other names
Mondrian is an investment management firm based in London
Revenue $77.0 m
Headquarters London, United Kingdom

Adviser Profile

As of Date 03/28/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- Outside the United States
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company
Number of Employees 146 -6.41%
of those in investment advisory functions 49 -2.00%
Registration SEC, Approved, 11/30/1990
AUM* 45,343,864,910 4.72%
of that, discretionary 45,343,864,910 4.72%
Private Fund GAV* 6,606,834,651 -1.16%
Avg Account Size 365,676,330 12.32%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 27 1
Contact Info 011 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Investment companies
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- State or municipal government entities
- Other investment advisers
- Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions
- Corporations or other businesses not listed above

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

64B 55B 46B 37B 27B 18B 9B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count27 GAV$6,606,834,651

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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker87807B107 Stock NameTC Energy (CA) $ Position$273,986,911 % Position5.00% $ Change-33.00% # Change-34.00%
Stck Ticker539439109 Stock NameLloyds Bank ADR $ Position$221,839,566 % Position4.00% $ Change-4.00% # Change-2.00%
Stck Ticker835699307 Stock NameSony ADR $ Position$223,038,618 % Position4.00% $ Change4.00% # Change358.00%
Stck Ticker05964H105 Stock NameBSCH ADR $ Position$221,452,518 % Position4.00% $ Change-2.00% # Change-2.00%
Stck Ticker30303M102 Stock NameMeta Platforms $ Position$155,252,957 % Position3.00% $ Change-9.00% # Change-24.00%
Stck Ticker37733W204 Stock NameGSK PLC ADR $ Position$205,919,804 % Position3.00% $ Change1.00% # Change18.00%
Stck Ticker808513105 Stock NameCharles Schwab $ Position$164,441,652 % Position3.00% $ Change37.00% # Change7.00%
Stck Ticker500472303 Stock NamePhilips ADR $ Position$196,785,120 % Position3.00% $ Change-24.00% # Change-10.00%
Stck Ticker055622104 Stock NameBP Plc ADR $ Position$152,448,754 % Position3.00% $ Change0.00% # Change1.00%
Stck Ticker110448107 Stock NameBATS ADR $ Position$185,779,401 % Position3.00% $ Change261.00% # Change233.00%

Brochure Summary