{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

20 -28.57%

of those in investment advisory functions:

13 -18.75%


SEC, Approved, 3/2/2012


1,998,829,052 -8.10%

of that, discretionary:

620,700,918 -18.41%

Private Fund GAV:

494,522,944 -20.25%

Avg Account Size:

66,627,635 -1.98%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

312 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

2B 1B 1B 953M 715M 476M 238M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Real Estate Fund 3 $383,515,281
Venture Capital Fund 3 $111,007,663

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COUNTERVEW CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC - - - 23.7m - 35.5m - 94.7m - 8
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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Identify your principal owner(s). Laramar Multi-Family Value Manager, LLC (“Laramar MFV”) is a Delaware limited liability company formed in December 2005. Laramar MFV’s headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois and has another regional office in Denver, Colorado. Laramar MFV and its affiliates, described below are ultimately controlled by Jeffrey S. Elowe through his ownership in the Laramar Group, LLC, Laramar Holding Company, LLC, and certain estate planning vehicles. For a variety of operational, legal, and regulatory reasons, Laramar MFV conducts its business through a group of related advisers including Nine Four Ventures GP, LLC (“Nine Four Ventures”) and Nine Four Ventures GP II, LLC (“Nine Four Ventures II”), which are also registered as relying investment advisers under Laramar MFV’s registration. Laramar MFV provides investment advice with respect to investments in multi- family real estate assets in the United States (“Real Estate Assets”). Laramar MFV provides discretionary investment advisory services to multi-investor investment vehicles, including certain pooled investment vehicles that are organized as private funds. In addition, Laramar MFV provides non- discretionary investment management services to various co-investment vehicles (“Co-Investment Vehicles”). Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II are Delaware limited liability companies. Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II provide investment advice with respect to venture capital investments in early-stage real estate technology and related service companies. Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II provide discretionary investment advisory services to multi-investor investment vehicles, including certain pooled investment vehicles that are organized as private funds and co-investment vehicles. An affiliate of Laramar MFV, Laramar Workforce Housing GP II, LLC (“Laramar Workforce II GP”) is a sponsor (“Sponsor”) of Lakeside Workforce Housing II, LP (“Lakeside Fund”), a private fund client managed by Laramar MFV. Laramar Workforce II GP serves as a member of the Lakeside Fund’s general partner (“Lakeside General Partner”). In addition, the Laramar Group, L.L.C. is indirectly a Limited Partner of the Lakeside Fund. An affiliate of Laramar MFV, Laramar Workforce Housing GP, LLC (“Laramar Workforce GP”) was a sponsor (“Sponsor”) of Lakeside Workforce Housing, LP. Lakeside Workforce Housing, LP was liquidated as of December 31, 2021. Additionally, affiliates of Laramar MFV, the Laramar Urban Neighborhood Group, LLC and Laramar Urban Neighborhood Capital Group, LLC (“Urban Neighborhood GPs”) serve as general partners to the Lubert-Adler / Laramar 1 Laramar Workforce GP has four members, one of which is a trust of Jeffery S. Elowe. Urban Neighborhood Fund, L.P. and Lubert-Adler / Laramar Urban Neighborhood Capital Fund, L.P. (“Urban Neighborhood Funds”). Nine Four Ventures serves as the general partner of Nine Four Ventures, LP and 94V Co-Invest, LP and Nine Four Ventures II serves as general partner to Nine Four Ventures II, LP (the “Venture Funds”). Collectively, Lakeside Fund, the Urban Neighborhood Funds, and the Venture Funds mentioned in the prior paragraphs are referred to throughout this document as the (“Funds” or “Fund(s)”). In the future, Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures and/or Nine Four Ventures II may advise similar Funds with similar or substantially different terms from the Funds. Laramar MFV also provides non-discretionary investment management services, directly or indirectly, to the Co-Investment Vehicles. In each case an affiliate of Laramar MFV, or the Laramar Group, is non-controlling limited partner, or member of the Co-Investment Vehicle. Such Co-Investment Vehicles provide the opportunity for Laramar MFV affiliates and more third parties to invest in “side-pocket” investments that are not within the investment parameters of the Funds, due to factors including but not limited to size of the investment, liquidity, timing and nature of the investment. Generally, unlike the Funds, each Co-Investment Vehicle is established for the specific purpose of making specific investment(s) (and any related follow-on investment). Each such Co-Investment Vehicle is ultimately controlled by and the day to day investment management services are performed by an unaffiliated entity. Neither Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures, or any such affiliates act as general partners to these non- discretionary Co-Investment Vehicles. The members of the executive committee and investment committee with respect to the Funds are Jeffrey S. Elowe, Bennett Neuman, and Scott McMillan (collectively the “Principals”). The Lakeside Fund has also established an investment committee (the “Lakeside Investment Committee”) consisting of representatives of the sponsors of the fund, with Laramar Workforce GP II holding 50% of the seats on the Investment Committee. In addition, the Lakeside General Partner may appoint an advisory committee (the “Lakeside Advisory Committee”) comprised of between three and five representatives of the Investors of the Lakeside Fund and the Sponsors. specializing in a particular type of advisory service, such as financial planning, quantitative analysis, or market timing, explain the nature of that service in greater detail. If you provide investment advice only with respect to limited types of investments,
