{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company

Number of Employees:

24 -7.69%

of those in investment advisory functions:

10 11.11%


SEC, Approved, 11/25/1992


781,979,239 -29.37%

of that, discretionary:

736,174,420 1584.26%

Private Fund GAV:

0 -100.00%

Avg Account Size:

529,079 -20.53%

% High Net Worth:

51.32% 90.40%



Private Funds:

0 13

Contact Info

858 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 912M 760M 608M 456M 304M 152M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Recent News

FX Names Shola Ajewole SVP Creative & Cultural Diversity

Story continues A lawyer by trade, Ajewole began his career in 2002 at the Weil, Gotshal and Manges law firm in New York as IP/Media Practice Group Associate, leaving for Comcast Entertainment Group as Counsel of Business Affairs in 2007. In 2009 he joined ...

Yahoo Finance

FX Names Shola Ajewole SVP Creative & Cultural Diversity

Story continues A lawyer by trade, Ajewole began his career in 2002 at the Weil, Gotshal and Manges law firm in New York as IP/Media Practice Group Associate, leaving for Comcast Entertainment ...

FX Names Shola Ajewole SVP Creative & Cultural Diversity

Story continues A lawyer by trade, Ajewole began his career in 2002 at the Weil, Gotshal and Manges law firm in New York as IP/Media Practice Group Associate, leaving for Comcast Entertainment Group as Counsel of Business Affairs in 2007. In 2009 he joined ...

Yahoo Finance

Private Funds


Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
037833100 APPLE INC $21,016,440 8.00% 22.00% -1.00%
74460D109 PUBLIC STORAGE OPER CO $18,016,095 7.00% -1.00% 0.00%
09661T834 BNY MELLON ETF TRUST $13,756,206 5.00% 19.00% 20.00%
092528876 BLACKROCK ETF TRUST II $9,717,296 4.00% 803.00% 812.00%
464287663 ISHARES TR $11,725,324 4.00% 420.00% 434.00%
78462F103 SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR $10,150,301 4.00% 3.00% -1.00%
084670702 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL $9,028,693 3.00% -8.00% -5.00%
02079K305 ALPHABET INC $5,460,857 2.00% 17.00% -3.00%
441593100 HOULIHAN LOKEY INC $5,337,395 2.00% 21.00% 15.00%
45409F777 INDEXIQ ACTIVE ETF TR $5,366,757 2.00% 7.00% 8.00%

