{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

15 7.14%

of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 5/4/2011


1,639,395,473 25.55%

of that, discretionary:

177,772,185 -3.98%

Private Fund GAV:

29,283,039 30.51%

Avg Account Size:

1,491,716 5.21%

% High Net Worth:

72.73% 3.90%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

303 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 961M 800M 640M 480M 320M 160M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 1 $29,283,039

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Brochure Summary


Ownership Cherry Creek Family Offices, LLC, (“Advisor” or “we”) is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission since March 2011. We are a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of Colorado that is primarily owned by Timothy J. Ulfig, Kevin W. Burke, Corey McKeirnan and Christ McPartlan, either individually or through their respective trusts or other legal entities. General Description of Primary Advisory Services We offer personalized advisory services including asset management services, financial management services, strategic family services along with business and reporting services. The following are brief descriptions of our primary services. There is a $50,000,000 minimum requirement to be a client through the creation of a managed account. See Item 5, Fees and Compensation, so that clients and prospective clients (“client” or “you”) can review the services and description of fees more thoroughly. Investment Management Services We offer investment management services providing clients with continuous and on-going supervision over their accounts. We provide custom tailored asset management services which involves the identification and diligence of investment opportunities, the deployment of client investable capital and managing the client investment portfolio. We act as your in-house investment team to source, diligence and execute investment opportunities across the full spectrum of risk-adjusted returns. Working closely with the client, we will understand investment objectives and liquidity needs and work to design a strategy to achieve their investment goals. CCFO will continuously monitor a client’s portfolio when providing asset management services and will meet with the client on a periodic basis to discuss your portfolio. Included in our management services are financial planning, strategic family services and business & reporting services. In order to provide our asset management services, you will be required to grant us trading authority on your account(s), we can manage your assets on either a non-discretionary or discretionary basis. See Item 16, Investment Discretion, for additional discussion on this authority. Strategic Family Services We collaborate with you and select 3rd party professionals to address family challenges, estate planning, insurance, legal, lifestyle management and family passions. Business and Reporting Services We provide customized portfolio investment aggregation and performance reporting. We offer accounting for family entities such as trusts, foundations and family investment partnerships. We can also provide cash management, investment transaction support and ad-hoc reporting as needed. We can provide individual or family budgeting and bill payment services along with support of your tax professionals to efficiently prepare tax returns. Private Fund Management We also provide investment management services on a discretionary basis as the investment manager of the CCFO Select Fund, LLC
(the “Fund”). The Fund is available to high net worth individuals and businesses each of whom is an “qualified purchaser” as the term is defined in Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), Prospective investors will be provided with a Confidential Private Placement Memorandum (the “Offering Memorandum”), when available, and Limited Partnership Agreement and Subscription Documents that give the details of the investment objectives, risks, fees, and other important information about the Funds. The Fund’s investment objective is to pool investment funds of its investors for the primary purpose of seeking long-term capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to achieve this objective by using a fund-of-funds approach to invest in underlying private pooled investment funds (Hedge Funds) with recurring redemption rights (hereinafter, the “Underlying Funds”). The Fund will select for investment primarily in Underlying Funds. The investments held by these Underlying Funds will include without limitation, common and preferred stocks, warrants, rights issues, debt securities convertible into common and preferred shares, and other types of fixed income securities. The Fund is also authorized to invest in Underlying Funds that deploy capital in other investments, including without limitation, exchange traded options, open-end and closed-end mutual funds; and exchange-traded funds, futures and forward contracts, commodities, and swaps. In addition, excess cash will be held in the custody of the Fund’s custodian and as such could be invested in a variety of short-term money market instruments, including, without limitation, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, United States Treasury Bills, and open-end mutual funds primarily holding similar securities. The Fund may also take advantage of new investments strategies and other investment opportunities without limitation, if such investments would aid in the Fund achieving its investment objective. Although we generally provide advice only on the products previously listed, we reserve the right to offer advice on any investment product that may be suitable for each client’s specific circumstances, needs, goals and objectives. Please refer to Item 8, Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss, for more information. Tailor Advisor Services to Individual Needs of Clients Our services are always provided based on your specific needs. You have the ability to impose restrictions on your accounts, including specific investment selections and sectors. However, we will not enter into an investment advisor relationship with a prospective client whose investment objectives may be considered incompatible with our investment philosophy or strategies or where the prospective client seeks to impose unduly restrictive investment guidelines. Client Assets Managed by Advisor As of December 31, 2023, our firm had $1,639,395,473 in assets under management. Of that amount, $177,772,185 was managed on a discretionary basis and $1,461,623,288 was managed on a non- discretionary basis.