Description of Advisory Firm
Rhizome Capital Management LLC is registered as an Investment Adviser with the United States Securities
and Exchange Commission. We were founded in March 2013. Chong Tong Bill Chen (“Bill”) is the principal
owner of Rhizome Capital. As of December 31, 2023, we manage $33,118,340 on a discretionary basis and
$0 on a non-discretionary basis.
Types of Advisory Services
Investment Management Services
We currently manage separately managed accounts for investors who want similar strategy and risk factors
as our private funds. In the future, we may agree to execute a bespoke strategy for certain investors according
to their objectives and risk appetite. This will be limited to a small number of potential investors looking to
invest a large amount of capital. For separately managed accounts - We request that our client review the
investment management agreement which describes specific key terms, fees, strategy, and risk factors etc.
to ensure suitability. We will only accept investments after such agreement has been signed by both
investment manager and client.
Management of Pooled Investment Vehicles
Rhizome Capital serves as investment manager for three pooled investment vehicles, Rhizome Partners, L.P.,
Rhizome Real Asset Opportunity Fund LP, and Rhizome Hard Asset Opportunity Fund LP, collectively “the
Funds”. The Funds are Delaware limited partnerships established as a private investment vehicle primarily
for the benefit of U.S. taxable investors. Interests in the Funds are privately offered pursuant to Regulation D
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The Funds are exempt from registration with the SEC under
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Rhizome Management, LP, an affiliate of Rhizome Capital,
is the General Partner of the Funds.
Rhizome Capital manages each Fund based on the investment objectives, policies and guidelines as set forth
in the respective Offering Documents and not in accordance with the individual needs or objectives of any
investor. Each prospective investor interested in investing in a Fund is required to complete a subscription
agreement in which the prospective investor attests as to whether such prospective investor meets the
qualifications to invest in the Fund and further acknowledges and accepts the various risk factors associated
with such an investment.
Clients may invest in either or all three Funds, and investors who are not clients of the Firm may invest in
either or both Funds. Given the above discussion relative to the objectives, suitability, risk factors and
qualifications for participation in the Funds, Rhizome Capital may give advice or act with respect to the Funds
that differs from the advice that Rhizome Capital gives its clients that have a wealth management or portfolio
management account that is not invested in either of the Funds.
Client Imposed Restrictions
In general, investors in the Funds are not permitted to impose restrictions or limitations. However, Rhizome
Capital may enter into side letter agreements with one or more investors that may alter, modify, or change
the terms of interest held by investors. Certain types of side letters create a conflict of interest among the
Advisor and investors, and/or between investors themselves.
Wrap Fee Programs
We do not participate in wrap fee programs.