{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

1 -99.01%

of those in investment advisory functions:

1 -98.36%


SEC, Approved, 3/28/2012


17,099,230,322 3.33%

of that, discretionary:

17,099,230,322 3.33%

Private Fund GAV:

17,099,230,322 3.33%

Avg Account Size:

488,549,438 -11.43%



Private Funds:

34 4

Contact Info

617 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

17B 14B 12B 9B 7B 5B 2B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

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Yahoo Finance

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 2 $2,684,303,298
Private Equity Fund 32 $14,414,927,024

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D1 CAPITAL PARTNERS L.P. 23.2b - 805.6m - - - - 24.0b 26.1b 17
CERTUITY, LLC 85.4m - 749.7m - - - - 835.1m 4.0b 27
AXAR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 233.3m - 1.3b - - - - 1.5b 2.6b 17
CLEARWATER CAPITAL PARTNERS - - 1.2b - - - - 1.2b - 12
RIDGELINE PRODUCTIONS LLC 104.7m - 48.7m - - - - 153.4m 153.9m 4
DRAGONEER INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC 10.7b - 13.0b - - - - 23.7b 22.7b 30
RAINE CAPITAL LLC - - 5.2b - - - - 5.2b 3.5b 36
MARBLEGATE ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC 552.2m - 2.0b - - - - 2.6b 2.6b 12
BIRCHVIEW CAPITAL, LP 67.7m - 24.1m - - - - 91.8m 188.1m 12

