CRG other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

24 4.35%

of those in investment advisory functions:

9 -10.00%


SEC, Approved, 10/1/2004


2,956,547,063 -2.99%

of that, discretionary:

2,956,547,063 -2.99%

Private Fund GAV:

1,563,181,283 16.58%

Avg Account Size:

197,103,138 -2.99%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

713 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

3B 3B 2B 2B 1B 923M 461M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Strongbridge Biopharma PLC

Stocks: Real-time U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only; comprehensive quotes and volume reflect trading in all markets and are delayed at least 15 minutes. International ...


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 15 $1,563,181,283

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


The Adviserhasbeeninbusinesssince2003andprovidesinvestmentadvisoryservicesto private equity partnerships (as described below) in the acquisition and management of a portfolioofloans,bonds,equities,royaltyinterestsandotherinstrumentsinthehealthcare sector(collectively,“PortfolioInvestments”).(Suchprivateequitypartnershipsarereferredto asa“Fund”orcollectivelyas“Funds”.)AsofDecember31,2023theAdviserhadregulatory assetsundermanagementof$2.96billion,allofwhichisonadiscretionarybasis.
AnumberofaffiliatesoftheAdviserarethegeneralpartnersinseveralFunds;pleaseseeItem 10 for more information regarding this relationship. The Adviser provides investment management services to the Funds in building and managing a portfolio of Portfolio Investments. This portfolio of investments covers a range of market segments, including biopharma, medical devices, tools, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and services. The Adviser may,basedonportfoliomanagementobjectivesforaparticularaccount,investinassetsother thanPortfolioInvestments.Inaddition,theFundsmayemployleverageinconnectionwithany investmentstrategyintheformofborrowingswhichmaybelimitedrecoursetocertainassets ofaFundorfullrecoursetoallofaFund’sassets,aspermittedundertherelevantpartnership agreement.
TheAdviser’sinvestmentteamcurrentlycomprises23professionalsincludinginternallegal, accounting and compliance personnel, as well as professionals employed by Piedmont Evergreen(asdefinedbelow).PiedmontEvergreenLLC(“PiedmontEvergreen”),anaffiliateof theAdviser,isbasedinDorado,PuertoRicoandisregisteredasarelyingadviseroftheAdviser withtheSEC.PiedmontEvergreenemploysNathan“Nate”Hukill.Membersoftheinvestment committeeinclude:NateHukill,LukeDüster,DavidCarter,andScottLi.Belowoutlineseach investmentcommitteemember’spositionandrole/responsibility.
Name Role / Responsibility Nate Hukill Managing Partner Partner, Piedmont Evergreen
• Strategic direction of CRG
• Day-to-day management and oversight of investments, investor relations and finance Luke Düster CIO and Partner
• Chief Investment Officer (“CIO”)
• Management of the investment team and process
• Portfolio management and investment structuring David Carter Partner
• Head of tools & diagnostics vertical Scott Li Partner
• Head of healthcare services and specialty pharma vertical MoreinformationabouttheseandotherinvestmentpersonnelcanbefoundintheBrochure Supplement (Form ADV Part 2B). Nate Hukill is also the principal manager of the Adviser.
More information regarding
ownership of the Adviser can be found in Form ADV Part 1, ScheduleA.
TheAdvisermay,fromtimetotime,establish,onatransaction-by-transactionbasis,pooled investmentvehiclesthroughwhichcertainpersonsmayinvestalongsideoneormoreFunds in a particular investment opportunity (each such vehicle a “Co-Investment Vehicle”). As a general matter, each such Co-Investment Vehicle exits its investment in the particular investmentopportunityatsubstantiallythesametime(andonsubstantiallythesameterms) astheapplicableFund(s)thatarealsoinvestedinthatinvestmentopportunity.Pleaseseeitem 11 for a discussion of the allocation of co-investment opportunities and certain related conflictsofinterest.
Additionally,theAdviseranditsaffiliatesmayalsoorganizeandserveasgeneralpartneror investmentmanager(orinananalogouscapacity)tocertainother“feeder”vehicles(eachsuch vehicle, a “Feeder Vehicle”) organized to invest exclusively in a Fund and/or alternative investment vehicles (each, an “Alternative Investment Vehicle”) organized to address, for example,specifictax,legal,business,accountingorregulatory-relatedmattersthatmayarise inconnectionwiththetransactionortransactions.
TheAdviser’sadvisoryservicesconsistofinvestigating,identifyingandevaluatinginvestment opportunities,structuring,negotiatingandmakinginvestmentsonbehalfofFunds,managing andmonitoringtheperformanceofsuchinvestmentsanddisposingofsuchinvestments.The Adviser may serve as the investment adviser and the Adviser or an affiliate may serve as generalpartnertotheFundsinordertoprovidesuchservices.
TheAdviserprovidesinvestmentsupervisoryservicestoeachFundpursuanttoinvestment managementorportfoliomanagementagreements(eachan“AdvisoryAgreement”).
The terms of the advisory services to be provided to a Fund, including any restrictions on investments of certain types of securities, are established by the Adviser, as modified by negotiationswithinvestorsintheapplicableFund(generallyreferredtohereinas“investors” or “limited partners”), and set forth in such Advisory Agreement, offering documents, organizational documents, operating agreement and/or other documentation received by eachinvestorpriortotheinvestmentinsuchFund.OnceinvestedinaFund,theinvestors cannotimposerestrictionsonthetypesofsecuritiesinwhichsuchFundmayinvest.
Muchofthedisclosureinthisbrochureisgeneralinnatureand,becausemostoftheAdviser’s clientsareFunds,issubjecttothespecifictermsandconditionsofaFundinvestmentincluded intheFund’sorganizationalandofferingdocuments.Inaddition,investorsintheFundsare generallynotclientsoftheAdviserunlesstheyhaveaseparateadvisoryrelationshipwiththe Adviser.