{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:

9 12.50%


SEC, Approved, 7/21/2004


332,447,131 13.89%

of that, discretionary:

202,104,609 20.54%

Private Fund GAV:

37,490,849 10.44%

Avg Account Size:

2,968,278 10.84%

% High Net Worth:

83.04% -0.54%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

235M 202M 168M 134M 101M 67M 34M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 2 $37,490,849

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Brochure Summary


Firm Description Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management, Inc. (“PWAMI;” the “Firm”) was founded in 1982 by Alexander P. Papamarkou. The Firm became registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in July 2004.1 PWAMI offers consulting services with respect to asset allocation and asset management to private clients, including High Net-Worth Individuals, Family Offices, Endowments, and Foundations. The Firm advises clients regarding the allocation of assets to different forms of investments and investment managers. PWAMI may give advice as to investments in asset classes, such as equities, fixed income, and alternative investments, including hedge funds, private equity, and real estate. Subject to the needs and request of a client, the Firm may prepare an Asset Allocation Plan and assist the client to implement that Plan. PWAMI monitors the performance of a client’s allocated assets, and, recommends modifications from time to time as may be appropriate to the individual client. PWAMI’s investment professionals take great pride in the discreet and highly personalized service the Firm offers. With regard to the direct asset management of client portfolios, PWAMI offers to high- net-worth individuals, family offices, endowments, and foundations, discretionary separate account management services. The Firm’s portfolio managers research, select, and invest in high quality global equities with the long-term goal of capital appreciation coupled with dividend income. Customized balanced portfolios catering to specific requirements are also available. PWAMI writes and distributes free of charge to its clients a monthly commentary on the economy, capital markets, and specific industries. PWAMI is also the investment manager to two private funds, the PW Portfolio, LLC (“PW Portfolio;” a “Fund”), a multi-manager, multi-strategy private fund-of-funds, and the PW Nordic Technology and Innovation Fund LP (“PW Nordic Tech Fund;” a “Fund”), which was established for the purpose of acquiring Class H Shares of TIN Ny Teknik, a Swedish UCITS fund managed by Teknik Innovation Norden Fonder AB (“TIN Fonder”). Each Fund is open to investors that meet its specific suitability requirements. See the appropriate offering documents for more information about each Fund and the costs and risks of investing. In 2023, the Firm commenced the process of rebranding its overall business along with that of its affiliated broker dealer, Papamarkou Wellner & Co., Inc. (“PW&Co”), under the group name, Papamarkou Wellner Perkin. PWAMI is also known as Papamarkou Wellner Perkin Advisors, and PW&Co as Papamarkou Wellner Perkin Capital. 1 Any reference to Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management, Inc. being a registered investment adviser does not imply that the company or any of its management has achieved a certain level of skill or training. March 30, 2024 - 2 - PWAMI’s regulatory assets under management (“AUM”) as of December 31, 2023 total $ 332,447,131. Principal Owners PWAMI is wholly owned by its Chairman, CEO, and Sole Director, Mr. Karl Wellner. Types of Advisory Services 1. As stated in the above Firm Description, PWAMI offers consulting services on a non-discretionary basis to private clients with respect to asset allocation and asset management. PWAMI will advise its clients as to the optimal allocation of their assets (defined in the advisory agreement as the client’s Account) across different forms of investments and investment managers, including, without limitation, the designation of other investment advisers, who will invest and reinvest assets on behalf of the client. The Firm may give advice as to investments in categories of securities, such as corporate securities, government securities, municipal securities, alternative investments, real estate, etc. 2. PWAMI may offer to its clients the services of other investment advisors, as it identifies managers through due diligence that it believes to be the “best of breed” in the various asset classes. 3. PWAMI offers separately managed accounts to its high net worth and institutional clients that are managed on a discretionary basis by the Firm’s portfolio managers. PWAMI’s investment philosophy is based on the premise that superior long-term investment returns can be achieved by investing in high quality U.S. and overseas companies of sizeable market capitalizations that are financially sound industry leaders, whose earnings are expected to increase at above average rates over time. The hallmark of the strategy is buying leading growth stocks at reasonable valuations. Customized balanced portfolios catering to specific requirements are also available. 