{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

29 -23.68%

of those in investment advisory functions:

27 -18.18%


SEC, Approved, 2/21/2012


431,541,344 -13.41%

of that, discretionary:

431,541,344 -13.41%

Private Fund GAV:

46,727,354 -36.88%

Avg Account Size:

61,648,763 -13.41%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

498M 427M 356M 285M 214M 142M 71M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Real Estate Fund 2 $46,727,354

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Advisory Business Founded in 1997 by Paul Pariser and Charles Bendit, Taconic Investment Partners LLC and, beginning in 2007, relying adviser Taconic Investment Manager LLC (together with the fund general partners, “Taconic”, the “Firm” or “we”), provide investment advisory and other services to pooled investment funds through the name Taconic Partners. Based in New York City, we specialize in sourcing, underwriting and managing real estate investments. Taconic, through its relying adviser, provides investment advisory services to the following pooled investment vehicles: Taconic New York City Investment Fund LP (the “Taconic NYC Investment Fund”); Taconic New York City GP Fund LP (the “Taconic NYC GP Fund”); the New York City Property Fund II, which includes New York City Property Fund II LP, New York City Property Fund II (T) LP and New York City Property Fund II (C) LP (collectively, the “New York City Property Fund II” and together with Taconic NYC Investment Fund and Taconic NYC GP Fund, the “Funds”). Taconic NYC Investment Fund and Taconic NYC GP Fund rely on exemptions from registration under Section 3(c)(1) and/or Section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”) and the New York City Property Fund II relies on an exemption from registration under Section 3(c)(5)(c) of the Investment Company Act. In addition, from time to time Taconic establishes certain investment vehicles (“Employee Co- Investment Vehicles”) through which certain current and former employees, advisors or joint venture partners invest alongside one or more Fund in an investment opportunity. Such vehicles are generally contractually required, as a condition of investment, to purchase and exit their investment in each investment opportunity at substantially the same time as the applicable Fund that is invested in that investment opportunity. Further, in certain circumstances, as more fully described in Item 7 below, we permit certain limited partners and third parties to co-invest alongside a Fund directly into a portfolio investment. Such direct co-investments are not clients and are not included in our regulatory assets under management. Finally, in addition to the Funds, we also invest in and manage various real estate deals with other joint venture partners, either as a majority or passive investor. The following general partners are affiliated with Taconic and are deemed to be relying advisers with authority to make investment decisions on behalf of each Fund: Taconic New York City Investment Fund GP LLC (the General Partner of the Taconic NYC Investment Fund); Taconic New York City GP Fund GP, LLC (the General Partner of the NYC GP Fund); and New York City Property Fund GP, LLC (the General Partner of the New York City Property Fund II and together, the “General Partners”). Each General Partner has contracted with Taconic or an affiliate for day-to-day management of the Funds. The New York City Property Fund II is co-managed with another registered investment adviser (the “Sponsor”) and overseen by a Fund Board, by which each Sponsor appoints two members and which will collectively be responsible to the New York City Property Fund II’s investment-related matters, including initiating, structuring, negotiating, and disposing of the Fund’s investments, the use of leverage and other material investment decisions. For more information about the Taconic Funds and the General Partners of each Fund, please see our Form ADV Part 1, Schedule D, Section 7.A.(1). and 7.B.(1). Finally, we wholly own several entities which provide various construction advisory and oversight/project development services, acquisition services and property management and leasing services to properties in our Funds and/or to third parties, as further described in Item 10. Advisory Services Taconic’s Funds offer private investments in opportunistic and value-add opportunities solely in real estate and real estate related assets, with a strategy to acquire, reposition, redevelop and operate multifamily, office, life sciences, industrial, retail and mixed-use properties. At the current time, these investments are located solely within the New York City metropolitan area. Taconic and its affiliates invest a portion of the equity required for the investments as the General Partner of the applicable Fund and raise the additional equity required from institutional and other third-party
investors. Taconic leverages its entrepreneurial approach, vertically integrated platform and extensive network of relationships to acquire, develop, reposition and operate real estate. A team of seasoned investment, development, asset management, leasing and property management professionals executes the business plan. We generally manage the day-to-day operations of these real estate projects and through our wholly owned affiliates maintain an active oversight of each project, including retaining decision rights, subject to the limitations of each investment’s operating agreement, private placement memorandum, limited partnership agreement, investment advisory agreement, subscription agreements and other governing documents of the relevant Fund (collectively, the “Governing Documents”). Limited partners determine the suitability of an investment in a Fund based on, among other things, these Governing Documents. Outside of the Funds, we invest in various real estate deals with other joint venture partners, either as a majority or passive investor. While we provide day-to-day management over many of these joint venture investments, we do not exercise full discretion over such investments or provide investment advice to our joint venture partners, and thus do not deem them securities; accordingly, while mentioned throughout this brochure, such joint venture investments are not clients and are not included in our regulatory assets under management. In addition, while not affiliated with our investment advisory business, we provide various construction advisory and oversight/project development services, acquisition services and property management and leasing services to third parties through five wholly owned affiliates, Taconic Development Advisors LLC, Taconic Development Company LLC, Taconic Management Company LLC, TIP Acquisition LLC and Elevate Research Properties LLC, as described in more detail in Item 10. Our advisory services are not specifically tailored to the individual needs of limited partners in the Funds or investments; investment advice and authority are tailored to the investment objectives of each Fund or investment as described in the relevant Governing Documents. Limited partners cannot impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities other than as set forth in the Governing Documents. Limited partners participate in the overall investment program for the applicable Fund and generally cannot be excused from a particular investment except in certain circumstances pursuant to the terms of the applicable Governing Documents. In accordance with industry common practice, we have entered into side letters or similar agreements with certain limited partners that have the effect of establishing rights under or altering or supplementing a Fund’s Governing Documents. Examples of side letters entered into include co- investment preferences, certain fee arrangements, notification provisions, reporting requirements, participation in on an advisory committee, local tax matters, local regulatory matters, and “most favored nations” provisions, among others. These rights, benefits or privileges are not always made available to all limited partners, consistent with the Governing Documents and general market practice. Commencing in March 2025, Taconic will make required disclosure of certain side letters to all limited partners (and in certain cases, to prospective limited partners) in accordance with the new Private Fund Rule. Side letters are negotiated at the time of the relevant limited partner’s capital commitment, and once invested in a Fund, limited partners generally cannot impose additional investment guidelines or restrictions on such Fund. There can be no assurance that the side letter rights granted to one or more limited partners will not in certain cases disadvantage other limited partners. Ownership Taconic is majority owned by Co-Chief Executive Officers Paul Pariser and Charles Bendit. Certain employees own a profits interest in an affiliate of Taconic Investment Partners LLC, although none are in amounts which require reporting on the Form ADV Part 1. Regulatory Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, Taconic managed $435,148,829 of regulatory assets under management in its Funds, all of which is managed on a discretionary basis.