{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

6 20.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

6 20.00%


SEC, Approved, 10/27/2017

Other registrations (2)

464,039,795 2.79%

of that, discretionary:

344,051,997 34.08%

Private Fund GAV:

36,216,448 -10.75%

Avg Account Size:

14,061,812 2.79%

% High Net Worth:

38.89% -5.56%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

646 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

260M 223M 186M 148M 111M 74M 37M
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

CH Global (0P00008027.F)

Best 1 Yr Total Return (Invalid Date)34.53% Worst 1 Yr Total Return (Invalid Date)-44.92%

Yahoo Finance

Credit Suisse CH Global Corporate Bond Fund

Credit Suisse (CH) Global Corporate Bond Fund is an open-end fund domiciled in Switzerland. The Fund will invest 2/3 of its total assets in bonds, notes and o- ther fixed or variable-interest debt ...


Credit Suisse CH Global Corporate Bond Fund

Credit Suisse (CH) Global Corporate Bond Fund is an open-end fund domiciled in Switzerland. The Fund will invest 2/3 of its total assets in bonds, notes and o- ther fixed or variable-interest debt ...


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 1 $36,216,448

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Brochure Summary


A. The Company CH Global Capital Management, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company that was founded in 2014. Throughout this Brochure, CH Global Capital Management, LLC is referred to as the “CH Global”, “We” or “Us”. We were formerly known as CH EM Holdings, LLC. CH Global is wholly owned by CH Global Holdings, LLC, a Delaware corporation. CH Global Holdings, LLC is directly owned by Pedro Chomnalez and Maria Alejandra Herrera (together, the “Principals”). The Principals make all major investment decisions with respect to CH Global. B. Advisory Services CH Global offers discretionary and non-discretionary investment management and advisory services to ultra-high net worth individuals and families, as well as business and family-related entities and trusts (collectively, “clients”). CH Global’s advice to such clients is provided through separately managed account agreements, private funds, and entities or trusts formed by or for the benefit of such clients. As part of the investment advisory services provided to clients, CH Global works with the client to develop an investment program which reflects, among other things, the client’s investment objectives, liquidity requirements and risk tolerances. CH Global builds tailored portfolios for each client that may include investments ranging from traditional equity and fixed income, to more sophisticated alternative investments. Services provided by CH Global when managing a client portfolio include:
• Sourcing, selecting and monitoring third-party investment managers
• Evaluating (and if appropriate, re-balancing) existing holdings, including real estate and non-liquid assets, in light of the client’s investment objectives
• Considering alternative investments including hedge funds, private equity, private credit and real assets for the client’s portfolio.
• Developing diversification strategies
• Providing on-going advice regarding strategic and tactical investment strategies CH Global primarily seeks to provide the Primary Services and the Additional Services described below. Discretionary and Non-discretionary Advisory Services to Clients (“Primary Services”) CH Global provides a range of asset allocation and investment advisory services on a discretionary and non-discretionary basis to clients. Each client maintains its assets in custody at financial institutions (each, a “Custodian Bank”). Typically, a client will have a relationship with a Custodian Bank, but upon request CH Global may assist a client to select wealth or financial advisors affiliated with a Custodian Bank. In managing the assets of a client held at a particular Custodian Bank, CH Global will recommend investments to clients based on the investment products and services offered by the Custodian Bank, including any portfolio re-balancing or allocation recommendations. Investment recommendations made by CH Global will, except as set forth below under Non-Discretionary Advisory Services (“Additional Services”) and Private Funds (“Private Funds”), be limited to the investment products and services offered by each Custodian Bank. Investment products typically offered by Custodian Banks include publicly traded securities, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, fixed income instruments and other investment products that may be managed by third-party managers. CH Global may direct the trading of
securities directly in such client accounts and/or facilitate the execution of any investment decisions made by clients, but does not generally have discretion or authority to withdraw funds from these accounts held at the Custodian Banks. Clients are subject to fees charged by Custodian Banks, which are separate from, and in addition to, any fee payable to CH Global. However, due to CH Global’s relationships with the Custodian Banks, the advisory fees charged by a Custodian Bank to a client is generally based on the aggregate amount of assets of all CH Global clients who maintain their accounts at such Custodian Bank, rather than based on each client’s account on a stand-alone basis. Therefore, clients advised by CH Global may receive the benefit of reduced fees charged by the Custodian Banks. Non-discretionary Advisory Services (“Additional Services”) On a non-discretionary basis, CH Global may also recommend to clients potential investment opportunities with alternative asset managers and private companies or investments in privately offered alternative investment funds. Leveraging its global network, CH Global identifies and sources alternative investment opportunities, including direct investments in privately held companies, in third-party managed funds (e.g., hedge funds, private equity funds or credit funds) and in real assets. CH Global has direct access to top ranked asset and fund managers, and conducts extensive due diligence of asset managers before making recommendations to our clients. Fees from third-party advisers and third- party managed funds are usually separate and distinct from our advisory fee. Investments in alternative asset classes are not done on a discretionary basis; clients approve these investments, including the terms and conditions under which they invest. Private Funds (“Private Funds”) CH Global has formed and sponsored a private investment fund (the “Fund”) to access third-party managers and certain alternative investments and may form and sponsor additional similar funds in the future. CH Global treats the Fund as a client of the firm and manages its investment program as a whole, rather than the individual needs of each client with an interest in the Fund. The terms of the Fund, including its investment program, are described in its offering and governing documents. Private funds managed by CH Global may enter into arrangements which have the effect of altering or supplementing the terms of a specific investor’s investment (or group of investors’ investments) in the fund, including, but not limited to: (i) waiving or rebating a portion of the performance or management fee, or both; (ii) waiving, or otherwise granting concessions with respect to, any redemption notice requirement or with respect to the frequency of permitted redemptions; (iii) granting the right to receive reports that include information not provided to other investors (such as, but not limited to, portfolio risk and/or investment related information); and (iv) granting such other rights or benefits as may be negotiated and agreed to with such investors. C. Wrap Fee CH Global does not provide advisory services under wrap fee programs. D. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, CH Global had $ 464,039,795 in assets under management. Of those assets, $341,051,997 is managed on a discretionary basis and $ 119,987,798 is managed on a non-discretionary basis.