Brochure Summary


The Weil Company dba Christopher Weil & Company, Inc. (WEIL) is a SEC-registered investment adviser with its principal place of business located in San Diego, California. WEIL began conducting business in 1989. The firm's principal shareholders (i.e., those individuals and/or entities controlling 25% or more of this company) are: Matthew Weil, Kit-Victoria Wells and Caitlin Weil. Christopher Weil & Company, Inc. offers the following advisory services to our clients: Financial Advisory Services Our firm provides continuous advice to clients regarding the investment of client funds based on the individual needs of the client. This service (Advisory) can be provided on a standalone basis or in conjunction with our investment management services (Investment Management) for an additional fee. We manage advisory accounts on a discretionary basis. Through personal discussions in which goals and objectives, based on a client's particular circumstances are established, we manage a portfolio based on that information. Account supervision is guided by the client's stated objectives (i.e., maximized capital appreciation, growth, income, or growth and income), as well as tax and other personalized considerations and is generally memorialized by a personal investment policy statement (IPS) During our data-gathering process, we determine the client’s individual objectives, time horizons, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs. As appropriate, we also review and discuss a client's prior investment history, as well as family composition and background. We continue to monitor client circumstances by having discussions with the client at least annually and by making adjustments as needed based on objectives and goals. There is a minimum fee for Advisory (noted in the next section.) Investment Management Services We provide continuous investment management services to clients using portfolio strategies that are designed to meet a client’s particular investment goals. We exercise discretion in client accounts to make the necessary purchases and sales to keep portfolios in line with those goals. We do not require clients to maintain certain minimum size accounts with us, but we do charge minimum fees to clients for Investment Management (noted in the next section.) Our Portfolios include globally diversified, concentrated, ESG, as well as opportunistic strategies utilizing hedging, non-correlated and sector based portfolios. For high-value investment accounts, we may also use individual stock and bond portfolios. Our investment recommendations are not limited to any specific product or service offered by a broker-dealer or insurance company. Consistent with Client’s IPS, investments may be made in securities of any kind, including, but not limited to open-end and closed-end mutual fund shares (including a mutual fund managed by WEIL), exchange traded funds, common and preferred stocks, options contracts on securities, commercial paper, warrants, rights, corporate, municipal and/or government bonds, notes or bills ("Securities"). Additionally, investments may be made in Securities that are long or short (hedge funds), use leveraged strategies (typically financial derivatives and debt to amplify returns), are illiquid or have restricted purchase and/or sale windows (interval/tender funds, and interests in Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies), as well as Securities traded over-the- counter, variable life insurance, variable annuities, municipal securities, and/or foreign issues. All or a portion of Account(s) may be held in cash or cash equivalents, including Securities issued by money market mutual funds and/or Certificates of Deposit. Our services provide clients with the ability to custody assets with qualified custodians, manage cash and receive general financial advice from WEIL all in one convenient relationship and on a limited basis to self- direct trades for high-value investment accounts.
• cash management, on a discretionary basis, of all cash and cash equivalents in the account (including Treasury instruments, certificates of deposit, money market funds and cash balances);
• consolidated quarterly performance reporting of account assets;
• prime brokerage services;
• referrals for targeted client needs to specialized service-providers (such as CPAs, attorneys, estate planners, trust services providers, family office services and accountant/ bookkeepers);
• proxy voting services for assets held in the account;
• class action lawsuit-filing and coordination on client’s behalf;
• on-line account access; and
• automated processing of periodic distributions. Because some types of investments involve certain additional degrees of risk, they will only be recommended and/or implemented when consistent with the client's stated investment objectives, tolerance for risk, liquidity and suitability. Through personal discussions with the client in which the client's goals and objectives are established, we determine if the portfolio strategy is suitable to the client's circumstances. Once we determine the suitability of the portfolio for the Client, the portfolio is managed based on the portfolio's goal, rather than on each Client's individual needs. Clients retain individual ownership of all securities. To ensure that our initial determination of an appropriate portfolio remains suitable and that the account continues to be managed in a manner consistent with the Client's financial circumstances, we will:
• at least annually (but generally more often), contact each participating client to determine whether there have been any changes in the Client's financial situation or investment objectives, and whether the Client wishes to impose investment restrictions or modify existing restrictions;
• be reasonably available to consult with the Client; and
• maintain client suitability information for each Client. Mutual Fund Portfolio Management Our firm provides discretionary portfolio management services to one mutual fund registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 using a strategy driven asset allocation portfolio. WEIL provides this service to Christopher Weil & Company Core Investment Fund (CWCFX) WEIL serves as the investment manager to CWCFX, and continuously manages the fund assets based on the investment goals and objectives as outlined in the Mutual Fund's prospectus. Interested investors should refer to the CWCFX’s prospectus and Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") for important information regarding objectives, investments, time-horizon, risks, fees, and additional disclosures. These documents are available on-line at Prior to making any investment in the CWCFX, investors and prospective investors should carefully review these documents for a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions applicable for investment in CWCFX. Financial Planning Our firm provides financial planning services. Financial planning is a comprehensive evaluation of a client’s current
