{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

13 8.33%

of those in investment advisory functions:

11 22.22%


SEC, Approved, 2/22/2012


906,090,637 17.74%

of that, discretionary:

796,699,882 14.55%

Private Fund GAV:

906,090,637 5.75%

Avg Account Size:

151,015,106 37.36%



Private Funds:

6 1

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 899M 749M 599M 450M 300M 150M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Dominus Capital

A leading private investment firm ... Dominus Capital is an operationally-focused private equity firm investing in leading middle market companies.

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Dominus, HarbourVest Face Criticism Over Portfolio Company's Labor Practices The latest conflict between activists and private equity has Dominus Capital and HarbourVest facing pressure for the ...


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 6 $906,090,637

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Founded in 2008 by Gary A. Binning, Robert D. Haswell and Ashish B. Rughwani, Dominus Capital Management, L.P. (“Dominus Management” and together with its affiliated advisory entities to the Dominus funds, “Dominus Capital”) is an investment management firm focusing on making control-oriented private equity and equity related investments primarily in middle market companies located in North America. Dominus Capital is located in New York City and is privately owned. Messrs. Binning, Haswell and Rughwani are the principal owners and collectively own approximately 100% of Dominus Management. As of December 31, 2023, Dominus Capital managed on a discretionary basis approximately $796,699,882 and $109,390,755 on a non-discretionary basis. Dominus Capital, through its longstanding relationships with founders/owners-operators, identifies direct situations in which sellers are seeking a private equity partner to help grow and improve their business. Dominus Capital targets control-oriented investments in management buyouts, recapitalizations and growth capital transactions. Dominus Capital invests in light manufacturing, niche consumer products, and service businesses as well as other industries. Dominus Capital provides investment advisory services on a discretionary and non- discretionary basis to clients, which are commingled investment vehicles intended for institutional investors and other sophisticated investors. Currently, Dominus Capital’s discretionary clients are Dominus Capital Partners II, L.P. and Dominus Capital Partners (Offshore) II, L.P. (collectively, “Fund II”), Dominus Capital Partners III, L.P. and Dominus Capital Partners (Offshore) III, L.P. (collectively, “Fund III”) (each a “Fund” and collectively the “Funds”). Dominus Capital’s non-discretionary clients include Dominus BluSky Aggregator L.P. and Dominus Seaga Aggregator L.P. (also each a Fund and collectively part of the Funds, unless differentiated as “the Aggregators”). The Aggregators invest alongside the Funds in specified deals. Please see Item 10 of this Brochure for more description of the affiliated entities,
the general partners and advisory entities, which are typical in the private fund structure. Fund II is managed by Dominus Management and Dominus Capital Management II, L.P. (“Dominus Management II”). Fund III is managed by Dominus Capital Management III, L.P. (“Dominus Management III”) as well as Dominus Management L.P. and Dominus Management II (Dominus Management II and III are the “Relying Advisers”). The Aggregators each have a general partner that is related to Dominus Capital and the Relying Advisors. Unless otherwise noted, this Brochure also describes the business practices of the general partners and the Relying Advisers, which together with Dominus Management operate as a single advisory business known as Dominus Capital. All advisers work from the same office space and are similarly owned, with Messrs. Binning, Haswell and Rughwani being the principal owners and collectively owning 100% of each adviser. The investors in the Dominus Capital entities are sophisticated and, generally, institutional investors. Further, Dominus Capital is an investor in each Fund as are “friends, family, and employees,” either as direct investors or through a vehicle formed for that purpose. Dominus Capital’s advisory services to the Funds are further detailed in the applicable private placement memoranda or similar offering documents (each, a “Memorandum”), limited partnership or similar operating agreements (each, a “Partnership Agreement” and, as applicable, together with any relevant Memorandum, the “Governing Documents”). The Funds or the General Partners can and have entered into side letters or other similar agreements (“Side Letters”) with certain investors. The Side Letters establish rights under, alter or supplement the terms of the relevant Governing Documents for those investors. In certain cases, these Side Letters modify certain rights and privileges with terms not available to other Investors (such as advisory and performance fee rates, information rights, reporting rights, and certain other protections and the right to receive allocations of co-investment).