other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 03/26/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 11 -8.33%
of those in investment advisory functions 7
Registration SEC, Approved, 09/16/1988
AUM* 850,250,251 -3.35%
of that, discretionary 833,471,190 -4.79%
Private Fund GAV* 3,576,183
Avg Account Size 3,160,782 4.92%
% High Net Worth 31.60% -13.77%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 1
Contact Info 847 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Individuals (other than high net worth individuals)
- High net worth individuals
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- Other investment advisers

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses
- Selection of other advisers

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Hourly charges
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

1B 925M 771M 617M 463M 308M 154M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count1 GAV$3,576,183

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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck TickerM22465104 Stock NameCHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECH LT $ Position$29,228,258 % Position8.00% $ Change-7.00% # Change-4.00%
Stck Ticker670100205 Stock NameNOVO-NORDISK A S $ Position$24,271,661 % Position7.00% $ Change-30.00% # Change-4.00%
Stck Ticker66987V109 Stock NameNOVARTIS AG $ Position$22,097,447 % Position6.00% $ Change-18.00% # Change-3.00%
Stck Ticker037833100 Stock NameAPPLE INC $ Position$22,392,042 % Position6.00% $ Change-4.00% # Change-11.00%
Stck Ticker046353108 Stock NameASTRAZENECA PLC $ Position$20,574,864 % Position6.00% $ Change-9.00% # Change9.00%
Stck TickerH01301128 Stock NameALCON AG $ Position$22,645,766 % Position6.00% $ Change-15.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker835699307 Stock NameSONY GROUP CORP $ Position$22,675,585 % Position6.00% $ Change10.00% # Change400.00%
Stck Ticker892331307 Stock NameTOYOTA MOTOR CORP $ Position$23,480,475 % Position6.00% $ Change9.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker57636Q104 Stock NameMASTERCARD INCORPORATED $ Position$18,251,443 % Position5.00% $ Change-6.00% # Change-12.00%
Stck Ticker02079K305 Stock NameALPHABET INC $ Position$13,235,099 % Position4.00% $ Change-1.00% # Change-14.00%

Brochure Summary