and future financial state by using currently known variables to predict future cash flows, asset values and withdrawal plans. Through the financial planning process, all questions, information and analysis are considered as they impact and are impacted by the entire financial and life situation of the Client. Clients purchasing this service receive a written report which provides the Client with a detailed financial plan designed to assist the Client in achieving his or her financial goals and objectives. In general, the financial plan can address any or all of the following areas: Personal We review family records, budgeting, personal liability, estate information and financial goals.
 Tax and Cash Flow We analyze the Client’s income tax and spending and planning for past, current and future years; then illustrate the impact of various investments on the Client's current income tax and future tax liability.
 Investments We analyze investment alternatives and their effect on the Client's portfolio.
 Insurance We review existing policies to ensure proper coverage for life, health, disability, long-term care, and general liability. Retirement We analyze current strategies and investment plans to help the Client achieve his or her retirement goals. Death and Disability We review the Client’s cash needs at death, income needs of surviving dependents, estate planning and disability income. Estate We assist the Client in assessing and developing long-term strategies, including as appropriate, living trusts, wills, and other asset protection plans. We review estate tax matters, powers of attorney, asset protection plans, nursing homes, Medicaid and elder law matters. We gather required information through in-depth personal interviews. Information gathered includes the Client's current financial status, tax status, future goals, returns objectives and attitudes towards risk. We carefully review documents supplied by the Client, including a questionnaire completed by or with the Client, and prepare a written report. Should the Client choose to implement the recommendations contained in the plan, we suggest the Client work closely with his/her attorney, accountant, insurance agent, and/or other professionals. Implementation of financial plan recommendations is entirely at the Client's discretion. We also provide general non-securities advice on topics that may include budgetary planning, estate planning and business planning. Financial Planning recommendations are not limited to any specific product or service offered by a broker- dealer or insurance company. All recommendations are of a generic nature.
 Estate Transition Services We offer preparation and transition services pertaining to Client’s entire financial life. We gather information, and where appropriate copies of documentation, as to a Clients assets, liabilities, cash flow, all forms of insurance, estate plan, monthly expenses, heirs, family members, trusted contacts, trusted vendors, and other miscellaneous information. We may also include discussing with a Client their wishes and intentions as to our involvement in the transitioning of their estate when such time arrives. This information is stored in systems that manage and maintain data. Clients are offered at least one meeting a year to review and update the gathered information. With this information in place we provide advice and assistance to successor trustee(s), executor(s), other key vendors, family, and/or heirs, as instructed by the Client. These services can include us working with Client’s successor trustee or executor to ensure that assets are retitled and/or transferred in accordance with the provisions of Client’s trust and/or will. We work with Client’s successor trustee or executor in transitioning assets of Client’s estate, regardless of where they are custodied. This could include but may not be limited to private investments, accounts held through employers, investments held on mutual fund platforms, residential real estate, commercial real estate, rental properties, business ownership, and other personal property. The fee for this service begins at the estate trigger event which may be, but is not limited to, incapacity, disability, or death. Pension Consulting Services We also provide several pension consulting services separately or in combination. While the primary Clients for these services will be pension, profit sharing and 401(k) plans, we offer these services, where appropriate, to individuals and trusts, estates and charitable organizations. Pension Consulting Services are comprised of four distinct services. Clients may choose to use any or all of these services. Investment Policy Statement Preparation (IPS) We will meet with the client (in person or over the telephone) to determine an appropriate investment strategy that reflects the plan sponsor's stated investment objectives for management of the overall plan. Our firm then prepares a written IPS detailing those needs and goals, including an encompassing policy under which these goals are to be achieved. The IPS also lists the criteria for selection of investment vehicles as well as the procedures and timing interval for monitoring of investment performance. Selection of Investment Vehicles We assist plan sponsors in constructing appropriate asset allocation models. We will then review various mutual funds (both index and managed) to determine which investments are appropriate to implement the Client's IPS. The number of investments to be recommended will be determined by the Client, based on the IPS. Monitoring of Investment Performance We monitor client investments continually, based on the procedures and timing intervals delineated in the Investment Policy Statement. Although our firm is not involved in any way in the purchase or sale of these investments, we supervise the Client's portfolio and will make recommendations to the Client as market factors and the Client's needs dictate. Employee Communications For pension, profit sharing and 401(k) plan Clients with individual plan participants exercising control over assets in their own account (''self-directed plans''), we may also provide quarterly educational support and investment workshops designed for the plan participants. The nature of the topics to be covered will be determined by us and the Client under the guidelines established in ERISA Section 404(c). The educational support and investment workshops will NOT provide plan participants with individualized, tailored investment advice or individualized, tailored asset allocation recommendations. Wrap Fee Programs Our firm does not sponsor any Wrap Fee Programs. 
 Amount of Managed Assets As of 11/30/2023 we actively managed approximately $736,174,420 in discretionary assets under management in the Advisory, Investment Management Services, and/or Proprietary Mutual Fund programs. Additionally we managed approximately $45,804,820 on a non-discretionary basis.