Ativo Capital Management, LLC (or “Ativo” or the “firm”) is an SEC-registered investment
adviser with its principal place of business located in Chicago, Illinois. The firm is a Delaware
limited liability company that began conducting business in 2001.
Ativo Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, owns 60.65% of the firm. Ricardo
Bekin, the firm’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer is the sole member of
Ativo Holdings, LLC. Pinecliff Trust owns 23.18% of the firm. Mr. Bekin is the trustee of
Pinecliff Trust. There are five other members that collectively own the remaining portion of the
firm as noted in Ativo’s Form ADV Part 1.
For information on Ativo’s portfolio management services please contact our marketing team
at marketing@ativocapital.com or at 312-263-7600.
Ativo offers the following advisory services to our clients:
Portfolio Management for Separately Managed Accounts
Ativo offers a variety of long-only equity strategies to individual and institutional clients
(“client(s)”) as separately-managed accounts (“SMAs”) permitting the client to select an
appropriate strategy or strategies based on its needs. Once suitability is determined, the
account is generally managed according to the strategy’s goal. Institutional clients generally
determine suitability, at least in part, before selecting Ativo to manage its assets. For
individual clients, suitability is generally determined while reviewing the client’s investment
policy statement/investment management agreement. This aids Ativo in gathering relevant
information to assist with making a suitability determination. Clients have the opportunity to
place reasonable guidelines and restrictions on the account to be managed by Ativo. We
manage these advisory accounts on a discretionary basis. Clients retain individual ownership
of all securities.
Once the client’s account is established, we review its composition each week and make
changes, as required, based on our current analysis. As part of our standard services, we
monitor and advise clients’ investment portfolios on an ongoing basis.
We design and update our strategies in-house. Our strategies are generally comprised of the
following securities:
Domestic exchange-listed equity securities
Domestic equity securities traded over-the-counter
Foreign equity securities traded in the US
Foreign equity securities traded in foreign markets
Foreign equity securities traded over-the-counter
Model Portfolio Management
Our firm provides continuous portfolio management services
to model-based unified
managed account platforms (“UMA”) which may also be described as wrap fee programs.
Each model portfolio is designed to meet a particular investment strategy. Ativo provides
these model portfolios to select broker-dealers and investment advisers (“UMA Program
Sponsors”). The UMA Program Sponsors initially determine whether the model is suitable to a
particular client’s circumstances. The client portfolio is then managed by the UMA Program
Sponsor according to the model’s strategy. We structure these models using the same
approach as we do for our separately-managed account clients. Generally, the only
differences are due to separately-managed client-imposed guidelines and restrictions.
However, Ativo, at its discretion, structures custom models at the request of UMA Program
Ativo is not responsible for trade execution, reconciliation, and other functions within the
UMAs it advises. Moreover, Ativo has no discretion over the client assets subscribed to our
model portfolios made available through the UMA Program Sponsors. For that reason, we
exclude these assets from our assets under management and instead report them as assets
under advisement as noted below. The underlying UMA clients retain individual ownership of
all securities.
Our investment recommendations are not limited to any specific product or service offered by
a broker-dealer or investment adviser and will generally include the following securities:
Domestic exchange-listed equity securities
Domestic equity securities traded over-the-counter
Foreign equity securities traded in the US
Foreign equity securities traded in foreign markets
Foreign equity securities traded over-the-counter
Private Funds
Ativo also serves as the investment manager of one private fund: Ativo International Equity
Fund, LP (“Private Fund”). Ativo Global Funds, LLC, an affiliate of the firm, serves as the
general partner of the private fund. The Private Fund is offered exclusively to certain qualified
investors under its Confidential Private Placement Memorandum (each a “Memorandum”).
Please refer to a Private Fund’s Memorandum for additional details of the terms of an
investment in that Private Fund.
Amount of Managed and Advised Assets
As of 12/31/2023, Ativo actively managed $999,526,084 of total clients’ assets or assets
under management (“AUM”), all of which was discretionary.
As of 12/31/2023, Ativo provided UMA asset under advisement (“AUA”) services for
approximately $131,496,719 in underlying client assets.