{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

19 11.76%

of those in investment advisory functions:

12 20.00%


SEC, Approved, 3/17/2023


1,571,828,979 3.46%

of that, discretionary:

1,571,828,979 3.46%

Private Fund GAV:

1,571,828,979 2.08%

Avg Account Size:

130,985,748 -13.78%



Private Funds:

8 2

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 1B 1B 868M 651M 434M 217M

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 8 $1,571,828,979

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ACTIVANT CAPITAL GROUP LLC - - 1.2b - - - - 1.2b 1.2b 19

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Describe your advisory firm, including how long you have been in business. Identify your principal owner(s). AHP is organized as a Delaware limited liability company and is an investment adviser registered with the SEC. The firm filed for registration as an investment adviser in 2023. AHP serves as an investment adviser to pooled investment vehicles (“Fund Clients”) that are primarily domestic and foreign limited partnerships. Investments by Fund Clients typically are made through a master-feeder structure or through a parallel funds structure, in each case, with an affiliate of AHP serving as general partner of Fund Clients organized as limited partnerships, and AHP serving as investment adviser to the Fund Clients. AHP provides investment advisory services primarily focused on private investments in the healthcare sector. Principal Ownership James Pieri, through PHP Industries LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is the sole owner of AHP. B. Describe the types of advisory services you offer. If you hold yourself out as specializing in a particular type of advisory service, such as financial planning, quantitative analysis, or market timing, explain the nature of that service in greater detail. If you provide investment advice only with respect to limited types of investments, explain the type of investment advice you offer, and disclose that your advice is limited to those types of investments. AHP specializes in providing advisory services with respect to private investments in healthcare-related and/or healthcare-adjacent companies. C. Explain whether (and, if so, how) you tailor your advisory services to the individual needs of clients. Explain whether clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. The advisory services provided by AHP to the Fund Clients are tailored to the investment objectives, investment strategy and investment restrictions, if any, as set forth in the governing documents of Fund Clients and/or the investment management agreement entered into by AHP with such clients. Except as noted below, AHP typically does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of investors in the Fund Client; accordingly, AHP typically does not accept material investment restrictions imposed by such Fund Client investors. The offering documents of the Fund Clients and certain agreements with
one or more investors (“Side Letters”) permit the excuse and/or exclusion of a particular investor from participating in a particular investment in certain limited circumstances, but AHP generally does not otherwise accept investment restrictions imposed by Fund Client investors. Each Fund Client from time to time enters into Side Letters with one or more of its investors whereby in consideration for agreeing to invest certain amounts in a Fund Client and/or other consideration deemed sufficiently material, such investors may be granted favorable rights not afforded other investors in such Fund Client. Such rights may include one or more of the following: rights to receive additional representations and/or covenants; rights to receive reports from the Fund Client on a more frequent basis or that include information not typically provided to other investors that AHP believes are not prejudicial to other investors; rights to receive reduced rates of performance fees/allocations and/or management fees earned by AHP, each Fund Client’s general partner and/or other affiliates (directly or indirectly through a rebate or reimbursement arrangement); application of a restricted securities list; and such other rights as are negotiated between the Fund Client, AHP and such investors. Such agreements may be entered into by the Fund Client and the applicable member of AHP without the consent of other investors in such Fund Client; additionally, except as may be required by “most-favored-nations” clauses, such agreements usually need not be disclosed to other investors in such Fund Client. D. If you participate in wrap fee programs by providing portfolio management services, (1) describe the differences, if any, between how you manage wrap fee accounts and how you manage other accounts, and (2) explain that you receive a portion of the wrap fee for your services. AHP does not participate in “wrap fee arrangements,” whereby clients select AHP to manage funds through an investment program presented to the clients by a third-party program sponsor. E. If you manage client assets, disclose the amount of client assets you manage on a discretionary basis and the amount of client assets you manage on a non-discretionary basis. Disclose the date “as of” which you calculated the amounts. As of December 31, 2023, AHP has approximately $1,571,828,979 in regulatory assets under management, all of which it manages on a discretionary basis.