SF ADVISORS, LLC other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 5/3/2023

Other registrations (6)
Former registrations



155,639,302 100.00%

of that, discretionary:


Private Fund GAV:

155,813,238 0.99%

Avg Account Size:




Private Funds:

4 1

Contact Info

617 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1 1 1 1

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 1 $36,533,049
Other Private Fund 3 $119,280,189

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Brochure Summary


Description of SF Advisors, LLC SF Advisors, LLC (“SFA” or the “Adviser”) is a Delaware limited liability company established in July 2019 with its principal place of business in Boston, MA. The Adviser is wholly owned by Social Finance, Inc., (“SFI” or “Social Finance”) a national impact finance and impact consulting non-profit co-founded in 2011 by David Blood, Sir Ronald Cohen and Tracy Palandjian. Social Finance works with the public, private and social sectors to create partnerships and investments that measurably improve lives. As an experienced social impact investor, Social Finance has analyzed, designed and implemented projects across diverse issue areas, geographies and communities. Social Finance is a non-profit corporation, and as such, it does not have owners. It is managed by a Senior Team that includes Tracy Palandjian, CEO and Co-Founder, Kirstin Hill, President and Chief Operating Officer, Jake Segal, Managing Director, Impact Advisory and Public Sector Practice, Karen Anderson, Managing Director, Social Finance Institute, John Woods, Chief Financial Officer and Navjeet Bal, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer. Strategic direction is provided by Social Finance’s Board of Directors. Impact orientation SFA develops and manages impact-first investments and innovative financing tools, including the social impact bond and student-friendly, workforce development financings that generate positive outcomes for people and communities. Our Impact Investing activities operate with an impact-first mindset, where impact is based on outcomes, rather than outputs. Achieving positive social or environmental impact is the priority for every investment. We develop innovative financing structures to channel capital
into social programs that measurably improve lives. We build data collection and measurement frameworks to track results and course correct to ensure each investment achieves the desired impact. Types of Advisory Services SFA provides investment management services to privately offered funds, each of which is focused on a particular set of social or environmental outcomes. Collectively, these funds seek to build innovative partnerships and investments that realign systems to measurably improve lives. SFA’s investment management services are provided by Social Finance pursuant to advisory agreements for each of the funds. SFA’s services includes evaluating, analyzing, diligencing, structuring, negotiating and executing impact investment opportunities for the private funds. The investment advice provided to each of the private funds is customized based on the unique investment objectives and strategies of each fund. In addition, SFA offers impact investment advisory services to clients, including private and family foundations, donor advised funds, high net worth individuals, institutional investors, family offices and similar types of investors. The impact investment advisory services SFA offers includes customized advisory services to help key stakeholders understand impact investing, including: stakeholder engagement; strategy development; impact measurement; and portfolio construction and management. Wrap Fee Program SFA does not participate in any wrap fee program. Regulatory Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, SFA had approximately $155,639,302 in regulatory assets under management on a discretionary basis and does not manage any assets on a non-discretionary basis at this time.