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


The Management Company, a Delaware limited liability company and a registered investment adviser, and its affiliates (collectively, “ABRY”) provide investment advisory services to private investment funds. The Management Company commenced operations in 2011. The following investment advisers serve as general partners to the Funds (defined below) and are subject to the Advisers Act pursuant to the Management Company’s registration in accordance with SEC guidance: ABRY Investment AI GP, LLC; ABRY Investment II GP, LLC; ABRY Partners VII Co-Investment GP, LLC; ABRY VII Capital Partners, L.P.; ABRY Partners VIII Co-Investment GP, LLC; ABRY VIII Capital Partners, L.P.; ABRY Partners VIII Co- Investment GP (Cayman AIV), LLC; ABRY VIII Capital Partners (Cayman AIV), L.P.; ABRY IX Capital Partners, L.P.; ABRY Partners IX Co-Investment GP, LLC; ABRY Senior Equity Investors IV, L.P.; ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment GP IV, LLC; ABRY ASF Investors III, L.P.; ABRY ASF Investors IV, L.P.; ABRY Heritage Capital Partners, L.P.; ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment GP, LLC; ABRY Senior Equity Investors V, L.P.; ABRY Senior Equity Investors VI, L.P.; ABRY Acquisition Manager, LLC; ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment GP V, LLC; ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment GP VI, LLC; ABRY Heritage Partners Co- Investment GP (Cayman AIV), LLC; ABRY Heritage Capital Partners (Cayman AIV), L.P.; ABRY Heritage Capital Partners II, L.P.; ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment GP II, LLC; and ASE Silk Aggregator GP, LLC (each, a “General Partner,” collectively, the “General Partners,” and together with the Management Company, the “Advisers”). This Brochure describes the business practices of the Advisers, which operate as a single advisory business. The following investment advisers are affiliated with the Advisers: ABRY Partners, LLC; ABRY VI Capital Partners, L.P.; ABRY Senior Equity Investors II, L.P.; ABRY Senior Equity Investors III, L.P.; ABRY ASF Investors, L.P.; ABRY ASF Investors II, L.P.; ABRY Investment GP, LLC; ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment GP, LLC;ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment GP III, LLC (each, an “ABRY I Adviser”); ABRY Partners III, LLC; and ABRY X Capital Partners, L.P. (each, an “ABRY III Adviser”). ABRY Partners, LLC and ABRY Partners III, LLC is each separately registered under the Advisers Act and each of the other ABRY I Advisers and ABRY III Advisers is subject to the Advisers Act pursuant to ABRY Partners, LLC’s and ABRY Partners III, LLC’s registrations, respectively, in accordance with SEC guidance. ABRY Partners III, LLC’s employees provide services to the ABRY I Advisers and the Advisers. The Advisers’ clients include the private investment funds listed below (each, a “Fund,” and collectively, with any other current or future private investment funds to which the Management Company and/or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, including Co- Investment Funds (as defined below), Single Investment Funds (as defined below) and alternative investment vehicles, the “Private Investment Funds”). Equity Funds
• ABRY Partners VII, L.P. (“ABRY Partners VII”)
• ABRY Partners VIII, L.P. (together with ABRY Partners VIII (Cayman AIV), L.P., “ABRY Partners VIII”)
• ABRY Partners IX, L.P. (“ABRY Partners IX,” and together with ABRY Partners VII, ABRY Partners VIII and any future funds with a similar investment strategy, “Equity Funds”) Senior Equity Funds
• ABRY Senior Equity IV, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity IV”)
• ABRY Senior Equity V, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity V”)
• ABRY Senior Equity VI, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity VI,” and together with ABRY Senior Equity IV, ABRY Senior Equity V and any future funds with a similar investment strategy, “Senior Equity Funds”) Senior Debt Funds
• ABRY Advanced Securities Fund III, L.P. (“ABRY ASF Fund III”)
• ABRY Advanced Securities Fund IV, L.P. (“ABRY ASF Fund IV,” and together with ABRY ASF Fund III and any future funds with a similar investment strategy, “Senior Debt Funds”) Co-Investment Funds
• ABRY Investment Partnership AI, L.P. (“AIP AI”)
• ABRY Investment Partnership II, L.P. (“AIP II”)
• ABRY Partners VII Co-Investment Fund, L.P. (“ABRY VII Co-Investment Fund”)
• ABRY Partners VIII Co-Investment Fund, L.P. (together with ABRY Partners VIII Co-Investment Fund (Cayman AIV), L.P., “ABRY VIII Co-Investment Fund”)
• ABRY Partners IX Co-Investment Fund, L.P. (“ABRY IX Co-Investment Fund”)
• ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment Fund, L.P. (together with ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment Fund (Cayman AIV), L.P., “ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment Fund”)
• ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment Fund II, L.P. (together with ABRY Heritage Partners Co-Investment Fund, “ABRY Heritage Co-Investment Fund”)
• ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment Fund IV, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity Co- Investment Fund IV”)
• ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment Fund V, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity Co- Investment Fund V,”)
• ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment Fund VI, L.P. (“ABRY Senior Equity Co- Investment Fund VI,” and together with AIP AI, AIP II, ABRY VII Co- Investment Fund, ABRY VIII Co-Investment Fund, ABRY IX Co-Investment Fund, ABRY Heritage Co-Investment Fund, ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment Fund IV, ABRY Senior Equity Co-Investment Fund V and any future co- investment funds, “Co-Investment Funds”) Single Investment Funds
• Alliant Investor A, LLC (“Alliant Investor A”), Alliant Investor B, LLC (“Alliant Investor B”), Accela Investors, LLC (“Accela Investors”), Minotaur Aggregator, LLC (“Minotaur”), Atlas Investment Aggregator, LLC (“Atlas”), ASE Royal Aggregator, LLC (“Royal Aggregator”), Transit Blocker, LLC (“Transit Blocker”), Secret Aggregator 1 Limited (“Secret Aggregator 1”), ABRY Secret Co-Invest, L.P. (“Secret Co-Invest”), ASE Silk Aggregator, L.P. (“Silk Aggregator”, and, together with Alliant Investor A, Alliant Investor B, Accela Investors, Minotaur, Atlas, Royal Aggregator, Transit Blocker, Aggregator 1, Secret Co-Invest and any future funds with a similar investment strategy, “Single Investment Funds”). The Managing Member of (i) Accela Investors is ABRY Senior Equity IV, (ii) each of Alliant Investors A and Alliant Investor B is ABRY Senior Equity V,(iii) each of Minotaur, Atlas, and Transit Blocker (and in the case of Secret Aggregator 1, the controlling member) is ABRY Partners IX, and (iv) Royal Aggregator is ABRY Senior Equity VI. The General Partner of (i) Secret Co- Invest is ABRY IX Capital Partners, L.P. and (ii) Silk Aggregator is ASE Silk Aggregator GP, LLC. Heritage Funds
• ABRY Heritage Partners, L.P. (together with ABRY Heritage Partners (Cayman AIV), L.P., “ABRY Heritage”)
• ABRY Heritage Partners II, L.P. (“ABRY Heritage II”, and together with ABRY Heritage and any future funds with a similar investment strategy, “Heritage Funds”) Feeder Funds
• ABRY Acquisition Fund, LLC (the “Feeder Fund”) Pursuant to each Fund’s agreement of limited partnership or, in the case of the Single Investment Funds and the Feeder Fund, the limited liability company agreement (each, a “Partnership Agreement”), the applicable General Partner or, in the case of a Single Investment Fund and the Feeder Fund, the Managing Member, which for ease of reference shall be included in the term “General Partner” hereunder, unless otherwise specified, has the authority to manage the business and affairs of the Funds. Each General Partner has delegated, subject to its oversight, day-to-day responsibility for the management and operations of the applicable Fund to the Management Company pursuant to management
