Founded in February 2018, NCP Group, LP (“Nonantum,” “NCP,” “Adviser,” “we,” “us,” “our” or
the “Firm”) is a Delaware limited partnership and investment manager. The Firm is owned by Jon Biotti,
David Ganitsky and Alex Weiss (the “Principals”), Kathleen McCann, Neil DeFeo and Ron DeFeo (the
“Executive Partners”), and Scott Farden (the “Chief Operating Officer” and “Chief Compliance
Officer”). NCP’s principal place of business is in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Firm provides investment advisory services on a discretionary basis to private equity funds and other
private pooled investment vehicles (the “Funds”). The Funds target investments in lower middle market
companies in North America operating in the consumer, industrial and business services sectors. NCP
and its affiliates seek to focus the Funds primarily on investments in privately held companies in
complicated situations that do not lend themselves to auctions, such as family businesses with succession
issues and corporate carve-outs of neglected divisions.
Each Fund is managed in accordance with the investment objectives, strategies, restrictions and guidelines
described in its confidential private placement memorandum (or similar offering document), limited
partnership agreement, subscription agreement and investment management agreement (the “Governing
Documents”). The Firm generally does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of those
persons or entities that invest in the Funds and investors in the Funds generally may not impose
restrictions on investing in certain securities and other financial instruments. Investors and prospective
investors of each Fund should refer to the Governing Documents of such Fund for complete information
on the investment objectives and investment restrictions with respect to such Fund. NCP and its affiliates
make no assurance that a Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved.
In addition, each Fund and/or the NCP-affiliated entity that serves as the general partner of such Fund
(each, a “General Partner") enters into agreements, such as side letters, with certain investors in the
Funds that provide for terms of investment that are different than the terms provided to other investors
in the Funds.
NCP has also established certain co-investment vehicles, and may, from time to time, establish additional
co-investment funds. NCP applies its discretion when allocating such opportunities among potential co-
investors, taking into account facts and circumstances which include, but are not limited to, the nature
of the transaction, speed of execution required, tax considerations, familiarity with and history of
investing in the relevant industry, and ability to provide strategic insights. Other factors deemed to be
relevant by the Firm also will be considered. NCP endeavors to keep itself informed regarding investor
interest in co-investment by maintaining records of those investors who have expressed interest in co-
investment opportunities.
NCP does not participate in any wrap fee programs.
NCP provides discretionary investment advisory services in accordance with the terms and conditions
of each Fund’s Governing Documents. As of December 31, 2023, NCP has a total of $1,405,496,788 in
regulatory assets under management.