{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

23 -8.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

21 -4.55%


SEC, Approved, 2/16/2012


1,373,311,333 39.48%

of that, discretionary:

1,373,311,333 39.48%

Private Fund GAV:

1,373,311,333 -49.41%

Avg Account Size:

91,554,089 30.18%



Private Funds:

15 1

Contact Info

303 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 973M 811M 648M 486M 324M 162M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 15 $1,373,311,333

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Describe your advisory firm, including how long you have been in business. Identify your principal owner(s). PRV Management, LP (together with the Funds’ general partners, “Platte River”, the “Firm” or the “Investment Manager”) is a Denver, Colorado-based private equity investment advisory firm founded in 2006 to invest in private equity and equity-related investments in lower middle market companies primarily in North America. Platte River provides portfolio management and investment advisory services to several private equity funds (each, a “Fund”), which are typically formed in groups of two to three parallel entities in order to accommodate different investor types and qualifications. Funds from the same group invest proportionally in portfolio companies based on capital commitments. In addition, Platte River provides investment management and advisory services to co-investment funds established to invest alongside a Fund in a single portfolio company (each, a “Co-Investment Fund” and together with the Funds, the “Funds”, unless the context otherwise requires). In some circumstances, as more fully described in Item 7 below, the Firm also permits certain investors and third parties to co-invest alongside a Fund directly into a portfolio company. Unlike the Co-Investment Funds mentioned above, such direct co-investments are not considered Funds or clients of Platte River. For additional information on how the Firm determines when an investment should be considered for co-investment and how the Firm allocates co-opportunities, please see Item 7 below. Finally, Platte River has established an employee investment vehicle through which the economic interest of certain current and former employees in the Investment Manager is consolidated. With the exception of the employee investment vehicle (which is managed by Gregory A. Sissel), each Fund is affiliated with a general partner (“General Partner”) which has the authority to make investment decisions on behalf of such Fund and is deemed to be registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, (the “Advisers Act”) pursuant to Platte River’s registration. The applicable General Partner of each Fund retains investment discretion and investors in the Funds do not participate in the control or management of the Funds. While the General Partners maintain ultimate authority over the respective Funds, Platte River has been delegated the role of investment adviser. For more information about the Funds and General Partners, please see Platte River’s Form ADV Part 1, Schedule D, Sections 7.A. and 7.B.(1). Principal Owners/Ownership Structure Platte River is owned by Gregory A. Sissel, Peter W. Calamari, Kristian M. Whalen and Mark A. Brown. For more information about Platte River’s owners and executive officers, see Platte River’s Form ADV Part 1, Schedule A and Schedule B. B. Describe the types of advisory services you offer. If you hold yourself out as specializing in a particular type of advisory service, such as financial planning, quantitative analysis, or market timing, explain the nature of that service in greater detail. If you provide investment advice only with respect to limited types of investments, explain the type of investment advice you offer, and disclose that your advice is limited to those types of investments. Platte River provides investment advisory services as a private equity manager to its Funds. The Funds invest through privately negotiated transactions in operating companies, generally referred to as “portfolio companies”, in the lower middle-market. Each portfolio company has its own independent management team responsible for managing its day-to-day operations, although the Firm’s principals or other personnel and/or third parties appointed by Platte River will generally serve on such portfolio companies’ respective boards of directors or otherwise act to influence control over management of portfolio companies held by the Funds. In addition, in some
cases, Platte River will more directly influence the day-to-day management of the company by assisting with recruiting and installing certain individuals in various leadership roles, such as chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer or in other roles. Platte River’s investment advisory services for the Funds include identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, negotiating the terms of investments, managing and monitoring investments and achieving disposition of such investments. C. Explain whether (and, if so, how) you tailor your advisory services to the individual needs of clients. Explain whether clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Platte River’s advisory services are tailored to the investment strategies of the Funds; Platte River does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of investors in the Funds. These Fund investment objectives are described in and governed by the private placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement, subscription agreements, investment management agreement, side letter agreements and other governing documents of the relevant Fund (collectively, the “Governing Documents”) and investors determine the suitability of an investment in a Fund based on, among other things, the Governing Documents. The Firm does not seek or require investor approval regarding each investment decision. Fund investors generally cannot impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities, other than through side letters agreements. Investors in the Funds participate in the overall investment program for the applicable Fund and generally cannot be excused from a particular investment except in certain circumstances pursuant to the terms of the applicable Governing Documents. In accordance with industry common practice, Platte River has entered into side letters or similar agreements with certain investors including those who make substantial commitments of capital or who were early-stage investors in the Funds, or for other reasons in the sole discretion of Platte River, in each case that have the effect of establishing rights under, altering or supplementing a Fund’s Governing Documents. Examples of side letters entered into include provisions whereby investors have expressed an interest in participating in co-investment opportunities, certain fee arrangements, advisory board representation, notification provisions, reporting requirements and “most favored nations” provisions, among others. These rights, benefits or privileges are not always made available to all investors, consistent with the Governing Documents and general market practice. Commencing in March 2025, Platte River will make required disclosure of certain side letters to all investors (and in certain cases, to prospective investors) in accordance with the new Private Fund Rule. Side letters are negotiated at the time of the relevant investor’s capital contribution, and once invested in a Fund, investors generally cannot impose additional investment guidelines or restrictions on such Fund. There can be no assurance that the side letter rights granted to one or more investors will not in certain cases disadvantage other investors. D. If you participate in wrap fee programs by providing portfolio management services, (1) describe the differences, if any, between how you manage wrap fee accounts and how you manage other accounts, and (2) explain that you receive a portion of the wrap fee for your services. Platte River does not participate in wrap fee programs. E. If you manage client assets, disclose the amount of client assets you manage on a discretionary basis and the amount of client assets you manage on a non-discretionary basis. Disclose the date “as of” which you calculated the amounts. As of December 31, 2023, Platte River managed approximately $1.373 billion in regulatory assets under management, all managed on a discretionary basis.