any particular investor therein. Each prospective investor interested in investing in the Funds is required to complete a subscription agreement in which the prospective investor attests as to whether or not such prospective investor meets the qualifications to invest in the Funds and further acknowledges and accepts the various risk factors associated with such an investment. The Advisor will recommend that certain Clients invest in the Funds. The recommendation to invest in the Funds pose a conflict of interest between the interests of the Advisor and the interests of the Client, as the Advisor is incentivized to increase the amount of assets in the Funds in order to increase the revenue generated for the Advisor and/or affiliated entities. This conflict is mitigated as Clients will pay fees in accordance with the offering documents and fees will either be reduced or waived by the Advisor for its investment management services on assets invested in the Funds. Clients of the Advisor are under no obligation to invest in the Funds. Investors should refer to the offering documents of the Funds for complete information on the investment objectives, policies, and guidelines of the Funds. C. Client Account Management Pacific Point tailors all of its SMA Advisory Services, Consulting Services, and Strategy Signal Services to the individual needs of each Clients’ and Other RIAs’ investment objectives, as applicable. Generally, with respect to SMA Advisory Services, Pacific Point has the authority to, without prior consultation with the Client, select, buy, sell, and trade in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other securities and/or contracts relating to the same in each case at Client’s risk. Clients engaging Pacific Point may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities by indicating as such on the IAA. Please see related disclosures regarding the fees (Item 5) and conflicts of interest (Item 10) below. With respect to Sub-Advisory Services, Pacific Point develops strategies (a “Sub-Advisory Strategy”) for use on TAMPs and which Third Party Managers can choose to adopt with respect to their own clients and implement in conjunction through the TAMP. With respect to Strategy Signal Services, Pacific Point provides holdings and trade instructions to the various Other RIAs which may then utilize the information as a component of the allocation process for their clients. Other RIAs are free at all times to accept or reject such investment recommendations. Third parties and Other RIAs acknowledge and understand that the Strategy Signal Services provided by Pacific Point are limited to the provision Page 7 of the defined services. The third parties, Other RIAs, and their clients may choose to follow (or not follow) the signals provided by Pacific Point. Pacific Point does not manage any accounts under the Strategy Signal Services and is not responsible for the trade execution or reconciliation of these accounts. Third parties and Other RIAs may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Please see related disclosures regarding the fees (Item 5) and conflicts of interest (Item 10) below. Pacific Point tailors its Fund Advisory Services to the investment objectives and restrictions set out in the respective fund offering documents. Pacific Point generally has the authority to select which and how many securities and other instruments to buy or sell in the Funds without consultation with its Investors. D. Wrap Fee Programs Pacific Point does not manage or place Client assets into a wrap fee program. Investment management services are provided directly by Pacific Point. E. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, Pacific Point manages $212,193,287 in Client assets, all of which are managed on a discretionary basis. Clients may request more current information at any time by contacting the Advisor.