{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

348 14.85%

of those in investment advisory functions:

184 8.24%


SEC, Approved, 3/30/2012


112,779,661,773 25.89%

of that, discretionary:

106,710,481,760 27.65%

Private Fund GAV:

93,805,798,739 53.73%

Avg Account Size:

746,885,177 7.55%



Private Funds:

89 14

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

84B 72B 60B 48B 36B 24B 12B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

BlackRock's Murry Gerber Seeks to Remain as Independent Board Director for Another Year

Gerber would remain in the position for an additional year during the close and initial integration of BlackRock’s acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners, Blackrock said.

Wall Street Journal

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 89 $93,805,798,739

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


GIM is an independent, specialist infrastructure fund manager whose investment approach is based on combining deep sector expertise with industrial best practice operational management. GIM was founded in 2006 and has been registered as an investment adviser pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”), since 2012. GIM provides investment advisory services to investment vehicles that are exempt from registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), and whose securities are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). GIM’s affiliates, GIM Advisory Services, LLC, GIM EM Manager, LLC and Global Infrastructure Partners India Private Limited, act as relying advisers and operate with GIM as a single advisory business. GIM offers advisory services (directly or through a subsidiary) to certain pooled investment vehicles primarily investing in or lending to infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets or issuers (collectively, the “Main Funds” and each, a “Main Fund”). A Main Fund may include feeder funds, parallel funds, special purpose vehicles and/or alternative investment vehicles established for tax, regulatory or other considerations. GIM, from time to time, establishes co-investment funds (each, a “Co-Investment Fund”) or enters into co-investment arrangements with certain investors to facilitate co-investments alongside the Main Funds. In addition, a subsidiary of GIM offers advisory services to the accounts and investment vehicles comprising Global Infrastructure Partners Australia and Global Infrastructure Partners Australia II (collectively, “GIP Australia”). GIM or its affiliates also, from time to time, provide investment advisory services to investors through single investor vehicles (each, a “Single Investor Vehicle”) on terms and conditions agreed to pursuant to a limited partnership agreement, limited liability company agreement or other written agreement, or through separately managed accounts (each, a “Separately Managed Account”) on terms and conditions agreed to pursuant to a written investment advisory and management agreement (each, an “IMA”). The Main Funds, Co-Investment Funds, GIP Australia and Single Investor Vehicles are collectively referred to as the “Funds” and each, a “Fund”. The Funds and Separately Managed Accounts are collectively referred to as the “Clients” and each, a “Client”. Investors in the Clients are generally required to be “qualified purchasers” as defined in the 1940 Act and “accredited investors” as defined in Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act. The Main Funds are categorized into five groups: (1) The Equity Funds. The Equity Funds seek to make primarily control-oriented equity and equity- related investments and, on a selected basis, investments in debt securities in infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets primarily located in countries within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”), focusing on four industry sectors: energy, transportation, digital infrastructure and water/waste (the “Equity Funds”). Some Equity Funds have been and in the future may be single asset funds. (2) The Debt Funds. The Debt Funds seek to make debt and debt-linked non-equity investments in infrastructure assets and infrastructure-related assets primarily located in OECD countries and target the energy, transportation, digital infrastructure and water/waste sectors (the “Debt Funds”). (3) The India Funds. The India Funds seek to make primarily control-oriented equity and equity- related investments, and on a selected basis, investment in debt securities in infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets primarily located in India (the “India Funds”).1 (4) The Emerging Markets Fund. The Emerging Markets Fund seeks to make primarily control- oriented equity and equity-related investments and on a selected basis, investment in debt securities in infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets primarily located in emerging markets, with a focus on select countries in Asia (including India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines) and Latin America (including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru) (the “Emerging Markets Fund”). (5) The Core Fund. The Core Fund seeks to make primarily control-oriented equity and equity-related investments and, on a selected basis, investments in debt securities in the core segment of infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets primarily located in countries within the OECD, with a focus on North America and Europe, and targets the energy, transportation, digital infrastructure and water/waste sectors (the “Core Fund”). Single Investor Vehicles and Separately Managed Accounts have invested and in the future may also invest in equity and equity-related investments and debt securities in infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets in the energy, transportation, digital infrastructure and water/waste sectors. GIP Australia primarily makes control-oriented equity and equity-related investments and, on a selected basis,
