OCTOGONE NA other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

9 -18.18%

of those in investment advisory functions:

7 -22.22%


SEC, Approved, 8/24/2022


378,571,749 31.16%

of that, discretionary:

203,880,454 15.67%

Private Fund GAV:

78,903,240 33.39%

Avg Account Size:

4,616,729 19.96%

% High Net Worth:

18.29% 37.20%



Private Funds:

10 3

Contact Info

305 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

183M 157M 131M 105M 79M 52M 26M
2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 6 $48,306,615
Real Estate Fund 4 $30,596,625

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM # funds
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PIN OAK INVESTMENT ADVISORS INC 312.3m - - 40.0m - - - 352.3m 673.2m 11
NEW VERNON CAPITAL 783.7m - - 32.1m - - - 815.8m 862.3m 5
III CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 18.4b - - 18.0m - - - 18.4b 39.5b 9
ANDA ASSET MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. 340.9m - - 169.4m - - - 510.3m 972.1m 36
GARRISON INVESTMENT GROUP LP - - - - - - - - 195.4m -
HALE PARTNERSHIP CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC 185.1m - - 45.4m - - - 230.5m 593.1m 8
NW1 PARTNERS 415.1m - - - - - - 415.1m 477.5m 10
HEITMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 5.2b - - 37.2m - - - 5.2b 8.6b 5
FORTRESS INVESTMENT GROUP 82.5b - 405.8m 1.7b 14.8b - - 99.4b 80.0b 344

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Octogone NA, LLC (“Octogone” or the “firm” is a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Octogone is organized as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Delaware. Octogone has acquired the advisory business of Octogone NA Inc. Focus Financial Partners Octogone is part of the Focus Financial Partners, LLC (“Focus LLC”) partnership. Specifically, Octogone is a wholly- owned subsidiary of Focus Operating, LLC (“Focus Operating”), which is, directly and indirectly, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Focus LLC. Focus Financial Partners Inc. (“Focus Inc.”) is the sole managing member of Focus LLC and has 100% of its governance rights. Accordingly, all governance is conducted through the voting rights and the Board of Directors at Focus Inc. Focus Inc. is the managing member of and owns, directly and indirectly, approximately 99% of the economic interests in Focus LLC. Focus Inc. is majority-owned, indirectly and collectively, by funds affiliated with Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC (“CD&R”). Funds affiliated with Stone Point Capital LLC (“Stone Point”) are indirect owners of Focus Inc. Because Octogone is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Focus Inc., CD&R and Stone Point funds are indirect owners of Octogone. Focus LLC also owns other registered investment advisers, broker-dealers, pension consultants, insurance firms, business managers and other firms (the “Focus Partners”), most of which provide wealth management, benefit consulting and investment consulting services to individuals, families, employers, and institutions. Some Focus Partners also manage or advise limited partnerships, private funds, or investment companies as disclosed on their respective Form ADVs. Octogone is managed by Joakim Lehmkul, Gilles Lambotte, Christophe Lambotte, Manuel Echeverria, James Giraldo, Alexis Morange, David Georges-Picot, and Faraz Sultan (“Octogone Principals”), pursuant to a management agreement between Longboat SA and Octogone. The Octogone Principals serve as leaders and officers of Octogone and are responsible for the management, supervision and oversight of Octogone. You may see the term Associated Person throughout this Brochure. As used in this Brochure, this term refers to anyone from our firm who is an officer, an employee, and all individuals providing investment advice on behalf of our firm. Types of Advisory Services We offer discretionary and non-discretionary portfolio management services to individuals and corporations, and private funds. Discretionary portfolio management means we will make investment decisions and place buy or sell orders in your account without contacting you. These decisions would be made based upon your stated investment objectives. Clients may limit our discretionary authority by, for example, setting a limit on the type of securities that can be purchased for their account. Simply provide us with your reasonable restrictions in writing. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to reject any such restrictions. Non-discretionary portfolio management service means that we must obtain your approval prior to making any transactions in your account. Our portfolio management services are based on the individual goals, objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance of each client. Octogone gathers risk tolerance and suitability information from each client, which outlines the client’s current situation (income, tax levels, and risk tolerance levels) and then constructs a portfolio that is designed to match each client’s specific situation. Octogone does not specialize in specific types of securities. We can advise clients on various types of securities, such as exchange listed equities, over the counter equities, foreign issues,
American depository receipts, corporate debt securities, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, municipal securities, investment company securities (including mutual funds and exchange traded funds), US Government securities, options contracts on securities and/or commodities, private equity instruments, and interests in partnership investing in real estate. Additionally, we will provide advice on existing investments you may hold at the inception of the advisory relationship or on other types of investments for which you ask advice. If you engage us for portfolio management services, we will monitor your portfolio’s performance on a continuous basis, and rebalance the portfolio whenever necessary, as changes occur in market conditions and/or your financial circumstances. Octogone also acts as the General Partner and/or the investment manager of Octogone Partners Fund LP, Octogone Partners Fund International Ltd., Octogone Real Estate Fund I LLC, Cresthill Holdings Fund, Inc., Delphi Arbitrage Fund, Ltd., Delphi Global Limited, and The PRS Newport Fund, (the “Funds”). The Funds are private investment funds. Accordingly, interests in the Funds are offered and sold exclusively to investors satisfying the applicable eligibility and suitability requirements in private transactions. Octogone provides investment advisory services to the Funds through the management of investment portfolios in accordance with the objectives and guidelines of the Funds as stated in each private placement memorandum or equivalent disclosure document. The investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial circumstances are described in more detail in each Fund’s subscription documents. Further disclosures about the Funds, and the conflicts of interest associated with these investments are provided in Item 10 and Item 11 below. Delegation to Sub-Advisers We may use one or more sub-advisers to manage all or a portion of your account. The sub-adviser will actively manage the client’s portfolio and will assume investment discretionary and trading authority over the managed account. Octogone will not actively manage the assets in any account managed by the sub-adviser. However, Octogone will have discretionary authority to hire and terminate sub-advisers and reallocate the client’s assets to other sub-advisers, when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the client. In some circumstances, Octogone may also obtain investment discretion or trading authority over client assets managed by the sub- adviser. At this time, one of the sub-advisers recommended by Octogone is Octogone Gestion SARL, a foreign investment adviser that is under common ownership with Octogone. Further information about Octogone Gestion SARL is disclosed in Item 10 below. Adviser Liability As a fiduciary, we have duties of care and of loyalty to you and are subject to obligations imposed on us by the federal and state securities laws. As a result, you have certain rights that you cannot waive or limit by contract. Nothing in our agreement with you should be interpreted as a limitation of our obligations under the federal and state securities laws or as a waiver of any unwaivable rights you possess. Wrap Fee Programs We do not sponsor, manage, or participate in any wrap fee programs. Assets Under Management As of the most recent valuation date for client assets, December 31, 2023, Octogone managed $203,880,454 on a discretionary basis and $174,691,295 on a non-discretionary basis. Important Note: Information related to tax and legal matters that is provided as part of our advisory service is for informative purposes only. Clients are instructed to contact their tax or legal advisers for personalized advice.