MCM ADVISERS, LP other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 11/28/1995


147,923,089 18.80%

of that, discretionary:

147,923,089 18.80%

Private Fund GAV:

40,053,458 -20.65%

Avg Account Size:

14,792,309 90.08%



Private Funds:

7 6

Contact Info

925 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

293M 251M 209M 168M 126M 84M 42M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 1 $15,744,465
Real Estate Fund 6 $24,308,993

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM # funds
GREYSTAR INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC - - 8.0m 16.4b - - - 16.4b 28.3b 35
EOS REAL ESTATE INVESTORS LLC - - 92.2k 1.1b - - - 1.1b 1.5b 31
GMF REAL ESTATE LLC - - 4.7m 76.6m - - - 81.3m - 10
MCR FUND MANAGEMENT LLC - - 70.5m 3.8b - - - 3.9b 4.3b 16
SOUTHOCEAN CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC - - 13.3m 617.2m - - - 630.5m 630.5m 15
KAIROS - - 360.1k 777.4m - - - 777.7m 989.4m 12
RXR ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC - - 41.0m 3.6b - - - 3.6b 2.7b 77
MSREF REAL ESTATE ADVISOR, INC. - - 22.8m 11.5b - - - 11.5b 11.5b 19
FRONTRANGE CAPITAL ADVISERS, LLC - - 11.8m 677.6m - - - 689.3m 922.0m 18
ROCKBRIDGE CAPITAL, LLC - - 14.4m 4.5b - - - 4.5b 4.3b 22

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


MCMAdvisers,LPhasbeenactingasanInvestmentAdvisertoclientssince1982.MPF Principals,LPandMPFFounders,LParetheprincipalownersowning25%ormoreof MCMAdvisers,LP.C.E.PattersonandBerniecePattersonownapproximately72%ofMPF Founders,LPand22%ofMPFPrincipals,LP.
MCMAdvisers,LP’sadviceisfurnishedonappropriateinvestmentsforlimited partnershipsorlimitedliabilitycompaniesinvestinginrealestateinvestmenttrustsand secondarymarketinvestmentsinlimitedliabilitycompanies,corporations,andlimited partnerships.Theadviser,throughin-houseandoutsideindependentcontractors’ researchandpropertyinspections,generatesresearchreports.Mostinvestments researchedareinrealestate.Compensationissetbynegotiationsandwrittencontacts withinvestmentfunds.Withinvestorswhoarequalifiedtopayperformance-basedfees undertheInvestmentAdvisersActof1940,performancefeesmaybecharged.Feesare negotiable.Clientsarenotrequestedtopaybeforeworkisdone.Agreementscanbe terminated30daysafterreceiptofanoticeofcancellationfromeitherpartytothe agreement,subjecttocontractualbuy-outprovisions.Theclientshouldbeawarethat comparableinvestmentadvisoryservicesmaybeavailableforlowerfeesfromother sources.Feesarepayablemonthlyforservicesrenderedduringthefollowingmonth.As contractshave30-daycancellationclauses,noaccountwillbeterminatedlessthan30days followingthepaymentofmonthlyfee.
AsofMarch6,2024,MCMAdvisers,LPmanaged10clientsonadiscretionarybasiswitha totalof$147,923,089inassetsandnoclientsonanon-discretionarybasis.