26NORTH other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

81 55.77%

of those in investment advisory functions:

35 52.17%


SEC, Approved, 9/8/2022


13,963,659,099 38.01%

of that, discretionary:

13,463,659,099 33.07%

Private Fund GAV:

7,504,769,148 49.62%

Avg Account Size:

410,695,856 -14.76%



Private Funds:

24 9

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

10B 9B 7B 6B 4B 3B 1B
2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 1 $184,109,641
Private Equity Fund 17 $7,312,533,797
Securitized Asset Fund 6 $8,125,710

Similar advisers

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CERTUITY, LLC 85.4m - 749.7m - - - - 835.1m 4.0b 27
D1 CAPITAL PARTNERS L.P. 23.2b - 805.6m - - - - 24.0b 26.1b 17
AXAR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 233.3m - 1.3b - - - - 1.5b 2.6b 17
CLEARWATER CAPITAL PARTNERS - - 1.2b - - - - 1.2b - 12
RIDGELINE PRODUCTIONS LLC 104.7m - 48.7m - - - - 153.4m 153.9m 4
RAINE CAPITAL LLC - - 5.2b - - - - 5.2b 3.5b 36
DRAGONEER INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC 10.7b - 13.0b - - - - 23.7b 22.7b 30
MARBLEGATE ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC 552.2m - 2.0b - - - - 2.6b 2.6b 12
BIRCHVIEW CAPITAL, LP 67.7m - 24.1m - - - - 91.8m 188.1m 12

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Advisory Business 26North Partners LP (the “Adviser,” and together with any current and future general partner entities, the “Firm”) is an investment adviser formed under the laws of Delaware with a principal place of business in New York, NY. The Firm commenced operations as an investment adviser in 2022. Joshua Harris, who has managed third party capital for over 30 years, is the Founder and Managing Partner of the Firm. The Firm operates as an integrated, multi-asset class investment platform, benefiting from the industry experience and relationships of Joshua Harris and other senior investment professionals. The Firm provides investment advisory services to pooled investment vehicles (each, a “Fund,” and collectively, together with any future private investment funds to which the Firm and or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, the “Funds”). The Firm also provides investment advisory services to AeBe ISA Ltd., a Bermuda exempted company that is a Class E insurer and an affiliate of the Firm (“AeBe ISA”), and to counterparties of reinsurance transactions with AeBe ISA, and expects to provide advisory services to other entities or vehicles contracting with or investing in or alongside AeBe ISA or any other insurance or reinsurance company established by the Firm or entities it controls, as well as to other third-party insurance companies (collectively, together with AeBe ISA, the “Insurance Clients”). The Firm also provides investment management services to HRS Management, LLC (the “Family Office”), a multi-faceted, single- family office leveraging a long-dated capital base and investing across multiple asset classes. The Firm expects to provide investment management services to other large-scale family offices (the “Third Party Family Offices” and, together with the Family Office, the “Family Office Clients”), as well as to separately managed accounts and institutional clients (the “Separate Accounts”) in the future. The Funds, Separate Accounts, Insurance Clients and the Family Office Clients are referred to collectively herein as the “Clients”. The Firm currently provides, and expects to continue to provide, investment advice to Clients related to a variety of investment strategies, including, but not limited to, private equity, credit, and insurance and reinsurance services. Additionally, the Firm pursues other investment strategies primarily for Family Office Clients, including venture capital and growth equity, public market strategies, and real estate equity investments. The Adviser’s affiliates, 26North Direct Lending II LP, a Delaware limited partnership (“26North DL II”), 26North Private Equity LP, a Delaware limited partnership (“26North PE”), and 26North IGA LP, a Delaware limited partnership (“26North IGA”), are also registered as investment advisers with the SEC pursuant to umbrella registration provisions under the Adviser’s registration. The Adviser, 26North DL II, 26North PE and 26North IGA all operate as a single advisory business together and provide investment advisory services to private investment funds and certain separately managed accounts; as such, references herein to the advisory
services provided by the Adviser (including, for the avoidance of doubt, references to advisory services provided by the Firm) should be construed, where applicable, to include such services provided by 26North DL II, 26North PE and 26North IGA. Further, as described in Item 10, 26North Direct Lending LP, an affiliate of the Firm and registered investment adviser with the SEC (the “BDC Adviser” and, collectively with the Firm, 26North DL II and 26North PE, “26North”), manages the assets of a pooled investment fund that has elected to be regulated as a business development company (the “BDC”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (together with the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, the “1940 Act”). The Firm seeks to tailor its advisory services to the specific investment objectives and restrictions of each Client pursuant to the investment guidelines and restrictions set forth in each Client’s confidential private placement memorandum, offering memorandum, prospectus, limited partnership agreement, advisory agreement, management agreement and/or other governing document, as applicable, (collectively, the “Governing Documents”). However, with regards to the Funds, the Firm does not expect to tailor its services to the individual investors (each, an “Investor” or collectively, the “Investors”) in a Fund or provide Investors in a Fund with the right to specify, restrict, or influence the Fund’s investment objectives or any investment decisions. In certain circumstances, the Firm expects to enter into agreements with certain Investors that provide the Investor the right to be excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other agreed-upon circumstance pursuant to the Governing Documents. Such arrangements generally do not and will not create an adviser-client relationship between the Firm and any Investor. The Firm has entered and expects in the future to enter into side letters or other similar agreements (“Side Letters”) with certain Investors that have the effect of establishing rights under, or altering or supplementing the terms (including economic or other terms) of, the Governing Documents with respect to such Investors. Additionally, as permitted by the Governing Documents, the Firm expects to provide (or agree to provide) investment or co-investment opportunities (including the opportunity to participate in co- invest vehicles) to certain current or prospective Investors or other persons, including other sponsors, market participants, finders, consultants and other service providers, portfolio company management or personnel, Firm personnel and/or certain other persons associated with the Firm and/or its affiliates (e.g., a vehicle formed by the Firm’s principals to co-invest alongside a particular Client’s transactions). The Firm will also provide periodic reports to Clients, including, in the case of a Fund, to the Investors in such Fund. The Firm does not participate in wrap fee programs. As of December 31, 2023, the Firm managed $13,463,659,099 in regulatory assets under management on a discretionary basis and $500,000,000 in regulatory assets under management on a non-discretionary basis.