{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

21 10.53%

of those in investment advisory functions:

12 20.00%


SEC, Approved, 2/4/2005


1,900,869,348 -1.66%

of that, discretionary:

1,900,869,348 -1.66%

Private Fund GAV:

1,900,869,349 27.77%

Avg Account Size:

73,110,360 5.90%



Private Funds:

17 1

Contact Info

617 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 2B 1B 1B 828M 552M 276M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 17 $1,900,869,349

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Firm Overview GCP is a private equity investment management firm that has been providing differentiated investment products to investors worldwide. GCP was founded in 1990 under the name of Permal Capital Management, LLC. GCP is principally owned by GCP Holdings A LLC and GCP Holdings B, LLC. Principals of GCP, through various holding companies, have a significant economic interest in GCP. GCP provides investment management services on a discretionary basis to GCP Funds and individually managed accounts, which are generally established as single-investor private investment funds where GCP or a GCP affiliate serves as general partner and/or investment manager in order to align GCP’s interests with those of the client (“GCP Clients” and together with the GCP Funds, “Clients” or “Accounts”). GCP serves as the investment adviser to GCP Funds that focus on two core strategies: primary funds of funds that invest in the venture capital and buyout strategies and secondary market funds that purchase private equity interests from investors seeking liquidity. GCP also offers Clients other strategies that leverage these core strategies, including structured products, separate accounts and direct co-investments. Primary market funds of funds and secondary market funds in which the Accounts invest are referred to herein as “Portfolio Funds” and the investment advisers managing such Portfolio Funds are referred to herein as “Portfolio Managers”. GCP invests Client assets across all sectors of the private equity universe, including venture capital, growth capital, buyouts and special situations. Investments include a wide array of industries, geographic markets, company sizes and stages of development. GCP’s review of potential investments involves an evaluation of the merits of the opportunity, including screening of offering documents, meeting with management, detailed review of track record/financial performance materials, on-site visits and interviews with key members of the team, evaluation of due diligence material and detailed reference checking. As of September 30, 2023, GCP managed approximately $1,900,869,348 in discretionary assets under management, which amount includes uncalled capital commitments as of that date. GCP does not currently manage any assets in a non-discretionary manner. Nature of GCP’s Clients GCP Clients and investors in the GCP Funds are typically domiciled in the U.S., Canada, Europe and include public and private defined benefit retirement plans, endowments and foundations, family offices, wealth management firms, healthcare entities and financial institutions. The GCP Funds are typically U.S. and non- U.S. limited partnerships and other investment vehicles that are not registered or required to be registered under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment
Company Act”) or the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) and are privately placed to qualified investors in the United States and elsewhere. See, also Item 7 below. GCP’s Investment Mandates Accounts are managed in accordance with the relevant Client’s investment objectives as set forth in the relevant GCP Fund’s confidential offering memorandum, organizational documents and other related documents (collectively a GCP Fund’s “Governing Documents”) or investment agreement, and in all cases investments are selected on the basis of the Client’s investment needs and objectives. With respect to GCP Clients, GCP is generally not expected to consider and diversify a GCP Client’s Account based on other assets that might be held by the GCP Client and GCP’s only responsibility with respect to diversification is to diversify the assets held in the Account managed by GCP in accordance with the Client’s stated guidelines. GCP may accept reasonable, client-imposed restrictions upon investment in certain securities or types of securities. GCP manages each GCP Fund in accordance with the GCP Fund’s particular investment objectives, strategies and guidelines (as set forth in the relevant Governing Documents) and is not tailored to the individualized needs of any particular limited partner (each, an “Investor”) though certain GCP Funds may take into consideration the general characteristics (e.g., tax status) of its target Investors when structuring its operations (e.g., master-feeder structures.). An investment in a GCP Fund does not, in and of itself, create an advisory relationship between the Investor and GCP and GCP typically does not enter into separate advisory arrangements with any such Investor. Therefore, each Investor must consider for itself whether any GCP Fund meets the Investor’s investment objectives and risk tolerance before investing in a GCP Fund. Information about each GCP Fund is set forth in its Governing Documents, which will be available to current and eligible prospective Investors only through GCP or another authorized party. GCP has, and may in the future, entered into letter agreements or other similar agreements (collectively, “Side Letters”) with one or more investors of a Fund which provide such investor(s) with additional and/or different rights (including, without limitation, with respect to management fees, the carried interest, withdrawals, access to information and minimum investment amounts) than such investors have pursuant to the Governing Documents. GCP will not be required to notify any or all of the other investors of any such written agreements or any of the rights and/or terms or provisions thereof, nor will GCP be required to offer such additional and/or different rights and/or terms to any or all of the other investors.