{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

14 40.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

7 16.67%


Nevada, Terminated, 4/16/2014

Other registrations (3)

993,217,542 100.02%

of that, discretionary:

800,265,319 104.57%

Private Fund GAV:


Avg Account Size:

610,084 47.68%

% High Net Worth:

31.53% 609.41%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

702 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

435M 373M 311M 248M 186M 124M 62M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


ADV Part 2A – Firm Brochure Page 5 Arista Wealth Management, LLC Retirement Planning Services: Arista provides Retirement Planning Services to employer plan sponsors on an ongoing basis. Generally, such Retirement Planning Services consist of assisting employer plan sponsors in establishing, monitoring and reviewing their company's participant-directed retirement plan. As the needs of the plan sponsor dictate, areas of advising could include investment options, plan structure and participant education. Retirement Planning Services typically include:
• Establishing an Investment Policy Statement – Arista will meet with plan sponsors (via phone or in person) to discuss and determine an appropriate investment strategy which will be memorialized in an Investment Policy Statement (“IPS”). The IPS will reflect the plan sponsor’s stated investment objectives for management of the overall plan or portfolio, in addition to the financial needs, goals and policy under which such financial goals are to be achieved. Furthermore, the IPS will list the criteria for selection of investment vehicles as well as the procedures and timing interval for monitoring of investment performance.
• Investment Options – Arista will work with the plan sponsor to evaluate existing investment options and make recommendations for appropriate changes based on the IPS.
• Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction – Arista will develop strategic asset allocation models designed to aid plan participants in determining which strategies meet their investment objectives, time horizon, financial situation and tolerance for risk.
• Investment Monitoring – Arista will monitor the performance of the underlying plan investments and notify the plan sponsor in the event of over or underperformance and in times of market volatility.
• Employee Workshops – For 401(k) plan sponsors with individual plan participants exercising control over assets in the participant’s own accounts, Arista will provide educational support and investment workshops. The nature of the topics covered in the workshops will be determined by the plan sponsor and Arista pursuant to the guidelines set forth in ERISA §404(c). In providing Retirement Planning Services, Arista does not provide any advisory services with respect to the following types of assets: employer securities, real estate (excluding real estate funds and publicly traded REITS), participant loans, non-publicly traded securities or assets, other illiquid investments, or brokerage window programs. All Retirement Planning Services shall be in compliance with the applicable state laws regulating retirement consulting services. This applies to client accounts that are retirement or other employee benefit plans (“„Plan”) governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”). Arista will provide Retirement Planning Services for our Investment Management clients whose account(s) are part of a Plan. Arista acknowledges its fiduciary standard within the meaning of §3(21) with respect to the provision of services described therein. Wealth Coaching Services: Arista offers a quarterly wealth coaching service when clients require assistance beyond that which is typically included in our Investment Management Services. The Wealth Coaching services may include the creation and maintenance of a financial plan reviewed and discussed with client quarterly, budgeting, risk management, insurance, and tax planning. ADV Part 2A – Firm Brochure Page 6 Arista Wealth Management, LLC Arista offers two forms of Wealth Coaching Services to our clients: 1. Wealth Coaching Services Arista offers professional services dedicated to the investment, legacy, and personal needs of wealthy families and individuals when circumstances warrant a deeper dive in any of the following areas:
• Asset Allocation
• Investment Consulting
• Education Planning
• Banking Relationships Support
• Life Management and Budgeting
• Personal and Private Real Estate Investing
• Training and Education (including family members)
• Concierge Services (based on Client needs and mutual agreement with Arista) These services are generally rendered in conjunction with Investment Management Services. In performing these services, Arista is not required to verify any information received from the client or from the client’s other professionals (e.g., attorneys, accountants, etc.) and is expressly authorized to rely on such information through our advisory service agreement. In performing this service, Arista will obtain authorization from the client, as applicable, to obtain information and discuss such information with other professionals engaged by the client. 2. Strategic Business Services For our corporate and personal clients, Arista Offers Strategic Business Services. Our team can assist with your business’ and personal day-to-day operations. This includes, among other things:
• Evaluating and assisting you with selection of entity type
• Providing guidance for financial protection of your owners and employees
• Assisting with reporting requirements
• Cash Flow Management
• Liability Management
• Leadership
• Governance
• Exit Strategies
• Finance
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Disposing of closely held businesses
• Personal and Private Real Estate Investing
• Tax Planning
• Investment Planning
• Protection Analysis
• Estate Planning For both forms of Wealth Coaching Services, Arista will work in unison with other professionals to support your long-term planning goals, including liaising with other professionals to assist with tax planning, estate and legacy planning, retirement planning, charitable planning and insurance.
ADV Part 2A – Firm Brochure Page 7 Arista Wealth Management, LLC Financial Planning Services: Arista’s Financial Planning Services are designed to provide the client with an analysis of steps the client may wish to consider within their investment portfolio and financial situation in order to help achieve their financial goals and objectives. Arista also provides retirement planning and social security analysis, asset accumulation and distribution analysis and Monte Carlo simulations as requested by the Client. Arista’s financial planning services range from comprehensive financial planning to more focused consultations (including cash flow analysis to reviewing employee benefit packages and education planning). Depending on the needs of each Client, such services are offered on either a one-time (initial) or ongoing basis as determined by the Client. Arista outsources tax advice to a CPA within the firm, Martin Lewis. To begin this process, Arista generally will interview the client to gather certain necessary information to assess the client's current financial situation. Based upon this initial interview, Arista will request that the client provide us with all necessary information and documentation to help assess the client’s current and anticipated investment goals and financial objectives. The client has full discretion to accept or reject Arista’s recommendations contained in the client’s financial plan. The Client acknowledges that Arista will rely upon the information provided by the client at all times and that Arista will have no liability for the client’s failure to provide accurate and complete information. Specific services related to our Financial Planning Services to be provided by Arista are detailed in the written agreement between Arista and the client. Financial planning recommendations are based
