{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

80 25.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

55 22.22%


SEC, Approved, 4/10/2013


9,649,682,081 35.13%

of that, discretionary:

9,649,682,081 35.13%

Private Fund GAV:

9,649,682,082 35.13%

Avg Account Size:

689,263,006 6.17%



Private Funds:

12 3

Contact Info

312 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

7B 6B 5B 4B 3B 2B 1B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 9 $7,876,478,760
Real Estate Fund 2 $831,439,048
Other Private Fund 1 $941,764,274

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GENERATION INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLP - - 8.8b - - - 11.1b 19.9b - 19
INNOVATUS CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC - - 1.4b - - - 43.0m 1.4b 1.7b 13
NORTH HUDSON RESOURCE PARTNERS LP - - 890.6m - - - - 890.6m 890.6m 7
WEATHERFORD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT - - 905.4m - - - 14.7m 920.0m 920.0m 17
DWS INVESTMENT S.A. - - 75.3m - - - 40.1m 115.4m - 7
DWS ALTERNATIVES GLOBAL LIMITED - - 6.6b - - - - 6.6b 16.1b 7
RCP ADVISORS 2, LLC - - 14.8b - - - 1.2b 16.1b 17.5b 61
CLARION CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC - - 860.3m - - - 33.0m 893.3m 1.7b 11
ALPHA ASSOCIATES LTD. - - 544.4m - - - 285.7m 830.1m - 19

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


The Adviser or its affiliates generally receive Advisory Fees as well as Carried Interest and/or Incentive Allocations (each as defined below) or similar performance-based remuneration from a Fund. A Fund, and/or its portfolio investments may also make other payments to the Adviser or its affiliates for services provided to the portfolio investments, which, in certain circumstances, may reduce the Advisory Fees payable to the Adviser. Additionally, consistent with the Organizational Documents of a Fund, the Fund typically bears certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Adviser in connection with the services provided to the Fund and/or the portfolio investments. Further details about certain common fees and expenses are set forth below. Advisory Fees As compensation for investment supervisory services rendered to the Funds, the Adviser receives from each such Fund an advisory fee (each, an “Advisory Fee”) typically calculated based on committed capital, remaining invested capital or net asset value (“NAV”), with respect to such Fund. Advisory Fees may be reduced during the life of a Fund. The precise amount of, and the manner and calculation of, the Advisory Fees for each Fund are established by the Adviser and are set forth in such Fund’s Organizational Documents. The Advisory Fees and other fees and distributions described herein are generally subject to modification, waiver or reduction by the Adviser in its sole discretion, both voluntarily and on a negotiated basis with selected investors via side letter and other arrangements, which may not be disclosed to other investors in the same Fund. The fee structures described herein may be modified from time to time. Fees may differ from one Fund to another, as well as among investors in the same Fund. To the extent set forth in the Organizational Documents of a Fund,
the Advisory Fees paid by a Fund will generally be reduced by a percentage of (1) the amount of fees paid by such Fund to persons acting as a placement agent in connection with the offer and sale of interests in such Fund to certain potential investors, (2) with respect to certain Funds, the fees incurred by the Adviser in connection with the organization of such Fund that exceed a limit specified in such Fund’s Organizational Documents and/or (3) with respect to certain Funds, certain Other Fees (as defined and described in more detail below under “Other Fees”) received by the Adviser or its affiliates. The amount and manner of such reduction, if any, is set forth in the Organizational Documents of the applicable Fund. Certain investors in the Funds that are employees, business associates and other “friends and family” of the Adviser, its affiliates or their personnel (including any related entity established by any of the foregoing, such as trusts, charitable programs, endowments or related programs, family investment vehicles and other estate planning vehicles) (collectively, “Adviser Investors”) will not typically pay Advisory Fees or Carried Interest and/or Incentive Allocations in connection with their investment in a Fund. Furthermore, the Adviser has in the past and may, from time to time in the future establish certain investment vehicles through which Adviser Investors or other third parties may invest alongside one or more Funds in one or more investment opportunities, which generally do not pay Advisory Fees or Carried Interest and/or Incentive Allocations. Notwithstanding that Adviser Investors will generally not pay Advisory Fees, Adviser Investors will generally pay for their pro rata share of certain Fund expenses, or the pro rata portion of such Adviser Investors’ expenses will be allocated to the Adviser or the general partner of the applicable Fund.