other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 11/04/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 486 -5.81%
of those in investment advisory functions 168 10.53%
Registration SEC, Approved, 02/15/2011
AUM* 44,651,158,287 9.39%
of that, discretionary 44,651,158,287 9.39%
Private Fund GAV* 66,461,790,245 0.56%
Avg Account Size 628,889,553 -1.40%
SMA’s No
Private Funds 71 28
Contact Info 212 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles
- Insurance companies

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

44B 38B 31B 25B 19B 13B 6B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeHedge Fund Count71 GAV$66,461,790,245

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM #Funds
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Adviser ARISTOTLE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Hedge Fund3.8m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV3.8m AUM43.7b #Funds1
Adviser FARALLON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. Hedge Fund53.5b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV53.5b AUM42.6b #Funds76
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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker041242108 Stock NameARKO CORP $ Position$152,490,432 % Position4.00% $ Change-6.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker358039AB1 Stock NameFRESHPET INC $ Position$155,248,786 % Position4.00% $ Change10.00% # Change3.00%
Stck Ticker722304AC6 Stock NamePDD HOLDINGS INC $ Position$162,866,159 % Position4.00% $ Change1.00% # Change6.00%
Stck TickerN70544106 Stock NamePLAYA HOTELS & RESORTS NV $ Position$150,440,365 % Position3.00% $ Change59.00% # Change-3.00%
Stck Ticker76954AAB9 Stock NameRIVIAN AUTOMOTIVE INC $ Position$111,100,000 % Position3.00% $ Change12.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker81180WBL4 Stock NameSEAGATE HDD CAYMAN $ Position$102,042,500 % Position2.00% $ Change-5.00% # Change13.00%
Stck TickerG4939KAF3 Stock NameIQIYI INC $ Position$69,350,000 % Position2.00% $ Change-3.00% # Change-3.00%
Stck Ticker50202MAB8 Stock NameLI AUTO INC $ Position$74,067,500 % Position2.00% $ Change13.00% # Change18.00%
Stck Ticker30303M102 Stock NameMETA PLATFORMS INC $ Position$101,269,224 % Position2.00% $ Change-7.00% # Change-9.00%
Stck TickerN07059210 Stock NameASML HOLDING N V $ Position$65,963,889 % Position2.00% $ Change # Change

Brochure Summary