explain the type of investment advice you offer, and disclose that your advice is limited to those types of investments. Laramar MFV offers real estate investment advisory and management services. Laramar MFV’s investment strategy primarily includes pursuing value-add investments in multi-family and mixed-use Real Estate Assets. The investments recommended by Laramar MFV for the Funds may include equity investments in real estate and loans secured by Real Estate Assets. Laramar MFV provides non-discretionary investment management services related to the identification, acquisition, management, monitoring and disposition of investments for the Co-Investment Vehicles. As discussed below, Laramar MFV is not compensated for these investment management services. Please see Item 8.A. for a detailed description of the advisory services. Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II provide investment advisory services related to venture capital investments in early-stage real estate technology and related service companies to realize long-term capital appreciation. individual needs of clients. Explain whether clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II generally provide investment advisory services to private pooled investment vehicles (each, a “Fund”). The Funds are typically [U.S. limited partnerships] and other investment vehicles. The Funds typically are not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”), and the interests or offerings of the Funds are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures and Nine Four Ventures II manage the Funds in accordance with the investment restrictions and limitations set forth in the following documents: the investment management agreement between each Fund and Laramar MFV or its affiliates, the confidential private placement memorandum of the Funds (the “PPM”), investment management agreement (the “Management Agreement”) the summary of the Fund’s principal terms of the Funds (the “Term Sheet”), subscription agreements and the limited partnership agreement of the Funds (collectively, the “Governing Documents”). All investors are provided with a PPM or Term Sheet, subscription agreement, and limited partnership agreement prior to making an investment. Investors should refer to the detailed provisions in the PPMs or the Term Sheets regarding the investment advisory services of Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures, Nine Four Ventures II or its affiliates, as applicable. Prior to investing in the Funds, an investor is required to enter into a subscription agreement, which sets forth the investor’s suitability for an investment in a Fund. Laramar generally does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of investors and investors generally may not impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Notwithstanding, several of the Funds have entered into side letter arrangements with certain investors to provide specific limitations or restrictions that are designed to address the investor’s particular legal, tax, investment or other objectives (a “Side Letter”). Examples of these types of investor restrictions and limitations include prohibitions on investing in a particular country, a limitation on how much capital may be invested in a single investment, or a limitation on the incurrence of unrelated business taxable income. Side Letters may impose additional limitations on Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures and/or Nine Four Ventures II that may be beneficial to one group of investors but may result in additional cost to the Funds or may not be optimal from the perspective of other investors. With respect to the Co-Investment Vehicles, Laramar MFV provides non- discretionary investment management services tailored to the need of each such vehicle, in each case subject to the restrictions set forth in the relative operating agreements. All descriptions of the Funds in this brochure, including, but not limited to, their investments, the strategies used in managing the Funds, the fees and other costs associated with an investment in the Funds, and conflicts of interest faced by Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures GP, and Nine Four Ventures II GP in connection with management of the Funds are qualified in their entirety by reference to the relevant Fund’s respective Governing Documents. Persons reviewing this brochure should not construe this brochure as an offering of any the Funds described herein, which will only be made pursuant to the delivery of a confidential offering memorandum to prospective eligible investors. services, (1) describe the differences, if any, between how you manage wrap fee accounts and how you manage other accounts, and (2) explain that you receive a portion of the wrap fee for your services. Not applicable. on a discretionary basis and the amount of client assets you manage on a non-discretionary basis. Disclose the date “as of” which you calculated the amounts. As of December 31, 2023, Laramar MFV, Nine Four Ventures, and Nine Four Ventures II manage $ 620,700,918 in client assets on a discretionary basis and $ 1,378,128,135 on a non-discretionary basis.