AJ WEALTH other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
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Adviser Profile

Registration status: Terminated

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:




of that, discretionary:


Private Fund GAV:

0 -100.00%

Avg Account Size:


% High Net Worth:




Private Funds:

0 1

Contact Info

(21 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 2B 1B 1B 772M 514M 257M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

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Aj Wealth Strategies, Llc Buys SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond, Schwab U.S. ...



Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Firm Information AJ Wealth Strategies, LLC (“AJ Wealth” or the “Advisor”) is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is based in New York, N.Y. and is organized as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) under the laws of the State of New York. AJ Wealth was founded in April 2012, and is owned and operated by Managing Principal, Justyn G. Volesko and Managing Principal, Andrew Cooper. This Disclosure Brochure provides information regarding the qualifications, business practices, and the advisory services provided by AJ Wealth. B. Advisory Services Offered AJ Wealth offers investment advisory services to individuals, high net worth individuals, trusts, estates in New York and other states where it is notice filed (each referred to as a “Client”). In addition, AJ Wealth provides investment advisory services to certain pooled investment vehicle(s) (each, a “Private Fund”). Portfolio Management AJ Wealth provides customized investment advisory solutions for its Clients. This is achieved through continuous personal Client contact and interaction while providing discretionary investment management and consulting services. We believe it is in both the client's and AJ Wealth’s best interest to keep the client fully informed, fully engaged, and fully educated on all investment decisions. We take great care in understanding your risk tolerance, your retirement goals and your financial commitments. With this understanding in mind, we create a diversified portfolio of low cost and mostly liquid investments. In designing this plan, we will consider outside accounts that are not on our platform. While it is important to maintain a diversified portfolio to weather volatile markets, each client’s individual risk tolerance and financial needs will differ and in turn lead to every client having a personalized asset allocation. Once we have determined the right asset allocation, we then take great care in picking the right investment vehicles and the most efficient locations to hold these vehicles. We maintain an open architecture investment model that picks the most appropriate investment for each asset class. While portfolios include individual stocks and bonds, ETFs, United States government bonds, municipal securities and mutual funds we believe that in most cases the appropriate investment for each asset class will be low cost, passive index funds. The Adviser will also utilize alternative investment strategies and other securities to meet the needs of its Clients. AJ Wealth’s investment strategy is primarily long-term focused, but the Adviser will buy, sell or re-allocate positions that have been held less than one year to meet the objectives of the Client or due to market conditions. AJ Wealth will construct, implement and monitor the portfolio to ensure it meets the goals, objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerance agreed to by the Client. Each Client will have the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in their respective portfolio, subject to the acceptance by the Advisor. Financial Planning and Consulting Services
AJ Wealth will typically provide a variety of financial planning services to individuals and families, pursuant to a written Financial Planning or Consulting Agreement. Services are offered in several areas of a Client’s financial situation, depending on their goals, objectives and financial situation. Generally, such financial planning services will involve preparing a financial plan or rendering a financial consultation for clients based on the Client’s financial goals and objectives. This planning or consulting encompass one or more areas of need, including, but not limited to investment planning, retirement planning, personal savings, cash flow planning, education savings, estate planning, taxes, insurance and philanthropic planning and other areas of a Client’s financial situation. Consulting services are also offered for banking and lending, including third party recommendations. A financial plan developed for or financial consultation rendered to the Client will usually include general recommendations for a course of activity or specific actions to be taken by the Client. Financial planning and consulting recommendations can pose a potential conflict between the interests of the Adviser and the interests of the Client. Clients are not obligated to implement any recommendations made by the Adviser or maintain an ongoing relationship with the Advisor. If the Client elects to act on any of the recommendations made by the Advisor, the Client is under no obligation to affect the transaction through the Advisor. Trustee/Power of Attorney Services On a limited basis, clients will request AJ Wealth provide the client with assistance in the closing of Real Estate purchases. In these instances, AJ Wealth will act as a trustee on a revocable Real Estate Land Trust. These trusts grant AJ Wealth the limited Power of Attorney to sign closing documents on a Real Estate purchase. AJ Wealth is not granted, nor does it accept further powers associated with these Trusts. This service is offered on a very limited basis to existing clients, and AJ Wealth can decline to provide this service at its own discretion. This service is offered as a client courtesy. There is no fee for this service and no separate agreement is signed by the client for this service. It is recommended the client consult legal counsel prior to granting AJ Wealth Power of Attorney. Private Funds Currently, AJ Wealth serves as the investment adviser to AJW TA Debt Fund LLC (the “AJW TA Debt Fund”), a Private Fund whose sole investment is in a third-party private fund (the “Underlying Fund”). AJW Manager LLC, an affiliate of AJ Wealth, has delegated the day-to-day investment management authority for the AJW TA Debt Fund to AJ Wealth pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement. C. Assets Under Management AJ Wealth is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As of December 31, 2022, AJ Wealth managed approximately $1,800,657,385 in discretionary assets under management and $569,434,785 non-discretionary assets under management for a total of $2.37 billion in total assets under management.