other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 05/09/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company
- Pension consultant
Number of Employees 137 22.32%
of those in investment advisory functions 76 35.71%
Registration SEC, Approved, 07/08/2004
AUM* 26,711,555,154 87.26%
of that, discretionary 26,711,555,154 87.26%
Private Fund GAV* 48,597,405
Avg Account Size 1,068,462,206 64.79%
% High Net Worth 18.87% -18.87%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 1
Contact Info 310 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- High net worth individuals
- Investment companies
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- State or municipal government entities
- Other

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses
- Pension consulting services
- Selection of other advisers
- Publication of periodicals or newsletters

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)

Reported AUM

14B 12B 10B 8B 6B 4B 2B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count1 GAV$48,597,405

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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker922908769 Stock NameVANGUARD INDEX FDS $ Position$101,664,189 % Position25.00% $ Change2.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker92206C599 Stock NameVANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS $ Position$68,074,218 % Position17.00% $ Change34.00% # Change31.00%
Stck Ticker464288240 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$57,306,992 % Position14.00% $ Change-29.00% # Change-22.00%
Stck Ticker92206C706 Stock NameVANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS $ Position$44,535,822 % Position11.00% $ Change-4.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker921943858 Stock NameVANGUARD TAX-MANAGED FDS $ Position$37,013,732 % Position9.00% $ Change-10.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker61774A103 Stock NameMORGAN STANLEY DIRECT LENDIN $ Position$29,874,652 % Position7.00% $ Change-29.00% # Change-32.00%
Stck Ticker35243J101 Stock NameFRANKLIN BSP RLTY TR INC $ Position$27,539,984 % Position7.00% $ Change-4.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker126600105 Stock NameCVB FINL CORP $ Position$8,826,208 % Position2.00% $ Change20.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker922908553 Stock NameVANGUARD INDEX FDS $ Position$6,228,741 % Position2.00% $ Change-9.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker92206C409 Stock NameVANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS $ Position$7,815,744 % Position2.00% $ Change-3.00% # Change-1.00%

Brochure Summary