4. In terms of the Firm’s two private Funds, the PW Portfolio is a fund-of-funds managed by PWAMI. The Fund is a diversified multi-manager platform providing access to “best of breed” traditional and alternative investment managers. Its objective is to generate for investors absolute returns with low correlation to equity and fixed-income markets. Through a multi-manager strategy, the portfolio is diversified across several uncorrelated investment strategies designed for U.S. taxable investors. The PW Nordic Tech Fund is a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership managed by PWAMI. Its primary purpose is to acquire Class H Shares of TIN Fonder, an equity fund focused on Nordic technology companies whose products and/or services are characterized by a high degree of technological content and companies whose business is characterized by a high degree of research and development. March 30, 2024 - 3 - Tailored Relationships The nature of PWAMI’s primary advisory business is that it tailors its advisory services to the specific needs of the client. Based on suitability information gathered for a particular client, including financial condition, investment objectives, investment risk profile, and other factors that may be relevant to the proposed investments by a client, PWAMI will advise the client about the allocation of their assets across different forms of investments and investment managers, including, without limitation, designation of other portfolio managers, who will actually invest and reinvest within specified asset classes on behalf of the client. Where a client asks the Firm to do so, PWAMI will prepare an Asset Allocation Plan subject to the written approval of the client. PWAMI would then assist the client in the implementation of the Asset Allocation Plan and the reinvestment of cash and securities. On an ongoing basis, the Firm will monitor the performance in a client’s portfolio after the initial Asset Allocation Plan is implemented and report that performance to the client, whether monthly, quarterly, or at intervals requested by the client. PWAMI would also recommend from time to time modifications to the Plan. In the context of this asset allocation approach, PWAMI will tailor its services to the needs and desires of the client. In response to client requests and in addition to the private Funds, PWAMI offers separately managed account services whereby the Firm’s portfolio managers will manage on a discretionary basis a client’s account in accordance either with the Firm’s established investment philosophy of investing for the long term in superior growth stocks, or according to the requirements and restrictions of the client after consultation with a PWAMI adviser. Types of Agreements PWAMI does not conduct
Financial Planning; Hourly Planning; or Tax Preparation services. PWAMI’s traditional business model is to offer clients access to some of the top performing investment managers available across the various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity funds, and real estate. The Firm also offers to clients the opportunity to invest in the Firm’s two private Funds, as described herein. In addition, PWAMI applies its fundamental bottom-up research driven investment process to the direct management on a discretionary basis of separate account equity portfolios. Accordingly, the agreements currently employed by the Firm include:  the Advisory Agreement for asset allocation advisory services described above, which do not include discretionary accounts or individual stock or bond selections; March 30, 2024 - 4 -  the Advisory Agreement for separately managed accounts, which include primarily individual equity portfolios based on the Firm’s investment philosophy, specific strategies, or customized to the requirements and restrictions of the client; and,  the Offering Memorandum and Subscription Documents relating to each of the two proprietary private funds managed by PWAMI, the PW Portfolio and the PW Nordic Tech Fund. Investment Advisory Agreements Each advisory client’s investable assets, to which PWAMI gives advice, are referred to in the Investment Advisory Agreements as the client’s “Account.” To clarify, if the client has more than one account with PWAMI for which an investment advisory fee is charged, then the fees computed, including fees charged on new assets and refunds given on withdrawn assets will be based on the combined value of all of the client’s accounts. Accordingly, the group of accounts, for which the advisory agreement is made and the fee is calculated, are referred to as the “Account.” There is no minimum account balance for new advisory or existing clients. Each advisory agreement is entered into at the volition of each party and able to be terminated by either party (see the Termination of Agreement section below). In terms of the Firm’s advisory fee schedule, current client relationships may exist where the fees are higher or lower than the fee