{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 7/5/2013

Other registrations (1)

1,389,013,194 6.68%

of that, discretionary:

1,389,013,194 6.68%

Private Fund GAV:

903,134,041 8.31%

Avg Account Size:

126,273,927 6.68%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 1B 930M 744M 558M 372M 186M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Texton Property Fund Ltd

Cohesive Capital Worldwide Flexible Prescient Fund 257 750(-0,04) 0,07 Cohesive Capital Flexible Prescient Fund 257 750(0,00) 0,07 Mutual Fund Name Institution Name


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 5 $903,134,041

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Description of Advisory Firm Cohesive Capital Management, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (“Cohesive”, the “Firm”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), is a private equity firm established in March 2010 by John Barber, the Firm’s sole owner 1. Cohesive currently provides investment advisory services to Cohesive Capital Partners, L.P., Cohesive Capital Partners II, L.P., Cohesive Capital Partners III, L.P., Cohesive Capital Partners IV, L.P., and Liberty 2020 Partners, L.P., Delaware limited partnerships, and their related affiliates (together, referred to as the “Funds” or “Clients”). The general partner of Cohesive Capital Partners, L.P. is Cohesive Capital (GP), L.P., the general partner of Cohesive Capital Partners II, L.P. is Cohesive Capital II (GP), L.P., both Delaware limited partnerships. The general partner of Cohesive Capital Partners III, L.P. is Cohesive Capital III (GP), LLC, the general partner of Cohesive Capital Partners IV, L.P. is Cohesive Capital IV (GP), LLC, and the general partner of Liberty 2020 Partners, L.P. is Liberty 2020 GP, LLC, which are all Delaware limited liability companies (together with the general partners of any other Fund, the “General Partners”). The General Partners and Cohesive are affiliates. The General Partners have the power and authority to delegate the management of the investments of the Funds to Cohesive. The General Partners and the Funds have entered into management agreements with Cohesive to document the delegation of the management of each Fund to Cohesive. Cohesive’s investment objective and strategy for the Funds is to generate capital appreciation through privately negotiated equity and equity-related investments. Investments may be effected using a broad variety of investment types and transaction structures, including buyout investments, direct or indirect private equity investments, secondary direct transactions, strategic investments, restructurings and recapitalizations. Based on our advice, the Funds will generally make investments jointly in a transaction originated and
led by another private equity firm or financial sponsor. As such, actual asset holdings of the Funds generally take the form of (1) cash, (2) publicly or privately held common and preferred stock, (3) limited partnership or limited liability company interests or units, (4) debt investments or (5) other investments typical of private equity investment funds. B. Types of Advisory Services Offered Cohesive provides advice to the Funds in respect of their investment portfolios, as well as certain ancillary managerial and administrative services, including, without limitation, identifying and screening potential investments, monitoring the performance of investments, and preparing reports necessary or appropriate for compliance with the governing agreements of the Funds. Cohesive invests on behalf of its Clients principally in equity and other securities of private companies as a minority owner in transactions originated and led by another private equity firm or financial sponsor. See also Item 4.A. above. 1 Including ownership in his individual name, his wife Staci Barber’s individual name, and via a single member LLC that Mr. Barber controls. C. Services Tailored to Individual Needs of Clients Cohesive tailors its advisory services to the specific investment objectives and strategy of the Funds, as set out in their private offering materials (“Governing Documents”). In certain cases, our clients may narrowly tailor their investment programs when they hire us to advise them. Among others, tailored investment programs may include: limitations on investments in certain industries, concentration limits (investment size in dollars, investment size as % of investment program, industry, sponsor, etc.) and amount investable during the course of a year. D. Wrap Fee Programs Cohesive does not participate in wrap fee programs. E. Client Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, Cohesive had $1,389,013,194 in regulatory assets under management on a discretionary basis. Cohesive does not currently manage any assets on a non-discretionary basis.