JMC is a Delaware limited liability company that provides investment advisory services to privately
offered funds that focus primarily on private equity investments, as described below. The
investment activities of JMC are led by its principal owners, Michael A. D’Amelio, JMC’s co-
founder and primary controlling shareholder, along with co-founder G. Lawrence Bero (collectively
the “Partners”). A number of other investment professionals work with JMC to execute its
investment strategy.
JMC serves as an investment manager and provides discretionary advisory services to pooled
investment vehicles typically structured as limited partnerships, together with any respective parallel
funds, and special purpose and/or subsidiary investment vehicles (the “Fund” or collectively the
“Funds”). Typically, within each Fund structure is a designated general partner or manager (the
“General Partner(s)”). Unless and only to the extent that the context otherwise requires, references
to JMC includes the General Partner(s).
JMC’s investment advisory business is principally focused on investments in lower-lower market
companies within the highly-fragmented industrial products sector. JMC employs a selection
process which generally requires a company to serve the industrial products sector, operate in a
fragmented and stable market with many complementary acquisition opportunities, manufacture
consumable products as opposed to capital goods, produce products supported by proprietary
intellectual property, and sell products into multiple market channels (a “Platform Company”). The
Funds will typically acquire a controlling ownership position in each Platform Company. A control
position is required to provide the Funds with maximum flexibility to fully execute the strategy and
greater discretion over the preparation, execution, and timing of the exit.
In providing services to the Funds, JMC formulates
each Fund’s investment objectives, directs and
manages the investment and reinvestment of each Fund’s assets, and provides reports to investors.
Investment advice is provided directly to the Funds and not individually to the limited partners or
shareholders of the Funds (the “Investors” or “Limited Partners”). JMC manages the assets of the
Funds in accordance with the terms of each Fund’s confidential offering and/or private placement
memoranda, individual limited partnership or shareholder agreements, subscription agreements, and
other governing documents applicable to each Fund (the “Governing Fund Documents”). All terms
are generally established at the time of the formation of a Fund, and are only terminable once the
applicable Fund is dissolved, wound up, and terminated. The Investors do not have discretion with
respect to investments by the Funds, and except in limited circumstances, Investors are not permitted
to withdraw from a Fund prior to the Fund’s dissolution. The Governing Fund Documents typically
contain investment restrictions which limit investments by the applicable Fund.
Shares or limited partnership interests in the Funds are not registered under the U.S. Securities Act
of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and the Funds are not registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”). Accordingly, interests or
shares in the Funds are offered and sold exclusively to investors satisfying the applicable eligibility
and suitability requirements, either in private transactions within the United States or in
offshore transactions. All discussions in this Brochure of the terms, investment strategies, and risks
of the Funds are qualified in their entirety by the applicable Governing Fund Documents.
As of December 31, 2023, JMC managed approximately $305,641,000 on behalf of the Funds, all
managed on a discretionary basis.