CIVC PARTNERS other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

28 33.33%

of those in investment advisory functions:

23 21.05%


SEC, Approved, 3/28/2012


2,268,958,100 102.67%

of that, discretionary:

2,268,958,100 102.67%

Private Fund GAV:

2,268,958,065 102.67%

Avg Account Size:

141,809,881 39.33%



Private Funds:

16 5

Contact Info

(31 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 1B 861M 688M 516M 344M 172M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 16 $2,268,958,065

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


CIVC Partners, L.P. (the “Management Company”), the registered investment adviser, is a Delaware limited partnership. The Management Company and its affiliated investment advisers provide discretionary investment advisory services to their clients, which consist of private investment-related funds. The Management Company commenced operations in May 2002. The following general partner entities are affiliated with the Management Company:
• CIVC GP IV, L.P. (general partner of Fund IV)
• CIVC GP V, L.P. (general partner of Fund V)
• CIVC GP V Global, L.P. (general partner of Fund V AIVs)
• CIVC GP VI, L.P. (general partner of Fund VI and CIVC-Datavail SPV, L.P.)
• CIVC GP SIB CF, L.P. (general partner of CIVC SIB CF, L.P.)
• CIVC GP VII, L.P. (general partner of Fund VII) (each, a “General Partner” and collectively, together with any future affiliated general partner entities, the “General Partners”, and together with the Management Company and their affiliated entities “CIVC”) The General Partners listed above each serve as general partner to one or more Funds (described below) or other pooled investment vehicles and have the authority to make investment decisions on behalf of such Funds or such pooled investment vehicles. Each General Partner is subject to the Advisers Act pursuant to the Management Company’s registration in accordance with SEC guidance. The Management Company and the General Partners operate as a single investment advisory firm and are all under common control. The Management Company’s clients include the following (each, a “Fund,” and together with any future private investment fund to which the Management Company and/or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, “Funds”):
• CIVC Partners Fund IV, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund IV-A, L.P. (together with CIVC Partners Fund IV, L.P., “Fund IV”)
• CIVC Partners Executive Fund IV, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund V, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund V-A, L.P. (together with CIVC Partners Fund V, L.P., “Fund V”)
• CIVC Partners Executive Fund V, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund V Global, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund V-A Global, L.P. (together with CIVC Partners Fund V Global, L.P., “Fund V AIVs”)
• CIVC Partners Fund VI, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund VI-A, L.P. (together with CIVC Partners Fund VI, L.P., “Fund VI”)
• CIVC Partners Executive Fund VI, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Executive Fund VII, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund VII, L.P.
• CIVC Partners Fund VII-A, L.P. (together with CIVC Partners Fund VII, L.P., “Fund VII”)
• CIVC-Datavail SPV, L.P. Interests in the Funds generally are privately offered to qualified investors in the United States and elsewhere. The Funds are expected to invest through negotiated transactions in operating companies, generally referred to herein as “portfolio companies.” CIVC’s investment advisory services to Funds consist of identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, negotiating the terms of investments, managing and monitoring investments and ultimately selling such investments. Investments are made predominantly in non-public companies, although investments in public companies are permitted in certain instances. Where such investments consist of portfolio companies, the senior principals or other personnel of CIVC generally serve on such portfolio companies’ respective boards of directors or otherwise actively work with management of portfolio companies in which the Funds have invested. CIVC’s advisory services to each Fund are detailed in the relevant offering memorandum (each, a “Memorandum”) and/or limited partnership agreement of the Funds (each, a “Limited Partnership
Agreement” and together with the Memorandum, the “Governing Documents”) and are further described below under “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss.” Investors in the Funds (generally referred to herein as “investors” or “limited partners”) participate in the overall investment program for the applicable fund, but in certain circumstances are excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other agreed-upon circumstances pursuant to the Governing Documents; such arrangements generally do not and will not create an adviser-client relationship between CIVC and any investor. The Funds or CIVC generally enter into side letters or similar agreements (“Side Letters”) with certain investors that have the effect of establishing rights under, or altering or supplementing the terms (including economic or other terms) of the Governing Documents with respect to such investors. Additionally, as permitted by the relevant Governing Documents, CIVC expects to provide (or agree to provide) investment or co-investment opportunities (including the opportunity to participate in co-investment vehicles) to certain current or prospective investors or other persons, including other sponsors, market participants, finders, consultants and other service providers, portfolio company management or personnel, CIVC’s personnel and/or certain other persons associated with CIVC or portfolio companies owned by the Funds (including portfolio company management) and/or their affiliates (including in some situations a vehicle formed to co-invest alongside a particular Fund’s transactions, such as CIVC Executive Fund IV, L.P., CIVC Executive Fund V, L.P., CIVC Partners Executive Fund VI, L.P., CIVC Partners Executive Fund VII, L.P., and CIVC-Datavail SPV, L.P. (collectively, the “Co-Invest Funds”)). Such Co-Invest Funds or other investors typically invest and dispose of their interests in the applicable portfolio company at the same time and on the same terms as the Fund making the investment. However, for strategic and other reasons, a co-investor or co-invest vehicle (including a Co-Invest Fund) purchases a portion of an investment from one or more Funds after such Funds have consummated their investment in the portfolio company (also known as a post-closing sell-down or transfer), which generally will have been funded through Fund investor capital contributions and/or use of a Fund credit facility. Any such purchase from a Fund by a co-investment vehicle or other investor generally occurs shortly after the Fund’s completion of the investment to avoid any changes in valuation of the investment, but in certain instances could be well after the Fund’s initial purchase. Where appropriate, and in CIVC’s sole discretion, CIVC reserves the right to charge interest on the purchase to the Co-Invest Funds or other investors to seek reimbursement to the relevant Fund for related costs (or otherwise equitably to adjust the purchase price under certain conditions). However, to the extent any such amounts are not so charged or reimbursed (including charges or reimbursements required pursuant to applicable law), they generally will be borne by the relevant Fund or, to the extent such other investors are members of portfolio company management, the applicable portfolio company. As of December 31, 2023, CIVC managed approximately $2,268,958,100 in client assets on a discretionary basis. The Management Company is ultimately managed by CIVC Management GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, which is managed by a Board of Managers currently comprised of John H. Compall, Christopher J. Perry, and Christopher Geneser. There are no principal owners of the Management Company.