GIGAFUND other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

8 33.33%

of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 3/4/2019


3,640,479,682 21.60%

of that, discretionary:

3,394,664,222 21.29%

Private Fund GAV:

3,394,664,223 21.29%

Avg Account Size:

191,604,194 8.80%



Private Funds:

18 2

Contact Info

833 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

3B 2B 2B 2B 1B 800M 400M
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 18 $3,394,664,223

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Gigafund Management Company, LLC (“Gigafund” or the “Firm”), a Delaware limited liability company, was formed in June 2017 and filed to become a registered investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in February 2019. Luke Nosek and Stephen Oskoui are the Firm’s principal owners. The Firm is an investment management firm that provides advisory services on a discretionary basis to a number of privately offered pooled investment vehicles (collectively, the “Funds” and each a “Fund”) and on a non-discretionary basis to separately managed accounts (collectively the “SMAs” and each an “SMA”, and collectively with the Funds, the “Clients”). Currently, Gigafund manages eighteen (18) Funds, each of which is a Delaware limited partnership formed to invest in a single company: Gigafund 0, LP; Gigafund 0-A, LP; Gigafund 0.1, LP, Gigafund 0.2, LP, Gigafund 0.3, LP, Gigafund 0.4, LP, Gigafund 0.5, LP, Gigafund 0.6, LP, Gigafund 0.7, LP, Gigafund 0.8, LP, Gigafund 0.12, LP, Gigafund 0.13, LP, Gigafund 0.14, LP, Gigafund 0.15, LP, Gigafund 0.16, LP, Gigafund 0.19, LP, Gigafund 0.22, LP, and Gigafund 0.24, LP. In the future, Gigafund may form additional funds, including feeder and parallel funds, co-investment vehicles, multi-investment vehicles, and special purpose vehicles. Each of Gigafund 0 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.2 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.3 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.4 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.5 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.6 GP, LP, and Gigafund 0.8 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.9 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.12 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.14 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.15 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.16 GP, LP, Gigafund 0.19 GP, LP, and Gigafund
0.24 GP, LP (each an “Affiliated General Partner” and, collectively, the “Affiliated General Partners”) serve as the general partner of its respective Fund (or Funds in the case of Gigafund 0.3 GP, LP and Gigafund 0.6 GP, LP) pursuant to separate limited partnership agreements (Limited Partnership Agreement) that govern each Fund. Each of the Affiliated General Partners is a related person of Gigafund and is under common control with Gigafund. The Affiliated General Partners are also investment advisers and, together with Gigafund, are a part of a single advisory business controlled by Messrs. Nosek and Oskoui. While each Affiliated General Partner retains management authority over the business and affairs, including investment decisions, of its respective Fund, Gigafund has been delegated the role of investment adviser. Please see Item 8.A. for additional information regarding the Firm’s investment strategy. Gigafund’s investment management and advisory services to the Funds are provided pursuant to the terms of the applicable offering documents or governing documents, which set forth investment strategies and limitations. Gigafund’s investment management and advisory services to the SMAs are provided pursuant to the terms of the applicable investment management agreement, which set forth investment strategies and limitations. Gigafund does not participate in a wrap fee program. As of December 31, 2023, Gigafund managed approximately $3,640,479,681 in assets under management, $3,394,664,222 on a discretionary basis and $245,815,460 on a non-discretionary basis.