other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

Registration status Terminated
As of Date 10/18/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- Outside the United States
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company
Number of Employees 49 4.26%
of those in investment advisory functions 25 4.17%
AUM* 1,595,745,790 -4.90%
of that, discretionary 1,595,745,790 -4.90%
Private Fund GAV* 0 -100.00%
Avg Account Size 177,305,088 -15.46%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 0 4
Contact Info 44 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Investment companies
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Charitable organizations
- State or municipal government entities
- Other investment advisers

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

2B 2B 1B 1B 810M 540M 270M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker81369Y308 Stock NameSELECT SECTOR SPDR TR $ Position$19,269,487 % Position43.00% $ Change-46.00% # Change-42.00%
Stck Ticker81369Y209 Stock NameSELECT SECTOR SPDR TR $ Position$13,435,003 % Position30.00% $ Change-47.00% # Change-42.00%
Stck Ticker81369Y605 Stock NameSELECT SECTOR SPDR TR $ Position$9,213,576 % Position21.00% $ Change35439.00% # Change41049.00%
Stck Ticker81369Y506 Stock NameSELECT SECTOR SPDR TR $ Position$2,544,620 % Position6.00% $ Change-62.00% # Change-49.00%
Stck Ticker81369Y704 Stock NameSELECT SECTOR SPDR TR $ Position$285,980 % Position1.00% $ Change # Change

Brochure Summary