{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

510 38.59%

of those in investment advisory functions:

369 61.14%


SEC, Approved, 11/20/2013


28,309,013,200 6.30%

of that, discretionary:

23,864,463,093 8.55%

Private Fund GAV:

16,442,042,545 219.24%

Avg Account Size:

464,082,184 2.81%



Private Funds:

35 7

Contact Info

843 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

22B 19B 16B 13B 9B 6B 3B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Riverstone Residential Group Names Lynne Shirley Vice President of Client Services, South Central Region

She has also served as regional vice president for the Gulf Coast at Pinnacle Properties LLC, and senior director of asset management at Greystar Investment Group, among other esteemed senior ...

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 3 $7,988,250
Real Estate Fund 32 $16,434,054,295

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GMF REAL ESTATE LLC - - 4.7m 76.6m - - - 81.3m - 10
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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


FIRM DESCRIPTION Greystar Investment Group, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Greystar,” “GIG,” “we,” “our” or “us”), was organized in June 2002. We provide investment advisory, management, administrative and other services to private pooled investment vehicles and other entities and ventures primarily with respect to direct and indirect investments in real estate and real estate-related assets (including both debt and equity investments) (collectively, “Real Estate Assets”). Our investment advice is provided in accordance with the investment objectives, strategies, restrictions, terms and conditions described or set forth in the applicable offering and/or governing documents, and the information in this brochure is qualified in its entirety by the information set forth in such documents. As the context requires, any reference in this brochure to “we,” “our” or “us” includes applicable affiliates and relying advisers (as included on Schedule R to Form ADV Part 1A). In addition, as used herein, references to “or” shall mean “and/or” and references to “including” shall mean “including, but not limited to”, in each case unless the context otherwise requires. PRINCIPAL OWNERS GIG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greystar Real Estate Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“GREP”), which is a vertically integrated real estate company that was founded in 1993 by Robert A. Faith. The principal owner of GREP is Robert A. Faith, indirectly through his personal trust, Faith Family Holdings, LP (“FFH”), and RAF Holdings, LLC (the general partner of FFH), Faith Holdings (GREP Owning/Voting), LLC, and Faith Holdings (Delaware), LLC. For more information regarding our ownership structure and executive officers, please refer to Schedules A and B of Form ADV Part 1A. For information regarding the ownership structure and executive officers of each of our relying advisers, please refer to Sections 4.A and 4.B of Schedule R to Form ADV Part 1A (relying advisers are further discussed in Item 10). TYPES OF ADVISORY SERVICES Investment Vehicles Institutional Funds We provide investment management, advisory and other services to various private investment funds (“Institutional Funds”) primarily with respect to direct and indirect investments in Real Estate Assets. Item 8 sets forth an overview of the strategies pursued by the Institutional Funds we advise. The Institutional Funds are typically structured to make and hold their investments either directly or indirectly, using one or more legal entities, including, but not limited to, real estate investment trusts ("REITs"), corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, joint ventures (with or without third party participants), alternative investment vehicles ("AIVs"), trusts, parallel funds, feeder vehicles and co-investment vehicles (collectively, "Structuring Vehicles"). Unless the context otherwise requires, references to "Institutional Funds" herein include any Structuring Vehicles related to a particular Institutional Fund. Sponsor Capital Vehicles We have formed (and continue to form) and manage sponsor capital vehicles (“Sponsor Capital Vehicles”) that pool funds of related persons, affiliates and/or third parties to invest directly or indirectly as limited partners or other equity owners in entities sponsored, operated, sourced and/or managed by GIG and/or its affiliates, including the Institutional Funds and certain “Tech Investments” (as defined herein) (such entities, “GIG Affiliated Entities”). Sponsor Capital Vehicles may be structured to make and hold their investments directly or indirectly using Structuring Vehicles and, unless the context otherwise requires, references to “Sponsor Capital Vehicles” herein include any Structuring Vehicles related to a particular Sponsor Capital Vehicle. To implement its investment strategy, a Sponsor Capital Vehicle typically acquires minority equity ownership interests in one or more GIG Affiliated Entities (typically 5% to 10% of the limited partnership or membership interests of such GIG Affiliated Entities) and participates as an equity owner in all investments made by such GIG Affiliated Entities. Sponsor Capital Vehicles may not be subject to any (or be subject to reduced) asset-based management fees, performance-based fees and/or similar charges for compensation payable to Greystar at the underlying GIG Affiliated Entities. Certain Sponsor Capital Vehicles also receive a percentage of any asset management or certain other fees payable to us and/or our affiliates and/or a share of any promote or performance-based fees realized by us and/or our affiliates with respect to one or more GIG Affiliated Entities. GIG Affiliated Entities typically invest either directly or indirectly (sometimes utilizing Structuring Vehicles) in Real Estate Assets and/or Tech Investments. The investment returns of investors in a Sponsor Capital Vehicle may exceed the investment returns of any third-party investors in the applicable underlying GIG Affiliated Entities, particularly where such Sponsor Capital Vehicle benefits from the economic arrangements described above. The Institutional Funds and the Sponsor Capital Vehicles are sometimes collectively referred to herein as “Funds”, or each individually, as a “Fund”. Separately Managed Accounts We also offer management services to institutional clients through separate accounts on a discretionary or non- discretionary basis. With limited exceptions, the risks, conflicts and other information included herein with respect to our Fund clients apply in a similar
