Sky Island, a Delaware limited partnership which commenced operations in September 2018, is jointly
owned and controlled by the Company’s Managing Partner, Mr. Jack Waterstreet, Mr. Patrick Murley,
Partner and Mr. William Dobbs III, Partner. Sky Island MSC Investment GP LP, Sky Island Capital I
LP GP (together with any future general partner, “General Partner”) and is affiliated with Sky Island
and is subject to the Advisers Act pursuant to Sky Island’s registration in accordance with SEC
Sky Island provides discretionary investment advisory and management services to its clients, which
consist of investment funds privately offered to qualified investors, seeking capital appreciation
through investments in in lower/middle market manufacturing companies based in North America. Sky
Island’s clients include the following, as well as future private funds (each a “Private Fund” and
collectively, “Private Funds” or the “Funds”):
• Sky Island MSC Investment LP;
• Sky Island MSC Investment - A LP (collectively with Sky Island MSC Investment LP, “Sky
Island MSC”);
• Sky Island Capital I LP (“Fund I”)
• Sky Island Capital Associates I LP,
• Sky Island Capital I SkyMark CIV LP; and
• Sky Island Capital I USA CIV LP
Each Private Fund is managed in accordance with the Private Fund’s investment objectives, strategies,
restrictions and guidelines as disclosed in the relevant Governing Documents. Parallel and similarly
managed funds generally invest side-by-side proportionate to their respective committed capital. From
time to time, restrictions and investment guidelines
for the Private Funds may be altered or changed
pursuant to terms individually negotiated with investors in separate agreements.
Sky Island or its affiliates may structure other investment vehicles, blocker corporations, or similar
vehicles, to facilitate participation by certain investors in investment opportunities to accommodate
legal, tax, regulatory or other similar considerations of such investors. In addition, Sky Island may in
the future structure co-investment entities for co-investors to co-invest alongside the Fund in certain
portfolio companies (“co-investment vehicles”).
Sky Island is responsible for evaluating and monitoring Private Fund investments and providing day-
to-day managerial services to such Private Fund. Sky Island sources, structures and investments,
monitors the performance of underlying portfolio companies and advises the Private Funds as to the
disposition of investment holdings. Following a Private Fund’s investment in a portfolio company,
one or more investment personnel will frequently serve on board of directors, board of managers, or
support the management of such companies as an officer or in another capacity.
Since Sky Island does not provide individualized advice to investors. Investors should consider
whether a particular Private Fund meets their investment objectives and risk tolerance prior to
investing. Information about the investment strategy of each future Private Fund can be found in the
Private Fund’s Governing Documents.
As of December 31, 2023, Sky Island had approximately $385 million in assets under management on
a discretionary basis.