{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

30 -41.18%

of those in investment advisory functions:

20 -37.50%


SEC, Approved, 3/30/2012


4,584,417,612 -0.86%

of that, discretionary:

4,584,417,612 -0.86%

Private Fund GAV:

4,604,668,470 5.50%

Avg Account Size:

327,458,401 13.30%



Private Funds:

8 1

Contact Info

(61 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

5B 4B 3B 3B 2B 1B 661M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 8 $4,604,668,470

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Brochure Summary


Onex Falcon Investment Advisors, LLC f/k/a Falcon Investment Advisors, LLC (“Onex Falcon” and together with its affiliates, “Onex”) is a Delaware limited liability company formed on June 1, 2000 and founded by Sandeep D. Alva. Onex Falcon was registered under the Advisers Act as an investment adviser on March 30, 2012. The principal owner of Onex Falcon is Onex Corporation, which indirectly acquired Onex Falcon on December 29, 2020. Onex Falcon provides the services described below to its advisory clients, which are private investment funds, including the following: Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VI, LP, Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VI (Luxembourg) S.C.Sp, Falcon Strategic Partners III, LP, Falcon Strategic Partners IV, LP, Falcon Strategic Partners IV (Cayman) LP, Falcon Strategic Partners V, LP, Falcon Strategic Partners V (Cayman), LP, Falcon Strategic Partners V (Cayman 2), LP, Falcon Structured Equity Partners, LP, Falcon Structured Equity Partners (Cayman Feeder), LP, Onex Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VII (Luxembourg), S.C.Sp, Onex Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VII (Luxembourg) Feeder, S.C.Sp and Onex Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VII, LP (each a “Falcon Fund,” and collectively, together with any future private investment fund to which Onex Falcon and/or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, the “Falcon Funds”). A related person of Onex Falcon generally acts as general partner or manager of each Falcon Fund, and Onex Falcon generally acts as investment advisor to each Falcon Fund. Onex Falcon also acts as manager to Onex Direct Lending Cayman Fund, LLC, a feeder fund established to invest in Onex Direct Lending BDC Fund (“Onex BDC”). The following general partner and managing member entities are affiliated with Onex Falcon: Falcon Private Credit Investments GP VI (Luxembourg) S.à r.l., Falcon Private Credit Investments VI, LP, Falcon Strategic Investments GP IV, LLC, Falcon Strategic Investments GP V, LLC, Falcon Strategic Investments III, LP, Falcon Strategic Investments IV, LP, Falcon Strategic Investments V, LP, Falcon Structured Equity Investments, GP LLC, Falcon Structured Equity Investments, LP, Onex Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VII GP, LP and Onex Falcon Private Credit Opportunities VII Luxembourg GP (each a “General Partner” and collectively, together with future affiliated general partner or manager entities the “General Partners”). References to Onex Falcon in this Brochure include, as the context requires, affiliates through which Onex Falcon provides investment advisory services or that act in any capacity referenced in the previous sentence. Onex Falcon’s investment advisory business is principally focused on the lower middle market through investments in private credit and structured equity. Onex Falcon’s private credit portfolio seeks to provide investors with current income and long-term capital appreciation through privately placed junior capital investments, consisting primarily of subordinated debt together with equity features, primarily in the United States and selectively in Canada and Europe. Onex Falcon’s structured equity portfolio seeks to achieve a targeted return commensurate with the risk incurred in privately placed non-control structured equity investments combining structured claims with covenants on any debt instruments, shareholder rights, contractual yield and upside potential. Both portfolios employ the same general strategy but the portfolio construction involves separate and distinct risk profiles. Onex Falcon tailors its advisory services to the general investment objectives of each Falcon Fund described in such Falcon Fund’s confidential private placement memorandum (each, an “Offering Memorandum”), subject to specific investment guidelines and restrictions set forth in the limited partnership agreement or other operating agreements of such Falcon Fund (each, a “Fund Agreement”). The Falcon Funds generally enter into a management agreement or advisory agreement with Onex Falcon setting forth the management or advisory fees payable by such Falcon Fund to Onex Falcon (its “Advisory Agreement” and, together with any relevant Offering Memorandum and Fund Agreement, the “Governing Documents”). Investors and prospective investors of each Falcon Fund should refer to the applicable Governing Documents, as well was any side letters or similar agreements (“Side Letters”) of the applicable Falcon Fund for complete information on the investment objectives and investment restrictions with respect to such Falcon Fund. The interests in the Falcon Funds are privately offered to qualified investors in the United