manner to our separate account arrangements. References herein to “clients” refer to both Funds and our separate account clients. * * * * In the context of our advisory services to Fund clients, no person should look to us or our affiliates for advice regarding any of its own investment decisions with respect to such Funds, including any decision to invest in such Funds. We treat the applicable Funds, and not their existing or potential underlying investors, as our “clients” for purposes of the Advisers Act, and other applicable laws and regulations, to the extent permitted under such laws. Among other things, this generally means that, to the extent permitted under such laws, disclosures required to be made by us to our clients are made to the Funds, and not to the investors in such Funds, and that necessary consents generally may be given by us and/or our affiliates on behalf of the Funds unless otherwise provided under the governing documents of such Funds. INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS We provide investment advice to the Funds in accordance with the investment objectives, strategies, policies, guidelines, limitations and restrictions set forth in their applicable offering and governing documents, and not in accordance with the individual needs or objectives of any particular investor(s) in the Funds. Except as otherwise set forth in the applicable offering and/or governing documents, investors generally may not impose any restrictions or limitations on the management or operation of any of the Institutional Funds. Funds may be established as discretionary or non-discretionary pooled investment vehicles and/or to target specific, identified investment opportunities. With respect to the non-discretionary vehicles, we generally make investment recommendations to such Funds and the investors in such Funds (or a subset thereof) ultimately have the authority to decide whether to accept such recommendations. The Funds and their respective general partners and affiliates have entered into, and may in the future enter into, side letters and other similar agreements with certain investors in the Funds that have the effect of establishing rights and/or otherwise benefitting such investors in a manner that is more favorable in various material respects than the rights and benefits established in favor of one or more other investors. Such rights or benefits in any side letter or similar agreement with respect to an investor in the Funds include or may include, without limitation: (i) investment capacity rights; (ii) reporting obligations of the applicable general partner, manager or us and/or preferential information rights (including portfolio transparency or more favorable reporting rights); (iii) waiver of certain confidentiality obligations; (iv) consent of the general partner to certain transfers by such investor of its direct or indirect interests in the applicable Fund(s); (v) most favored nation status; (vi) waivers, reductions or changes to the fees and/or carried interest distributions or performance-based allocations or other economic terms applicable to such investor; (vii) preferential co-investment opportunity allocation rights; (viii) the right to designate a person to serve on the applicable advisory committee with respect to a Fund or otherwise influence investment direction; (ix) special withdrawal or redemption rights or the right to cancel or suspend capital contribution obligations; (x) additional restrictions on the management rights of the applicable general partner or manager; (xi) benefits that reduce or eliminate obligations of such investor to make capital contributions or other payments; and/or (xii) rights or terms necessary or advisable in light of such investor’s particular legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or public policy considerations. See also, “Risk Factors—Investor Rights” in Item 8 below. REGULATORY ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT As of December 31, 2023, we had approximately $28,309,013,200 in regulatory assets under management (as reflected in Item 5.F(2) of Form ADV Part 1A). Approximately $23,864,463,093 of these assets were managed on a discretionary basis and approximately $4,444,550,108 of these assets were managed on a non-discretionary or limited discretionary basis. For purposes of calculating our regulatory assets under management, we have only included the assets of a subset of our advisory clients for which we provided (or may be deemed to have provided) “continuous and regular supervisory or management services” with respect to “securities portfolios” (as such concepts are described in the instructions to Form ADV, Part 1A) as of December 31, 2023. We have excluded the assets and commitments of certain REITs that are subsidiaries of the Institutional Funds in order to avoid double counting. As of December 31, 2023, certain of the Funds intend to rely upon and qualify for, to the extent applicable, the exclusions from the definition of “investment company” set forth in Sections 3(c)(1), 3(c)(7), 3(c)(5)(C) and/or 3(c)(6) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Company Act”) and/or operate such that they do not fall within the definition of an “investment company” under Section 3(a)(1) of the Company Act. Certain Funds qualify for and rely upon one or more exclusions from registration under the Company Act other than or in addition to Section 3(c)(1) and/or Section 3(c)(7) thereof. Certain of such Funds have elected to rely on those other exclusions and, therefore, do not currently constitute “private funds” for purposes of the Advisers Act, Form ADV or Form PF.