{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 12/26/2018


480,744,995 4.65%

of that, discretionary:

480,744,995 4.65%

Private Fund GAV:

439,711,945 16.55%

Avg Account Size:

96,148,999 -16.28%



Private Funds:

5 1

Contact Info

(65 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

459M 394M 328M 263M 197M 131M 66M
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 5 $439,711,945

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


McGinty Road Partners, LP (“MRP” or the “Adviser”) was formed in September 2017 and is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC. As of 12/31/2023 MRP had $439,711,945 of gross assets under management, $41,033,050 of uncalled commitments, totaling $480,744,995 of Regulatory Assets Under Management (RAUM). MRP, a Delaware limited partners is owned by the firm’s Partners: Jeff Leu, John Seibel, Dave Ellingrud, Jim Musel and Tiffany Parr, who has left the firm at the end of 2022. The Adviser’s principal place of business is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As of this date MRP provides discretionary investment management services to five pooled investment vehicles or private investment funds (the “Funds”), the securities of which are offered to qualified institutional and high net-worth investors on a private placement basis. The Adviser is responsible for evaluating, selecting, and monitoring the Funds’ investments, and for providing day-to-day managerial and administrative services to the Funds. Applicable governing documents for each of the Funds govern MRP’s investment advisory activities, including investment restrictions. In connection with a particular investor’s subscription for interests in the Funds, the Adviser or General Partner may enter into a side letter or other similar agreement with such investor with respect to the Fund that would have the effect of establishing rights under, or altering or supplementing the terms of, the Fund’s operating agreement with respect to such investor in a manner more favorable to such investor than those applicable to other investors. The terms of such side letters may include the waiver of all or any portion of MRP’s management fees and carried interest with respect to an investor. Any rights or terms so established in a side letter with an investor will govern solely with respect to such investor and will not require the approval of any other investor. The Adviser focuses on private credit opportunities, particularly in the market segments that the Adviser believes are underserved by both traditional sources of capital and other alternative asset managers. The Adviser primarily uses the following investment strategies to manage the Funds’ capital:
• Equipment Finance – investments in loans and leases to companies secured by mission critical equipment;
• Loan Portfolios – secondary purchases of commercial and industrial, commercial real estate, and equipment secured loans, leases and assets; and Corporate Credit – Focus on low volatility, free cash flowing, secured public corporate debt in industries that MRP has an edge. The Funds invest their capital primarily through other investment vehicles and their subsidiaries.
The General Partner, on behalf of the Funds, retains one or more third parties to provide loan servicing, asset management and other ancillary services. The General Partner may contract with its operating partner and affiliate, Allegiance Financial Group, Inc. (“Allegiance”). Allegiance, a full-service equipment finance platform focused on commercial equipment loans and leases, was founded by Mr. Seibel in 2001. Messrs. Seibel, Leu, and Ellingrud own Allegiance. The Adviser will, pursuant to the terms of a Right of First Refusal Agreement entered into by and between the Investment Manager and Allegiance (the “ROFR Agreement”), have a right of first refusal on all investment opportunities of $500,000 or more sourced or originated by Allegiance that fall within the investment strategy of any account or investment vehicle managed or advised by the Adviser. The Adviser will review each investment opportunity and determine if it aligns with the investment strategy, portfolio composition and return requirements of the Funds or any other account or investment vehicle managed or advised by the Adviser. If the investment opportunity meets Fund’s requirements, the Fund will generally participate in the investment opportunity through one or more joint venture entities that will be beneficially owned by the Fund, one or more other accounts or investment vehicles managed or advised by the Adviser, and Allegiance. If the General Partner determines, in its discretion, not to pursue an investment opportunity presented to the Funds by Allegiance, Allegiance may pursue such opportunity without the Funds’ participation. Allegiance has a co-investment right under the ROFR Agreement whereby it is expected (but is not required) to invest for its own account, in any investment opportunity that falls within the investment strategy of a Funds or any other account or investment vehicle managed or advised by the Adviser that is identified by Allegiance that the Adviser elects to pursue for the Funds or such other account or investment vehicle, on terms and conditions no more favorable than those available to the Funds. The co-investment by Allegiance is expected to be 2% of the aggregate investment made by the Fund and Allegiance in such opportunity. Allegiance will bear its share of expenses incurred in connection with any such co-investment. From time to time pursuant to the terms of the Fund governing documents, the Adviser and the General Partner may, in their sole discretion, provide co-investment opportunities to Funds’ investors, strategic investors, consultants, advisors, lenders, third parties, certain affiliated services providers or others. The Adviser may form separate investment vehicles for the purpose of making those co-investments.