States and elsewhere. The investment advisory services provided to the Falcon Funds by Onex Falcon consist of identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, negotiating the terms of investments, managing and monitoring investments and ultimately selling such investments. The Falcon Funds are private funds that make investments primarily in subordinated debt. The Falcon Funds predominantly invest in non-public companies, although the Falcon Funds may invest in public companies, subject to certain limitations set forth in the relevant Falcon Fund’s Fund Agreement. The Falcon Funds generally seek to place at least one Principal or other Onex Falcon professional on the portfolio company’s board, and may, on occasion, take controlling positions in portfolio companies. Onex Falcon’s advisory services to the Falcon Funds are detailed in the Governing Documents and are further described below. Investors in Falcon Funds (generally referred to herein as “investors” or “limited partners”) participate in such Falcon Fund’s overall investment program, but in certain circumstances are permitted to be excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other applicable constraints; such arrangements generally do not and will not create an adviser- client relationship between Onex Falcon and any investor. In accordance with common industry practice, the Falcon Funds or their General Partners enter into Side Letters with certain investors in the Falcon Funds which have the effect of establishing rights under, or altering or supplementing, the terms of the Governing Documents or an investor’s subscription agreement in respect of the investor to whom such letter is addressed. Such rights or alterations could be regarding economic terms, fee structures, excuse rights, information rights, investment limitations, priority co- investment rights or targeted co-investment amounts, ability to transfer interests in a Falcon Fund, or compliance with specified laws or regulations. Generally, any rights established, or any terms altered or supplemented, will govern only that investor and not the applicable Falcon Fund as a whole. Certain such additional rights but not all rights, terms or conditions may be elected by certain sizeable investors with “most favored nations” rights pursuant to a Falcon Fund’s Governing Documents. Such Side Letters may also impose restrictions on participation in certain investments or types of investments made by the Falcon Funds. Subject to applicable law and regulation, such agreements will be disclosed only to those actual or potential investors in a Falcon Fund that have separately negotiated with the general partner of such Falcon Fund for the right to review such agreements. Additionally, as permitted by the Governing Documents, Onex Falcon expects to provide (or agree to provide) investment or co-investment opportunities (including the opportunity to participate in co-invest vehicles) to certain current or prospective investors or other persons (including investors or clients of Onex Corporation or its affiliates), including other sponsors, market participants, finders, consultants and other service providers, portfolio company management or personnel, Onex personnel and/or certain other persons associated with Onex Falcon and/or its affiliates. Such co-investments typically involve investment and disposal of interests in the applicable portfolio company at the same time and on the same terms as the Falcon Fund making the investment. Therefore, Onex Falcon expects to serve as the investment manager to co-investment vehicles to participate in Falcon Fund investments on a side-by-side basis with a Falcon Fund. Onex Falcon may also organize one or more co-investment funds to co-invest alongside the Falcon Funds to facilitate personal investments by such persons or firms and by partners, officers and personnel and their related parties and associates of Onex Falcon or of control entities. Onex Falcon may also facilitate co-investments directly into a portfolio company. The information provided above about the investment advisory services provided by Onex Falcon is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Governing Documents. Onex Falcon does not participate in any wrap fee programs. Onex Falcon may manage one or more additional or adjacent strategies in the future. Onex Falcon manages all assets of the Falcon Funds on a discretionary basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Governing Documents for each Falcon Fund. As of December 31, 2023, the amount of assets Onex Falcon manages on a discretionary basis is approximately $4,584,417,612.00.