{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

62 1.64%

of those in investment advisory functions:

20 17.65%


SEC, Approved, 9/22/1986


14,516,648,717 6.94%

of that, discretionary:

14,016,711,037 5.93%

Private Fund GAV:

6,733,329,664 79.60%

Avg Account Size:

250,287,047 1.41%



Private Funds:

38 8

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

14B 12B 10B 8B 6B 4B 2B
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 38 $6,733,329,664

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Founded in 1986, Abbott is an independently owned and managed investment firm focused exclusively on the investment, management, and administration of private equity assets. Abbott focuses exclusively on private equity by making investments for both commingled funds sponsored by Abbott (the “Abbott Funds”) and separate account clients ("SMA Clients") in professionally managed venture capital, growth equity, buyout, and special situations funds and other private equity investments. Abbott is based in New York with a subsidiary, Abbott Capital (Europe), Ltd (“Abbott Europe”), based in London. Abbott strives to construct high-conviction portfolios for our clients by making investments in private equity funds (“Underlying Portfolio Funds”) and other private equity investments and building portfolios where investments are highly complementary to each other and tailored to the diversification needs and objectives of our clients. Abbott will typically seek to commit to managers (“Fund Managers”) focused on different regions, sectors, industries and vintage years. From inception through December 31, 2023, Abbott has committed over $26 billion to more than 750 private equity investments on behalf of our clients. Abbott provides investment management services to institutional and high net worth clients through the “Abbott Funds” as well as through separately managed accounts (which can include third party sponsored commingled funds or single investor funds). Abbott invests across various sectors of the private equity universe focusing on investments via primary commitments to Underlying Portfolio Funds and purchases of new or existing private equity investments as part of a secondary or co-investment transaction. As of September 30, 2023, Abbott managed regulatory assets under management of approximately $13.7 billion on a discretionary basis and $475.1 million on a non-discretionary basis. In addition to the provision of full investment advisory and management services, at times Abbott may be engaged by a client (“Administrative Client”) to provide non‐continuous, non‐discretionary services incorporating only a subset of Abbott’s service capabilities or limited services in connection with an individualized mandate or need. The Abbott Funds Abbott Funds are Abbott sponsored commingled funds typically organized as U.S. limited partnerships. Abbott serves as investment manager to these funds; an Abbott affiliate is the General Partner. Each Abbott Fund invests in a variety of Underlying Portfolio Funds and other private equity investments. Abbott tailors its advisory services for each Abbott Fund according to the specific investment
focus, guidelines and restrictions stated in the relevant Abbott Fund’s Governing Documents.  Abbott Annual Program Funds The Abbott Annual Program Funds (the “AP Funds”) are Abbott’s core, diversified commingled funds, and organized annually. The AP Funds seek to build private equity portfolios with a high degree of diversification by strategy, industry, geography, as well as by vintage year, and style. The AP Funds offer each investor (the “Abbott Fund Investors”) the flexibility to select either a predetermined allocation (determined by Abbott) or a customized allocation to certain private equity and venture capital strategies (ranging from 0-100%), enabling investors to create portfolios tailored to specific investment objectives. In addition, regardless of an investor’s individual strategy allocation, the AP Funds seek to commit a portion of their capital to opportunistic investments, which may include secondary market transactions, co-investments and other tactical investments. Abbott Capital Management, LLC 5  Abbott Secondary Opportunities Abbott made its first secondary purchase in 1987 and has made many secondary purchases over its 35‐year history. In 2016, Abbott formed its first dedicated commingled secondaries fund, Abbott Secondary Opportunities, L.P., then Abbott formed its second dedicated commingled secondaries fund, Abbott Secondary Opportunities II, L.P., in 2019 and in 2023, Abbott formed its third dedicated commingled secondaries fund, Abbott Secondary Opportunities III, L.P.  Abbott Co-Investment Opportunities Abbott made its first co-investment in 1997 and has made many co-investment transactions over its 35‐year history. In 2022, Abbott formed its first dedicated commingled co-investment fund, Abbott Select Co-Investment Fund, L.P. Each Abbott Fund’s strategy and focus is set forth in its Offering Documents. Separately Managed Accounts Abbott has managed separate accounts for clients since 1987. Abbott has the ability to build fully customizable separately managed accounts, which can be structured as a traditional separate account or as a fund-of one, depending on the client’s preferences. For separately managed accounts, Abbott generally works with the client to design portfolio construction guidelines including investment objectives, constraints, and preferences, as well as monitoring and reporting obligations. Abbott does not participate in wrap fee programs. Refer to Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss for further discussion on Abbott’s investment process. Abbott Capital Management, LLC 6