schedule below due to a negotiated rate. Please note that advisory fees are NEGOTIABLE. a) The current PWAMI investment advisory fee for asset allocation advisory services is computed as follows:  0.25% of assets per quarter (approximately 1.00% per annum) on assets up to and including $5 million;  0.1875% of assets per quarter (approximately 0.75% per annum) on assets over $5 million and up to and including $10 million;  0.15% of assets per quarter (approximately 0.60% per annum) on assets over $10 million and up to and including $15 million; and  0.1375% of assets per quarter (approximately 0.55% per annum) on assets over $15 million and up to and including $20 million  Fees on assets over $20 million are negotiable. The investment advisory fee for asset allocation advisory services is payable in advance, at the inception of the Investment Advisory Agreement and on the first day of each subsequent calendar quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). March 30, 2024 - 5 - For Traditional and Marketable Alternative Assets The investment advisory fee for each calendar quarter is based on the market value of the client Account, as determined by PWAMI in good faith, including cash, as of the preceding business day (the end of the preceding calendar quarter). The fee for the initial quarter shall be based on the market value of the initial and any subsequent investments in the initial quarter and shall be prorated for any applicable period of less than a full calendar quarter from the commencement of the Investment Advisory Agreement. For Private Equity and other Non-Marketable Alternative Assets The investment advisory fee for the period from the date of the initial capital commitment to the end of the commitment period (as defined by the applicable documents of the specific fund in which the Client is investing) are based on the advisory client’s total capital commitment. The investment advisory fee shall be payable to PWAMI in quarterly installments in advance of each January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, and shall be prorated for any applicable period of less than a full calendar quarter. From the end of the commitment period (as defined in the applicable documents of the fund in which the Client is investing) until the dissolution of the investment vehicle, the investment advisory fee shall be based on the client’s actively invested capital contribution. b) The current PWAMI investment advisory fee for separate account services is computed as follows:  0.1875% of assets per quarter (approximately .75% per annum) on assets up to and including $5 million;  0.125% of assets per quarter (approximately 0.50% per annum) on assets over $5 million and up to and including $10 million;  Fees on assets over $10 million are negotiable. The investment advisory fee for separate account management is payable in arrears (after the end of each calendar quarter) based on the market value of the Assets managed by the Adviser, as of the close of business on the last business day of each calendar quarter that the New York Stock Exchange is open. Asset Management As described above, the PW Portfolio is managed by PWAMI. The PW Portfolio is a proprietary private fund-of-funds employing a multi-manager strategy diversified across several uncorrelated investment styles and asset classes designed for U.S. taxable investors. The PW Nordic Tech Fund is a private fund managed by PWAMI. The Fund offers well qualified investors the opportunity to invest in the Class H Shares of TIN Fonder, an equity fund focused on Nordic technology companies whose products and/or March 30, 2024 - 6 - services are characterized by a high degree of technological content and companies whose business is characterized by a high degree of research and development. The Funds are open to investors that meet each Fund’s respective suitability requirements. Each Fund can only be sold by means of its specific Offering Memorandum and Subscription Documents provided to suitable high net worth investors. To find out more about each Fund, its suitability requirements, fees, expenses, risks, and other relevant information before investing, please contact PWAMI by telephone at: 212-223-2020; or, by email at:, to request the complete offering documentation. Consider the information carefully and invest wisely. Termination of Agreement PWAMI’s Investment Advisory Agreements can be terminated by either the client or the Firm, upon written notice of termination from either party to the other, or as otherwise agreed between the client and PWAMI. If termination occurs other than at the end of a quarter, PWAMI will be entitled to its investment advisory fee for the portion of the quarter elapsed prior to termination, pro-rated based on the actual number of calendar days in that specific calendar quarter and the actual number of calendar days elapsed in that calendar quarter. Termination of an investment in a Fund must be accomplished in compliance with the terms and conditions set out in the Fund’s Offering Memorandum and Subscription Documentation.