LORD, ABBETT & CO. LLC other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company

Number of Employees:

748 2.47%

of those in investment advisory functions:

264 4.76%


SEC, Approved, 11/7/1970


200,695,069,131 -4.97%

of that, discretionary:

199,687,231,754 -4.98%

Private Fund GAV:

921,401,286 -1.05%

Avg Account Size:

10,298,392 -10.04%

% High Net Worth:

17.41% 9.36%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

201 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

261B 224B 186B 149B 112B 75B 37B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Recent News

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“Racial wealth inequity is a threat to child well-being and America’s future,” the Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund, another inaugural ... class of organizations: The ACLU, Lord Abbett, McKinsey & Co., and SKDKnickerbocker.


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“Racial wealth inequity is a threat to child well-being and America’s future,” the Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund, another inaugural ... class of organizations: The ACLU, Lord Abbett, McKinsey & Co., and SKDKnickerbocker.


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 4 $921,401,286

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MACKENZIE INVESTMENTS - - - - - - 176.5m 176.5m 158.2b 2
HARTFORD FUNDS - - - - - - 15.5m 15.5m 128.8b 3
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RHUMBLINE ADVISERS - - - - - - 14.9b 14.9b 107.6b 17

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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
67066G104 NVIDIA Corp $1,169,177 4.00% 19.00% 773.00%
594918104 Microsoft Corp $1,025,583 3.00% 4.00% -2.00%
46625H100 JPMorgan Chase & Co $489,090 2.00% 34.00% 32.00%
02079K305 Alphabet Inc $549,117 2.00% 147.00% 104.00%
002824100 Abbott Laboratories $166,310 1.00% -26.00% -19.00%
023135106 Amazon.com Inc $411,920 1.00% 18.00% 10.00%
032654105 Analog Devices Inc $180,842 1.00% 585.00% 493.00%
00287Y109 AbbVie Inc $304,189 1.00% -4.00% 1.00%
N00985106 AerCap Holdings NV $211,505 1.00% 67.00% 55.00%
040413106 Arista Networks Inc $223,490 1.00% 6.00% -12.00%

Brochure Summary


Firm Overview Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett” or “the firm”) is an independent money management firm founded in 1929. Lord Abbett provides discretionary and nondiscretionary investment management services to a broad range of clients, including registered investment companies. Managing money is the singular focus of Lord Abbett. Substantially all of Lord Abbett’s investment and operations personnel are primarily located in Lord Abbett’s office in Jersey City, New Jersey. Lord Abbett is owned solely by current and former senior professionals of the firm (or by their estate or members of their family) and is not publicly traded. No individual or company owns 25% or more of Lord Abbett. As of September 30, 2023, Lord Abbett’s regulatory assets under management were approximately $200.7 billion, of which approximately $199.7 billion was managed on a discretionary basis and approximately $1.0 billion was managed on a nondiscretionary basis. Investment Advisory Services Lord Abbett manages equity, fixed-income, and multi-asset class portfolios across a wide range of investment strategies. Portfolio management teams employ a rigorous investment approach and the firm’s investment processes are supported by a strong internal focus on fundamental and quantitative research. At Lord Abbett, we take great pride in the efforts of our investment research team. We have dedicated significant resources to this effort and continually work to improve our fundamental and quantitative research. Lord Abbett provides investment advisory services to the following types of clients:  Institutional Clients—Lord Abbett provides discretionary investment advice to U.S. and non-U.S. retirement and benefit plans, corporations, public funds, foundations, endowments, unions, insurance companies, religious and healthcare organizations, pooled investment vehicles, and family trusts. Lord Abbett also sponsors and provides discretionary investment advisory services to commingled funds offered on a private placement basis to eligible institutional investors.  Registered Investment Companies—Lord Abbett provides investment advisory services to a family of SEC- registered investment companies (the “Lord Abbett Funds”) and registered investment companies sponsored by unaffiliated third parties.  Foreign Pooled Investment Vehicles—Lord Abbett provides investment advisory services to a family of funds that are authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (the “Lord Abbett UCITS Funds”), to an alternative investment fund that is authorized and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) in Luxembourg pursuant to Part II of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment (the “Lord Abbett Luxembourg Fund”), and to two Cayman Islands exempted companies that are feeder funds into two of the Lord Abbett Funds (the “Lord Abbett Cayman Funds” and, together with the Lord Abbett UCITS Funds and Lord Abbett Luxembourg Fund, the “Lord Abbett Global Funds”). In addition, Lord Abbett provides investment sub-advisory services to foreign pooled investment vehicles.  Managed Account Services—Lord Abbett provides investment advisory services, as well as nondiscretionary security recommendations in the form of model portfolios, through its participation in two types of managed account or “wrap fee” programs. These programs are referred to as Managed Accounts and Model Portfolios. Managed Accounts—In traditional Managed Account programs, a client selects a financial institution sponsor
(a “Sponsor”), which provides a bundle of services for a single fee. Typically, this bundle of services includes the research of firms such as Lord Abbett in order to be included as a discretionary investment adviser in the Sponsor’s program, payment of Lord Abbett’s investment advisory fee, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of Lord Abbett’s performance, execution of the client’s portfolio transactions, and/or custodial services for the client’s assets. In some Managed Account programs, so-called “dual contract” programs, the client enters into both an investment management agreement with Lord Abbett and a program agreement with the Sponsor. In a dual contract program, the investment management fee may not be included in the Sponsor’s bundled fee and, in those cases, the client pays the investment management fee directly to Lord Abbett. Model Portfolios—Pursuant to a master investment advisory services agreement, Sponsors of Model Portfolios receive Lord Abbett’s model securities portfolio for a particular investment style. Based on the model, the Sponsor or its designated representative, often referred to as an “overlay manager,” exercises investment discretion and executes each client’s portfolio transactions predicated on the Sponsor’s or overlay manager’s own investment judgment. Lord Abbett does not provide Model Portfolios based on the individual needs of any program client. Differences in Investment Management Services Lord Abbett provides investment management services through Managed Account and Model Portfolio programs, which generally differ from the investment advisory services it furnishes to other clients. Many of the primary differences include the investment types and strategies used. Managed Accounts and Model Portfolios generally tend to limit eligible investments to publicly traded equity securities and fixed-income securities, while other Lord Abbett client accounts may also invest in private placements and derivatives, as well as other instruments that are less liquid or not as freely traded. In addition, equity Managed Accounts do not participate in initial or secondary offerings because of the difficulty in obtaining sufficient allocations to distribute fairly across all client accounts. Managed Accounts also at times have lower portfolio turnover than other Lord Abbett client accounts, especially in certain strategies. Finally, Managed Accounts and Model Portfolios typically have fewer holdings than other client portfolios. Lord Abbett typically relies on the program Sponsor or consultant/financial adviser to provide client portfolio reporting. Additional differences include the following:  Equity securities transactions in Managed Accounts and Model Portfolios generally are executed through the Sponsor without a separate commission charge or at a fixed commission amount per trade negotiated by the Sponsor. Equity securities transactions for other Lord Abbett investment management clients are placed through broker-dealers selected by Lord Abbett and are subject to separate commission charges that are negotiated by Lord Abbett.  In Managed Account and Model Portfolio programs, Lord Abbett will generally rely exclusively on the Sponsor’s determination that its particular investment strategy is suitable for a Managed Account or Model Portfolio client and will not seek to collect and conduct a review of any client information separate from the Sponsor. Please refer to the sections entitled Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies, and Risk of Loss and Investment Discretion below for discussions of how Lord Abbett tailors its advisory services to the individual needs of its clients.