agreements between the General Partners and the Management Company (each, a “Management Agreement”). Pursuant to a management agreement between the Management Company and the ABRY I Advisers and ABRY III Advisers, the Management Company provides certain advisory services to the ABRY I Advisers and ABRY III Advisers. Interests in the Funds are privately offered to qualified investors in the United States and elsewhere. The investment advisory services provided to the Funds by the Advisers consist of identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, negotiating the terms of investments, managing and monitoring investments and ultimately selling such investments. The Equity Funds, the Heritage Funds and the Senior Equity Funds are private equity funds and invest through negotiated transactions in operating entities. The Senior Debt Funds are private funds that make investments primarily in senior debt securities generally employing total return swaps (“TRS”) entered into with unaffiliated counterparties to obtain exposure to such debt securities in lieu of the applicable Senior Debt Fund holding such securities directly. Except for the Senior Debt Funds, each Fund invests predominantly in non-public companies, although each Fund may invest in public companies, subject to certain limitations set forth in such Fund’s Partnership Agreement. The Equity Funds generally seek to take a controlling position when investing in a portfolio company, and generally at least one principal (a “Principal”) or other ABRY investment professional serves on a portfolio company’s board of directors in order to represent the applicable Fund’s interests in the portfolio company. The Senior Equity Funds typically do not take controlling positions in portfolio companies but seek to place at least one ABRY Principal or other ABRY professional on the portfolio company’s board. The Single Investment Funds are formed for the purpose of making a single portfolio investment, are controlled by the relevant Fund making such investment, and function as a device to pool the investment of the relevant Fund(s) along with the investment capital of unaffiliated third-party investors. The Feeder Fund is formed for the purpose of making investments in one or more Equity Funds, Senior Debt Funds and/or single portfolio investments. The Advisers’ advisory services to the Funds are detailed in the applicable private placement memoranda, the Management Agreements and the Partnership Agreements (collectively, the “Fund Documents”) and are further described below under Item 8 “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss.” Investors in Private Investment Funds (generally referred to herein as “investors” or “limited partners”) participate in such Fund’s overall investment program, but in certain circumstances are permitted to be excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other applicable constraints; such arrangements generally do not and will not create an adviser-client relationship between the Advisers and any investor. Each Fund or its General Partner typically enters into side letters or other similar agreements with certain investors that have the effect of establishing rights under, altering or supplementing the Partnership Agreement, the investor’s subscription agreement or other Fund Documents, including providing informational rights, addressing regulatory matters with respect to such investors, effectively excusing such investors from participating in certain types of investments, varying economic terms or fee structures, providing transfer rights and offering co-investment-related provisions. Certain of the Advisers serve as an investment manager to Co-Investment Funds structured to facilitate investments by affiliated co-investors alongside the primary Funds on a fixed pro-rata basis with the commitments to such vehicles generally being variable on an annual basis. To the extent that a particular investment opportunity, in the Advisers’ sole discretion, exceeds the desired allocation to a Fund in the aggregate in view of investment size, type, available capital, diversification, location, holding period and other relevant considerations, the Advisers may offer additional co-investment opportunities to other persons or firms who the Advisers or their affiliates believe will be of benefit to the Funds, including certain current or prospective investors, investors in ABRY Partners, LLC or ABRY Partners III, LLC advised funds, other sponsors, market participants, finders, consultants and other service providers, portfolio company management or personnel or ABRY personnel and/or its affiliates. The Advisers may also organize one or more co-investment funds to co-invest alongside the Funds to facilitate personal investments by such persons or firms and by partners, officers and employees and their related parties and associates of the Advisers or of control entities, including the Co-Investment Funds. The Advisers are permitted to facilitate co-investments directly into a portfolio company. The Single Investment Funds were formed for this purpose and operate in a manner similar to the Co-Investment Funds. Co- Investment Funds typically invest and dispose of their investments in the applicable portfolio company at the same time and on the same terms as the Private Investment Fund making the investment. While the Advisers and any of their affiliates may charge carried interest, management and other fees to any co-investors, the Advisers and their affiliates may elect not to charge a management fee to or receive carried interest from such Co-Investment Funds, and, therefore, certain of the Co-Investment Funds do not pay management fees or carried interest. In addition to the foregoing, the Advisers serve as the investment managers to a number of special purpose vehicles through which several Funds have invested. The Advisers generally form special purpose vehicles to facilitate portfolio investments by Funds for legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, ERISA, economic or other similar purposes. The Adviser that acts as the investment manager to a particular special purpose vehicle is determined on the basis of the Fund that invests through such special purpose vehicle. In addition, the Advisers, either directly or indirectly through a special purpose vehicle, may engage in TRS which allow the Senior Debt Funds to derive the economic benefit of owning an asset without retaining legal ownership of such asset. Under the relevant Partnership Agreements, the relevant General Partners also have the authority to form alternative investment vehicles to invest in lieu of the applicable Fund (each, an “alternative investment vehicle”), to the extent appropriate to address tax, regulatory or economic matters, and the limited partners of the relevant Fund may be admitted as limited partners of such alternative investment vehicles, which generally contain legal and economic provisions that are similar or equivalent to those of the relevant Partnership Agreement. Certain of the Advisers currently serve and will serve as investment managers to such vehicles, if and when formed. Finally, in connection with certain investments, the Advisers may employ hedging techniques designed to reduce the risks of adverse movements in interest rates, securities prices, and currency exchange rates. As of December 31, 2023, the Management Company had approximately $17,155,183,170 in client assets under management. The Management Company is principally owned by Jay M. Grossman and Peggy J. Koenig. C.J. Brucato, III is CEO of the Management Company and Jay M. Grossman is Chair of the Management Company.