on the client’s financial situation at the time the recommendations are provided and are based on the information provided by the client. In addition, certain assumptions may be made with respect to interest and inflation rates, use of past trends and performance of the market and economy. Past performance is in no way an indication of future performance and Arista cannot offer any guarantees or promises that the client’s financial goals and objectives will be met. As a client’s financial situation, goals, objectives, or needs change, the client is strongly urged to promptly notify Arista. Written financial plans or financial consultations rendered to clients usually include general recommendations for a course of activity or specific actions to be taken by the clients. Implementation of the recommendations will be at the discretion of the client. Arista provides clients with a summary of their financial situation, and observations for financial planning engagements. Financial consultations are not typically accompanied by a written summary of observations and recommendations, as the process is less formal than the Financial Planning Services. Assuming that all the information and documents requested from the client are provided promptly, plans or consultations are typically completed within six months of the client signing a contract with Arista. For Financial Planning Services, clients are free at all times to accept or reject any or all recommendations made by Arista and clients retain the authority and discretion on whether or not to implement the recommended financial plan. If the client decides to follow recommendations made by Arista, the client has the option, but is under no obligation to implement such recommendations through Arista Services Limited to Specific Types of Investments Arista generally limits its investment advice to mutual funds, equities, fixed income securities, ETFs real estate funds (including REITs), Private Placements, non-U.S. securities, and structured notes. ADV Part 2A – Firm Brochure Page 8 Arista Wealth Management, LLC Private Offerings: Arista is affiliated with Arista Real Estate Fund, LLC, the Manager and General Partner of Arista Skyline, LLC and Arista Town East, LLC . Arista will recommend clients to invest in these real estate funds. Information on the specific offering objectives, strategies, and restrictions of the offerings, as outlined in each investment offerings documents including their limited partnership agreements, operating agreements and/or other offering documents. For additional conflict information, please see Item 10. Arista may use other securities as well to help diversify a portfolio when applicable. Written Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Status When we provide investment advice to you regarding your retirement plan account or individual retirement account, we are fiduciaries within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement accounts. The way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests, so we operate under a special rule that requires us to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. Under this special rule’s provisions, we must:
• Meet a professional standard of care when making investment recommendations (give prudent advice);
• Never put our financial interests ahead of yours when making recommendations (give loyal advice);
• Avoid misleading statements about conflicts of interest, fees, and investments;
• Follow policies and procedures designed to ensure that we give advice that is in your best interest;
• Charge no more than is reasonable for our services; and
• Give you basic information about conflicts of interest. Tailoring of Advisory Services Arista offers individualized investment advice to our Investment Management Services clients. Each Investment Management Services client can place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in the client’s portfolio. Restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of securities may not be possible due to the level of difficulty this would entail in managing the account. Participation in Wrap Fee Programs Arista does not offer or sponsor a wrap fee program. Regulatory Assets Under Management As of December 2022, we actively manage $ 496,550,178.00 of client assets; $ 391,187,552.00 on a discretionary basis and $ 105,362,626.00 on a non-discretionary basis. ADV Part 2A – Firm Brochure Page 9 Arista Wealth Management, LLC Compensation for Our Advisory Services Investment Management Fees: Arista provides Investment Management Services to clients for a fee (“Investment Management Fees”) based on the value of the client account(s)’ assets under management (including cash and cash equivalents) as calculated by the qualified custodian on the last day of the previous quarter and multiplying that by the corresponding percentage in accordance with the following fee schedule, assessed quarterly in advance: Assets Under Management Annual Fee % $0 to $500,000 1.50% $500,000 to $1,000,000 1.25% $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 1.00% $10,000,000+ 0.75% Generally, the maximum annual fee charged for Investment Management Services will not exceed 1.50%. For purposes of calculation, Orion’s system will round down from $500,000 to $500,000.50 so the fee would equate to 1.50% and round up from $500,000.51 to $500,000.99 to equate to a fee of 1.25%. The Investment Management Fees to be assessed will be outlined in the written advisory agreement to be signed by the client. Most often, Arista will bill on cash accounts but in some circumstances, Arista may waive the fee upon the adviser's discretion. The Investment Management Fees will be deducted from client account and are negotiable in the sole discretion of Arista and arrangements with any particular client can differ from those with other clients. In addition, Arista, in its sole discretion, can reduce or waive the Investment Management Fees in their entirety for family and friends of Arista. Although we believe our Investment Management Fees are competitive, client is hereby advised that lower fees for comparable services may be available from other sources. For new accounts opened mid-quarter, Arista’s fees will be based on a pro-rated calculation of your assets to be managed for the current calendar quarter. Investment Management Fees will be deducted first from any money market funds or cash balances. If such assets are insufficient to satisfy payment of such fees, a portion of the account assets will be liquidated to cover the fees. For existing management accounts, assets deposited by client between billing cycles will not result in additional management fees being billed to client’s account unless any such deposit exceeds $50,000. Such deposits will require modifications and adjustments to the client’s investment allocation. Therefore, Arista reserves the right to bill client accounts on a pro-rata fee based upon the number of days remaining in the current quarterly period. For any partial withdrawal of assets by client during the quarter, Arista will not make pro-rata refunds of our quarterly Investment Management Fees (in the event of a complete withdrawal relating to termination of an account, fees are prorated as described in the Terminations & Refunds section below). As with deposits, withdrawals from client’s account will require modifications and adjustments to be made to correct the allocation of assets in client’s portfolios.