{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

21 -8.70%

of those in investment advisory functions:

12 -7.69%


SEC, Approved, 5/23/2014


1,360,799,887 -9.18%

of that, discretionary:

1,360,799,887 -9.18%

Private Fund GAV:

392,398,546 25.18%

Avg Account Size:

97,199,992 -2.69%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

760 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 2B 1B 1B 872M 581M 291M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 2 $392,398,546

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Description of Advisory Firm EAM Global Investors LLC, (“EAM Global,” “we,” “our” or “us”) is an investment firm headquartered in Solana Beach, California. EAM Global is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Our focus is managing global equity growth investment strategies. We employ the firm’s Informed Moment™ investment process across all our investment products. EAM Global was founded in 2014 by EAM Investors, LLC for the purpose of offering global equity strategies. EAM Investors, LLC and its employees/members own approximately 66% of EAM Global, Byron C. Roth, through majority ownership of CR Financial Holdings, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary WACO Limited, LLC, owns approximately 15%, and Northern Lights Midco, LLC owns approximately 19%. Advisory Services Offered Investment Management Services EAM Global offers investment management and supervisory services on a discretionary basis. We provide investment management services to managed accounts. Client assets are invested and continuously managed based on a “model” account of securities that pertains to the investment style(s) selected by the client and the client’s investment objectives and restrictions. EAM Global offers the following investment styles: Non-US Small Cap Equity --seeks capital appreciation by investing in companies that correspond to the market values within the range of the MSCI ACWI ex USA Small Cap Index. Non-US Micro Cap Equity --seeks capital appreciation by investing in companies that correspond to the market values within the range of the FTSE Global Ex-US Micro Cap Index. Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity --seeks capital appreciation by investing in companies whose market values correspond to the bottom half of the MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index. Global Opportunities Small Cap Equity –Seeks capital appreciation by investing in companies whose market values correspond to the market values within the range of the MSCI ACWI Small Cap Index. The following are definitions for each index listed above: The MSCI ACWI ex USA Small Cap Index captures small cap representation across 22 of 23 Developed Markets (DM) countries (excluding the US) and 23 Emerging Markets (EM) countries. The index is designed to measure small cap equity market performance in the global developed and emerging markets excluding the United States. EAM Global Investors, LLC Brochure March 28, 2024 6 The MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index includes small cap representation across 23 Emerging Markets countries and is designed to measure small cap equity market performance in global emerging markets. The FTSE Global ex-US Micro Cap Index is constructed to represent the Micro-cap segment of the global equity market, excluding companies assigned to the United States. The MSCI ACWI Small Cap Index includes the small cap representation across 23 Developed Markets (DM) and 25 Emerging Markets. It is designed to measure the small cap equity market performance in the global developed and emerging markets. EAM Global may offer investment advice on any investment held by the client at the start of the advisory relationship. New investments purchased for clients will typically include:
• Equity securities of foreign issuers listed on foreign exchanges (ordinaries) or on US exchanges (ADRs)
• Exchange traded funds (ETFs) We describe our investment strategies and the material investment risks for the primary securities that
we recommend under Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss, below. EAM Global may also occasionally offer advice regarding additional types of investments or strategies if they are appropriate to address the individual needs, goals, and objectives of the client or in response to client inquiry. We discuss our discretionary authority below under Item 16 - Investment Discretion. For more information about the restrictions clients can put on their accounts, see Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions in this item below. We describe the fees charged for investment management services below under Item 5 - Fees and Compensation. Services to Private Funds EAM Global provides investment advisory services to private funds. The funds are available only to investors who are “Accredited Investors,” as the term is defined by Rule 501 of the Securities Act of 1933, and “Qualified Purchasers,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. Additional information on the funds are provided in the private placement memorandum and subscription agreements for the funds. This Form ADV Part 2A Brochure is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, interests in the funds. Such an offer can only occur when the prospective investor receives the offering documents. EAM Global does not purchase or recommend the funds for other investment management clients. EAM Global Investors, LLC Brochure March 28, 2024 7 Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions EAM Global manages client accounts based on the investment strategy the client chooses, as discussed below under Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies, and Risk of Loss. EAM Global applies the strategy for each client, based on the client’s individual circumstances and financial situation. We make investment decisions for clients based on information the client supplies about their financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. Our recommendations may be limited if the client does not provide us with accurate and complete information. It is the client’s responsibility to keep EAM Global informed of any changes to their investment objectives or restrictions. Clients may also request other restrictions on the account, such as when a client does not want to own greater than a specific percentage of the outstanding securities of any one company, needs to keep a minimum level of cash in the account or does not want EAM Global to buy or sell certain specific securities or security types in the account. EAM Global reserves the right to not accept and/or terminate management of a client’s account if we feel that the client-imposed restrictions would limit or prevent us from meeting or maintaining the client’s investment strategy. EAM Global manages private funds according to the investment objectives outlined in the fund documents. As funds are pooled investment vehicles, investors in the funds may not impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities in the funds. However, EAM Global may allow investors to make certain requests for special or preferential accommodations. These requests are typically in the form of “side letters” which are agreements between the individual fund investor and EAM Global or the fund. Assets Under Management EAM Global manages client assets in discretionary accounts on a continuous and regular basis. As of 12/31/2024, the total amount of assets under our management was $1,360,799,887. No assets were managed on a non-discretionary basis.