investments in debt securities, in each case in infrastructure or issuers primarily located in Australia and New Zealand. GIP Australia targets the energy, transportation, digital infrastructure and water/waste sectors. With respect to the Funds, GIM’s advisory services consist of conducting the day-to-day operations of the Funds and providing portfolio management and administrative services, including investigating, analyzing, structuring and negotiating potential investments, actively managing and monitoring the performance of investments, and advising as to disposition opportunities. 1 The India Funds are comprised of two funds established by IDFC Alternatives Ltd. In 2018, GIM acquired the investment management agreements for the India Funds and established Global Infrastructure Partners India Private Limited (f/k/a Global Infrastructure Partners India LLP) as the investment adviser to the India Funds. With respect to Separately Managed Accounts, GIM or its affiliates provide regular supervisory or management services and have the ongoing responsibility to make recommendations based upon the needs of the Separately Managed Account clients. Investment advice is provided directly to (i) the Funds, subject to the discretion and control of the applicable general partner or managing member and the restrictions in the applicable governing documents, and (ii) Separately Managed Account clients. The advice provided by GIM and its affiliates to each Client is tailored to meet the individual investment objectives and restrictions of each Client (and generally not to the investors underlying a fund when the Client is a pooled investment vehicle), as applicable. Services are provided to the Funds in accordance with a management agreement between GIM, the general partners or managing members and the Funds and/or the organizational documents of the applicable Fund. Services are provided to Separately Managed Account clients in accordance with the applicable investment management agreement (“IMA”). Investment restrictions for the Funds, if any, are generally set forth in the organizational documents of the applicable Fund. Further specific details regarding GIM’s advisory services are set forth in such management agreements and IMAs and each Fund’s private placement memoranda and organizational documents. As used herein, any references to “or” shall mean “and/or” and any references to “including” shall mean “including, but not limited to.” GIM or certain affiliates have entered and will in the future enter into side letters or other writings with specific investors in the Funds which have the effect of establishing rights under, or altering or supplementing, the terms of the governing agreements of the Funds or an investor’s subscription agreement in respect of the investor to whom such letter or writing is addressed. Such rights or alterations relate to, and could relate to, economic terms, fee structures, excuse rights, information rights, consent rights to certain amendments to a Fund’s organizational documents, representation on a board of advisers, transfer rights, withdrawal rights, limitations on indemnification obligations, terms necessary in light of particular legal, regulatory or public policy characteristics of an investor, distributions in kind, co- investment rights (including the provision of stated co-invest opportunities or priority allocation rights to, for example, limited partners who have capital commitments in excess of certain thresholds to one or more Funds), among other rights and terms. Generally, any rights established, or any terms altered or supplemented, in a side letter will govern only that investor and not a Fund as a whole. Certain additional rights, terms or conditions, but not all, may be elected by investors with “most favored nations” rights pursuant to the terms of such “most favored nations” provision. Such side letters have imposed, and in the future may impose, limitations on participation in certain investments by investors and the types of investments made by the Funds. Neither GIM nor its affiliates will enter into a particular side letter if GIM determines that the provisions contained in such side letter would be disruptive to the applicable Fund or its investment program. Disclosure of applicable side letter practices is made to investors prior to their investment in the applicable Fund in such Fund’s private placement memoranda, organizational documents or otherwise and in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Day-to-day management and control of GIM is exercised by the individual principals of GIM. Global Infrastructure Management Participation, LLC (“GIMP”) is the “principal owner” of GIM, and GIMP is owned and controlled by the individual principals of GIM and their respective investment vehicles. As of December 31, 2023, GIM managed approximately $106,710,481,760 on a discretionary basis and approximately $6,069,180,013 on a non-discretionary basis. The information provided above about the investment advisory services provided by GIM is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Clients’ offering materials, organizational documents and subscription agreements.